We would like to clarify that OLDTOWN White Coffee does not serve pork in any outlets throughout Malaysia. We earned the Halal certification from the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) and have been working very closely with the department in ensuring that all our equipment, ingredients, suppliers, and cleaning procedures continue to meet the Halal requirements by JAKIM.
What our staff had meant to type was Tau Fu Pok which is fried bean curd, a soy based ingredient found in curry mee as there is no item in our menu called Taufu Pork whatsoever. We are working towards contacting the user who had originally posted this to find out the exact location of the outlet. We will then work towards rectifying our system and educating our staff to ensure that this does not repeat itself.
At OLDTOWN White Coffee, our priority has always been and will continue to be the quality of our products and the service we provide to our customers. The Halal certification is a very thorough and rigorous process. In order to maintain this certification all equipment, ingredients, suppliers and cleaning procedures must meet the Halal requirements by JAKIM. We would like to reiterate that we have met all those requirements in all OLDTOWN White Coffee outlets in Malaysia. On that note, our central kitchens continue to meet JAKIM’s Halal requirements.
Hope this clarifies your questions and if you have any feedback, kindly share it with us here:https://www.facebook.com/OldTownWhiteCoffeeMalaysia/app_368412286626636