Pioneer | New International Franchisor |
30% |
New Country |
30% |
Normal | Country 1 |
30% |
Country 2 |
20% |
Country 3 |
15% |
Country 4 |
10% |
Country 5 |
7% |
1.Pioneer New International Franchisor – Franchisor who had just penetrated its first international country (i.e. Arjuna Village enters Australia)
2.Pioneer New Country – Franchisor who had just penetrated new country. (i.e Global Arts enters Poland)
3.For Bumiputra franchisor and Master Franchisee, an additional of 10% will be given for FAR and up to two countries only.
4.For Franchise Agreement Reimbursement (FAR), this incentive only covers amount up to RM150,000 or whichever is lower.
5.A deduction of 5% will be given for registration made on 2012.
6.List of new country can be found in MFA’s website, under FRANEX section.