Message From Advisor
Malaysian Franchise Association
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh and salamsejahtera.
Alhamdulillah, thank you for the opportunity given to me to say few words in this July Edition of our Franchise Mind. About 23 years ago, the Malaysian Franchise Association (MFA), was born. Starting off and then, MFA has been established and moving forward in becoming the only franchise association in Malaysia today. With only 44 sponsors back then, MFA now has nearly 300 active members, comprising franchisors, master franchisors, franchisees, would be franchisors, would be franchisees, franchise consultants, financial institutions, law firms, and academicians.
Despite these figures, MFA has major roles and responsibilities to play in the Malaysian franchise landscape. Highlighting the key objectives and roles of MFA is to consolidate the efforts of its members to protect their interests. This is one of the main essence of the MFA struggle over the years. We are in the association, always ensuring that the interest of the members are well-maintained and served.
Are we (MFA) now on track, to support the vision and mission of the Malaysian Franchise Industry? I leave this pertinent question for all of us. Despite all the efforts and supports from the members, the industry essentially was never deserted by hurdles and challenges. These include, in terms of national and international relations, relations between ministries, agencies, and other NGOs, financial challenges, and the need to emphasize are on mutual relationship between MFA members. These challenges need to be addressed with planning, strategy and support from the Main Committee Members, MFA Secretariat to the members as a whole.
Lastly, I congratulate the new lineup of MFA’s Main Committee Members for 2017/2019 and wishing them all the best, in asserting and carrying out their duties and responsibilities well. Please, continue to contribute and support the new Chairman in executing every agenda and direction set forth.
To the newly elected Chairman and Main Committee Members, may I say:–
“Build your resilience to serve”
With this opportunity, I would like to thank all members of MFA, the Main Committee Members, MFA’s Secretariat and all parties involved for all the supports and assistance given to me during my tenure as MFA’s Chairman for 2015/2017.
Together we pray that our efforts to grow the franchise industry in Malaysia will be a success.
Thank you.
Datuk Wira Mohd Latip Sarrugi