Location and target market are primary factors behind the success or failure of any business. Some can thrive only in particular regions, while others experience growth opportunities all across the country.
The fitness industry belongs to the latter category. So, if you are thinking of starting your own business, it might be an opportune time to invest in a gym franchise.
Emerging from pandemic-induced lockdowns, the fitness industry is at a stage where it is growing rapidly as health- and fitness-conscious individuals scout for a safe and sanitary environment to work out in.Sun00:00PreviousPauseNext00:01 / 03:00UnmuteFullscreenCopy video urlPlay / PauseMute / UnmuteReport a problemLanguageMox PlayerHere are four reasons why investing in a gym franchise can be profitable in Malaysia.
1. Year-round
For fitness enthusiasts, daily or regular workouts are an important aspect of their lifestyle, and daily schedules tend to be planned around workout sessions. Hence, there are no off-seasons for gym operations in Malaysia.
2. Effective marketing strategies
A franchise model can depend on an existing and reputable brand image to boost sales and attain greater reach, as well as promote loyalty among customers.
Alternatively, you could be instrumental in creating and marketing a new brand to reach potential clients all across the country.
3. Potential for further growth
Even as the fitness industry grows rapidly, there is still scope for it to accommodate more members by reaching out to those who do not go to a gym.
4. Easy business model
Running a fitness centre does not require an elaborate business model or many staff. Gyms that are open round-the-clock can manage operations with just two to three employees.
By having the proper infrastructure and quality trainers, you can make your business successful. Just make sure you comply with the necessary Covid-19 protocols.
Source: Free Malaysia Today
Full Article: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/leisure/health/2022/02/04/4-reasons-to-invest-in-a-gym-franchise/