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By: F. Makas, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Medical Instructor, Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

Bile salts act as detergents erectile dysfunction drugs levitra order cheap super cialis, binding to the globules of dietary fat vated by stomach acid and functions in the as they are broken up by the peristaltic action of the intestinal muscle impotence pregnancy purchase genuine super cialis on line. Action of Pancreatic Lipase HO CH3 The major enzyme that digests dietary triacylglycerols is a lipase produced in the pancreas male erectile dysfunction age purchase super cialis visa. Pancreatic lipase is secreted along with another protein, colipase, along CH3 with bicarbonate, which neutralizes the acid that enters the intestine with partially digested food from the stomach. Bicarbonate raises the pH of the contents of the intestinal lumen into a range (pH ~ 6) that is optimal for the action of all of the HO OH digestive enzymes of the intestine. Bicarbonate secretion from the pancreas is stim- Cholate ulated by the hormone secretin, which is released from the intestine when acid enters the duodenum. The bile salts are derived from cholesterol and retain the cholesterol ring structure. They differ from In patients such as Will Sichel who have severe and recurrent episodes of cholesterol in that the rings in bile salts contain increased red blood cell destruction (hemolytic anemia), greater than normal more hydroxyl groups and a polar side chain amounts of the red cell pigment heme must be processed by the liver and and lack a 5-6 double bond. In these organs, heme (derived from hemoglobin) is degraded to bilirubin, which is excreted by the liver in the bile. Al Martini’s serum levels of pancre- If large quantities of bilirubin are presented to the liver as a consequence of acute atic amylase (which digests dietary hemolysis, the capacity of the liver to conjugate it, that is, convert it to the water-soluble starch) and pancreatic lipase were bilirubin diglucuronide, can be overwhelmed. As a result, a greater percentage of the elevated, a finding consistent with a diagno- bilirubin entering the hepatic biliary ducts in patients with hemolysis is in the less water- sis of acute and possibly chronic pancreatitis. In the gallbladder, these relatively insoluble particles tend to precipitate The elevated levels of these enzymes in the as gallstones rich in calcium bilirubinate. In some patients, one or more stones may blood are the result of their escape from the leave the gallbladder through the cystic duct and enter the common bile duct. Most pass inflamed exocrine cells of the pancreas into harmlessly into the small intestine and are later excreted in the stool. The cause however, may become entrapped in the lumen of the common bile duct, where they of this inflammatory pancreatic process in cause varying degrees of obstruction to bile flow (cholestasis) with associated ductal this case was related to the toxic effect spasm, producing pain. If adequate amounts of bile salts do not enter the intestinal of acute and chronic excessive alcohol lumen, dietary fats cannot readily be emulsified and digested. Fatty FA Micelle acids (FA) are cleaved from positions 1 and 3 2–MG Nascent chylomicrons of the triacylglycerol, and a monoacylglycerol bs bs apoB Phospho- with a fatty acid at position 2 is produced. Digestion of triacylglycerols in the intestinal lumen. TG triacylglycerol; bs bile salts; FA fatty acid; 2-MG 2-monoacylglycerol. Bile salts inhibit pancreatic lipase activity by coating the substrate and not allowing the enzyme access to The colipase binds to the dietary fat and to the lipase, thereby increasing lipase the substrate. Pancreatic lipase hydrolyzes fatty acids of all chain lengths from positions salt inhibition, and allows the triglyceride to 1 and 3 of the glycerol moiety of the triacylglycerol, producing free fatty acids and enter the active site of the lipase. The pancreas also produces esterases that remove fatty acids from com- The exocrine pancreas secretes pounds (such as cholesterol esters) and phospholipase A2 that digests phospholipids phospholipase A2 in an inactive to a free fatty acid and a lysophospholipid (Fig. The enzyme is activated in the intestinal lumen by proteolytic cleavage by trypsin. ABSORPTION OF DIETARY LIPIDS Pancreatic lipase, however, is secreted in its The fatty acids and 2-monoacylglycerols produced by digestion are packaged into active form, and only needs to bind colipase micelles, tiny microdroplets emulsified by bile salts (see Fig. The micelles travel through a layer of water (the When he was finally able to toler- unstirred water layer) to the microvilli on the surface of the intestinal epithelial ate a full diet, Al Martini’s stools became bulky, glistening, yellow- cells, where the fatty acids, 2-monoacylglycerols, and other dietary lipids are brown, and foul smelling. They floated on absorbed, but the bile salts are left behind in the lumen of the gut. What caused The bile salts are extensively resorbed when they reach the ileum. R O HO Steatorrhea also may be caused by insuf- cholesterol Cholesterol ester esterase Cholesterol ficient production or secretion of bile salts. Therefore, Michael Sichel might also develop this condition. B O O O R – O H2 O C 1 2 H2 O C 1 R2 C O HO C H O phospholipase H2 O P X A2 H2 O P X O– O– Phospholipid Lysophospholipid Fig. Action of pancreatic esterases (A) and phospholipase A2 (B). They are absorbed directly into intestinal epithelial cells.

These advantages offer a means for high-volume screening of pharmacological agents for the treatment of PD (104 impotence nutrition order super cialis 80mg amex,105) best herbal erectile dysfunction pills order super cialis without a prescription. MODELS OF PD VARIANTS While the models discussed in the above sections provide insights into PD as well as related disorders such as multisystem atrophy (MSA) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) erectile dysfunction blogs purchase 80 mg super cialis amex, other models have been developed that share a greater similarity with these variants. Multisystem Atrophy and Striatonigral Degeneration Multisystem atrophy (MSA) is a variant of PD characterized by a combination of clinical symptoms involving cerebellar, extrapyramidal, Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. The predominant subtype of MSA is striatonigral degeneration (SND), a form of levodopa-unresponsive parkinsonism. Neuropathological changes of SND include degeneration of the nigros- triatal pathway, medium spiny striatal GABAergic projection pathways (putamen greater than caudate), as well as other regions of the brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord. Inclusion-like aggregates that immuno-stain for ubiquitin and a-synuclein are seen in oligodendrocytes and neurons. The basis for developing an animal model for SND emerged from established animal models for both parkinsonian (having SNpc pathology) and Huntington’s disease (HD) (having striatal pathology). For example, rodent models for SND have been generated through sequential stereotactic injections of 6-OHDA and quinolinic acid (QA) into the medial forebrain þ bundle and striatum, respectively, or striatal injections of MPP and 3- nitropropionic acid (3-NP)(106–108). These double-lesioning models are characterized morphologically by neuronal degeneration in the SNpc and ipsilateral striatum. The order of neurotoxic lesioning may influence the degree of nigral or striatal pathology. For example, animals receiving 6- OHDA prior to QA exhibit predominantly nigral pathology, while animals receiving QA prior to 6-OHDA show predominantly striatal pathology. This may be due to QA-induced terminal damage or other complex interactions after lesioning that reduce terminal uptake of 6-OHDA. Glial inclusions have not been reported in any of these models indicating a significant difference compared with the human condition. Motor deficits in models for MSA and SND are assessed by ipsilateral and contralateral motor tasks (including stepping response, impaired paw reaching, and balance) and drug-induced circling behavior. As described earlier, characteristic drug-induced circling behavior occurs after 6-OHDA lesioning resulting in ipsilateral rotation in response to amphetamine and contralateral rotation in response to apomorphine. The subsequent striatal lesioning with QA diminishes (or has no effect on) amphetamine-induced ipsilateral rotation and reduces (or abolishes) apomorphine-induced contralateral rotation. This observation may be mediated by dopamine release on the intact side (in response to amphetamine) and/or the loss of dopamine receptor activation on the lesioned side (in response to apomorphine). The lack of response to apomorphine has been shown to correlate with the volume of the striatal lesion and is analogous to the diminished efficacy of levodopa therapy observed in the majority of SND patients. A nonhuman primate (Macaca fasicularis) model of SND has been generated through the sequential systemic administration of MPTP and 3- NP (106,109). The parkinsonian features after MPTP lesioning are levodopa responsive, but subsequent administration of 3-NP worsens motor Copyright 2003 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. Levodopa occasionally induces facial dyskinesia as sometimes seen in human MSA. Similar to SND morphological changes include cell loss in the SNpc (typical of MPTP-lesioning) and severe circumscribed degeneration of striatal GABAergic projection neurons (typical of 3-NP lesioning). Despite the similarities with the human condition, the MSA model is characterized by an equal degree of lesioning in the putamen and caudate nucleus, while in human SND the putamen is more affected. In addition, inclusion bodies that may underlie the pathogenesis of SND have not been reported in the nonhuman primate model. The Tauopathies Including Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Other Tau-Related Disorders The low molecular weight microtubule-associated protein tau has been implicated in a number of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), Pick’s disease, frontotem- poral dementia with parkinsonism (FTDP), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/parkinsonism-dementia complex (ALS/PDC) of Guam. Together these neurodegenerative diseases comprise what is referred to as tauopa- thies, since they share common neuropathological features including abnormal hyperphosphorylation and filamentous accumulation of aggre- gated tau proteins. Reports in the literature have implicated either alternative RNA splicing (generating different isoforms) or missense mutations as mechanisms underlying many of the tauopathies. Therefore, transgenic mice have been generated that overexpress specific splice variants or missense mutations of tau (110). One such transgenic line has been developed to overexpress the shortest human tau isoform (111).

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The synthesis of glyco- gen and triglycerides is also reduced when IV erectile dysfunction doctor prescription purchase super cialis line. MECHANISMS OF HORMONE ACTION glucagon levels rise in the blood erectile dysfunction ed treatment buy cheap super cialis 80mg on-line. For a hormone to affect the flux of substrates through a metabolic pathway impotence treatment vacuum devices best order super cialis, it must In fasting subjects, the average be able to change the rate at which that pathway proceeds by increasing or decreas- level of immunoreactive glucagon ing the rate of the slowest step(s). Either directly or indirectly, hormones affect the in the blood is 75 pg/mL and does not vary as much as insulin during the daily fasting–feeding cycle. However, only 30 to 40% of the measured immunoreactive glucagon is mature pancreatic glucagon. High The rest is composed of larger immunoreac- protein tive fragments also produced in the pan- meal creas or in the intestinal L cells. Despite the presence of hyperglycemia, Insulin 10 glucagon levels in such patients initially 200 remain elevated (near fasting levels) either 180 Glucagon because of the absence of insulin’s suppres- 160 sive effect or because of the resistance of the cells to insulin’s suppressive effect even in 140 the face of adequate insulin levels in type 2 120 patients. Thus, these patients have inappro- priately high glucagon levels, leading to the 100 –60 0 60 120 180 240 suggestion that diabetes mellitus is actually a “bi-hormonal” disorder. Release of insulin and glucagon in response to a high-protein meal. This figure shows the increase in the release of insulin and glucagon into the blood after an overnight fast followed by the ingestion of 100 g protein (equivalent to a slice of roast beef). Insulin levels do not increase nearly as much as they do after a high-carbohydrate meal (see Fig. The levels of glucagon, however, significantly increase above those present in the fasting state. CHAPTER 26 / BASIC CONCEPTS IN THE REGULATION OF FUEL METABOLISM BY INSULIN, GLUCAGON, AND OTHER HORMONES 487 activity of specific enzymes or transport proteins that regulate the flux through a pathway. Thus, ultimately, the hormone must either cause the amount of the sub- strate for the enzyme to increase (if substrate supply is a rate-limiting factor), change the conformation at the active site by phosphorylating the enzyme, change the concentration of an allosteric effector of the enzyme, or change the amount of the protein by inducing or repressing its synthesis or by changing its turnover rate or location. Insulin, glucagon, and other hormones use all of these regulatory mech- anisms to regulate the rate of flux in metabolic pathways. The effects mediated by During the “stress” of hypo- phosphorylation or changes in the kinetic properties of an enzyme occur rapidly, glycemia, the autonomic nervous within minutes. In contrast, it may take hours for induction or repression of enzyme system stimulates the pancreas to synthesis to change the amount of an enzyme in the cell. The The details of hormone action were previously described in Chapter 11 and are increased activity of the adrenergic nervous only summarized here. Signal Transduction by Hormones That Bind to ence of increasingly severe hypoglycemia. Plasma Membrane Receptors Hopefully, this will induce the patient to ingest simple sugars or other carbohydrates, Hormones initiate their actions on target cells by binding to specific receptors or which, in turn, will also increase glucose lev- binding proteins. In the case of polypeptide hormones (such as insulin and els in the blood. Bea Selmass gained 8 lb glucagon), and catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine), the action of the before resection of her pancreatic insulin- hormone is mediated through binding to a specific receptor on the plasma mem- secreting adenoma through this mechanism. The first message of the hormone is transmitted to intracellular enzymes by the activated receptor and an intracellular second mes- senger; the hormone does not need to enter the cell to exert its effects. The three basic types of signal transduction for hormones binding to receptors on the plasma membrane are (a) receptor coupling to adenylate cyclase which produces cAMP, (b) receptor kinase activity, and (c) receptor coupling to hydrolysis of phos- phatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2). The hormones of metabolic homeostasis each use one of these mechanisms to carry out their physiologic effect. In addition, some hormones and neurotransmitters act through receptor coupling to gated ion channels (previously described in Chapter 11). SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION BY INSULIN Insulin initiates its action by binding to a receptor on the plasma membrane of insulin’s many target cells (see Fig. The insulin receptor has two types of sub- units, the -subunits to which insulin binds, and the -subunits, which span the mem- brane and protrude into the cytosol. The cytosolic portion of the -subunit has tyro- sine kinase activity.

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