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By: K. Malir, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine

B19 is resistant to inactivation by various methods asthmatic bronchitis over the counter medicine order salmeterol with amex, including heating to 80°C (176°F) for 72 hours asthma treatment aafp buy salmeterol 25mcg visa. Incubation period—Variable; 4–20 days to development of rash or symptoms of aplastic crisis asthma treatment in the 70s purchase generic salmeterol pills. Period of communicability—In people with rash illness alone, greatest before onset of rash and probably not communicable thereafter. People with aplastic crisis are infectious up to 1 week after onset of symptoms, immunosuppressed people with chronic infection and severe anaemia for months to years. Susceptibility—Universal susceptibility in persons with blood group P antigen, the receptor for B19 erythroid cells; protection appears to be conferred with development of B19 antibodies. Attack rates among susceptibles can be high: 50% in household contacts, and 10%–60% in the day care or school setting over a 2–6 month outbreak period. Preventive measures: 1) Since the disease is generally benign, prevention should focus on those most likely to develop complications (e. Pregnant women with sick children at home are advised to wash hands frequently and to avoid sharing eating utensils. Control of patient, contacts and the immediate environment: 1) Report to local health authority: Community-wide outbreaks, Class 4 (see Reporting). Cases of transient aplastic crisis in the hospital setting should be placed on droplet precautions. Although children with B19 infection are most infectious before onset of illness, it may be prudent to exclude them from school or day care attendance while fever is present. Epidemic measures: During outbreaks in school or day care settings, those with anaemia or immunodeficiencies and preg- nant women should be informed of the possible risk of acquiring and transmitting infection. Identification—Exanthema subitum is an acute, febrile rash illness of viral etiology, that occurs usually in children under 4 but is most common before 2. A maculopapular rash on the trunk and later on the remainder of the body ordinarily follows lysis of the fever, and the rash usually fades rapidly. The spectrum of clinical illness in children includes high fever without rash, inflamed tympanic membranes and, rarely, meningoencephalitis, recurrent seizures or fulminant hepatitis. In immunocompetent adults, a mononucleosis-like syndrome has been described, and in immunocompro- mised hosts, pneumonitis has been noted. Practical IgM tests are not available; an IgM response is usually not detectable until at least 5 days following the onset of symptoms. Infectious agent—Human herpesvirus-6 (subfamily, betaherpesvi- rus, genus Roseolovirus) is the most common cause of exanthema subitum. Seroprevalence in childbearing women ranges from 80%–100% in most of the world, although rates as low as 20% have been observed in Morocco and 49% in Malaysia. Onset of illness is usually 2–4 weeks after transplantation in susceptible transplant recipients. Fol- lowing acute infection, the virus may establish latency in lymph nodes, kidney, liver, salivary glands and in monocytes. The duration of potential communicability from these latent infections is unknown but may be lifelong. Infection rates in infants under 6 months are low but increase rapidly thereafter, which suggests that temporary protection is conferred by transplacentally acquired ma- ternal antibodies. Latent infection appears to be established in most persons but is of uncertain clinical significance, notably in persons who are immunosuppressed, among whom primary disease may be more severe and symptoms last longer. Report to local health authority: Official report not ordinarily justifiable, Class 5 (see Reporting). Isolation: In hospitals and institutions, patients suspected of having exanthema subitum should preferably be managed under contact isolation precautions. Sustained immu- nity against reinfection following primary infections appears to occur and there is potential for a vaccine. Investigation of contacts and source of infection: None, because of the high prevalence of asymptomatic shedders in the population. Identification—A disease of the liver caused by a large trematode that is a natural parasite of sheep, cattle and related animals worldwide. Flukes measuring up to about 3 cm live in the bile ducts; the young stages live in the liver parenchyma and cause tissue damage and enlargement of the liver.


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Tension is least at several days or weeks asthma definition 9 amendment buy cheap salmeterol 25 mcg, the torn ligamentous margins be- 40-50° of flexion asthma ketamine purchase salmeterol with a visa, and greatest at either 30° or 90° of come organized and better defined as thickened stumps flexion [92 asthmatic bronchitis treatment in homeopathy discount salmeterol 25 mcg with mastercard,93]. Quadriceps contraction pulls the tibia separated from each other by a variable distance. Axial forward and creates greatest stress on the anterior cruci- images are superb for confirming a normal ligament that ate ligament at 30° of knee flexion. Partial tear is unusual, but may major secondary restraint to anterior tibial translocation. A classic mechanism for ligament in- tear, same as for medial collateral tear, should lead auto- jury is the pivot shift, when valgus stress and axial load matically to a directed search for traumatic injury at the are combined with forceful twisting of the knee as the meniscocapsular junction. Lateral osseous injury is commonly associated with Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament is more com- anterior cruciate rupture [94]. The bone abnormalities mon than partial tear, since fiber failure usually occurs si- may not be evident on radiographs, but are easily recog- multaneously rather than sequentially. In this way, the an- nized as kissing contusions or minimally depressed frac- terior cruciate ligament is different from the tibial collat- tures involving the weight-bearing femoral condyle, and eral ligament, which tears sequentially from anterior to the posterior rim of tibial plateau. When one of adult, this extent of translocation is not considered possi- these stabilizing structures is disrupted, the other is jeop- ble without rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. At the moment of anterior cruciate rupture, for Valgus force and axial load often cause impaction injury example, residual energy causes the tibia to shift anteri- in the lateral osseous compartment, but the pattern of orly. The femoral condyle is a physical barrier that pre- bone marrow abnormality depends on whether the ante- vents the posterior thirds of the medial meniscus from rior cruciate ruptures or remains intact. Imaging of the Knee 35 Medial Unhappy Triad primary check against further external rotation. As the tibia continues to externally rotate and slide anteriorly in The majority of combination injuries occur when stress the medial compartment, all tension is transferred to the limits are exceeded in one of two extreme positions. In anterior cruciate ligament, which is snapped over the lat- flexion, full motion of the knee ranges from valgus-ex- eral femoral condyle. Within this to anterior translocation, so the entire tibia can shift for- range, the joint can be actively exercised without danger ward, pulled by the extensor mechanism and quadriceps of injury. Before the joint can reduce itself, continued valgus force acts on the knee that already is in extreme valgus force and axial load cause impaction across the valgus-external rotation, or when an additional varus lateral compartment, with fracture or contusion involving force acts on the knee that is in extreme varus-internal ro- the lateral femoral condyle and the posterior rim of tibial tation. Medial combined injuries are 10-20 times more fre- Patterns of Osseous Injury on Magnetic quent than lateral combined injuries. In the medial triad Resonance Images (O’Donaghue’s triad), excessive valgus stress in the ex- ternally rotated knee injures the tibial collateral ligament, Osseous injury is an expected finding following knee anterior cruciate ligament and medial meniscus (menis- trauma. Therefore, the medial triad is sometimes abnormalities and their patterns of bone-marrow edema an even unhappier medial tetrad. In the lateral triad, ex- provide additional clues about the traumatic mecha- cessive varus stress in the internally rotated knee injures nism [95]. Impaction is most closely associated with Biomechanical principles can be applied to more than depressed fracture or osseous contusion, although crush- just image interpretation. Due to the function of paired running for a touchdown, but getting tackled from the cruciate and collateral ligaments, compressive load on side as you plant your foot to sidestep your opponent; cir- one side of the knee occurs simultaneously with con- cling the goal in a lacrosse game, then turning quickly to- tralateral tensile stress. During anteromedial impaction of wards the net to split the defense while pushing forceful- the knee, for example, kissing contusions of the femoral ly but awkwardly off your foot; enjoying the scenery condyle and tibial plateau are associated with lateral col- along a ski trail, but catching your ski tip on a protruding lateral sprain or avulsion fracture of the fibular head [96]. Since impaction injury results from quence of traumatic events occurring in your knee. The frac- is valgus-external rotation with some flexion and abduc- ture line represents compacted trabecular bone or, in the tion. Valgus stress tightens the medial collateral ligament, subacute setting, intramedullary callus formation. Although fat- that first gives way depends on complex factors, such as suppressed T2-weighted images are more sensitive in the the degree of knee flexion and abduction. Excessive val- detection of marrow edema or hemorrhage, T1-weighted gus force may first tear the deep fibers of the medial col- images better demonstrate the fracture line. Trabecular lateral ligament, followed by the stronger superficial contusion, or microfracture, is diagnosed if no discrete fibers. As the medial compartment begins to distract, ax- fracture line is visible on T1-weighted images. At the same that is transmitted to cortical bone by the tendon, liga- time, traction on the posterior oblique ligament avulses ment or joint capsule.

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