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By: M. Thorek, M.A.S., M.D.

Associate Professor, California University of Science and Medicine

Effective clinical teachers use several distinct hair loss in men memes buy 0.5mg dutasteride free shipping, if overlapping hair loss in men39 s wearhouse generic dutasteride 0.5mg online, forms of knowledge hair loss in male cats order dutasteride 0.5mg overnight delivery. Knowledge about Learning learning and How students learn context teaching Understanding the learning process will help clinical teachers to be more effective. Several theories are relevant (see first Knowledge Case about based Knowledge article in the series, 25 January). All start with the premise that about the the "teaching learning is an active process (and, by inference, that the learners scripts" subject teacher’s role is to act as facilitator). Cognitive theories argue that learning involves processing information through interplay between existing knowledge and new knowledge. An important Knowledge about influencing factor is what the learner knows already. The quality the patient of the resulting new knowledge depends not only on “activating” this prior knowledge but also on the degree of elaboration that takes place. The more elaborate the resulting knowledge, the more easily it will be retrieved, particularly when Various domains of knowledge contribute to the idiosyncratic teaching strategies (“teaching scripts”) that tutors use in clinical settings learning takes place in the context in which the knowledge will be used. How to use cognitive learning theory in clinical teaching Experiential learning Help students to identify what they already know Experiential learning theory holds that learning is often most x “Activate” prior knowledge through brainstorming and briefing effective when based on experience. Several models have been Help students elaborate their knowledge described, the common feature being a cyclical process linking x Provide a bridge between existing and new information—for concrete experience with abstract conceptualisation through example, use of clinical examples, comparisons, analogies x Debrief the students afterwards reflection and planning. Reflection is standing back and x Promote discussion and reflection thinking about experience (What did it mean? How does it x Provide relevant but variable contexts for the learning relate to previous experience? Planning involves anticipating the application of new theories and skills (What will I do next time? The experiential learning cycle, which can be entered at any stage, provides a useful framework for planning teaching sessions. Example of clinical teaching session based on experiential learning cycle Setting—Six third year medical students doing introductory clinical skills course based in general practice Topic—History taking and physical examination of patients with musculoskeletal problems (with specific focus on rheumatoid arthritis); three patients with good stories and signs recruited from Experience Reflection the community The session Planning—Brainstorm for relevant symptoms and signs: this activates prior knowledge and orientates and provides framework and structure for the task Experience—Students interview patients in pairs and do focused physical examination under supervision: this provides opportunities to implement and practise skills Planning Theory Reflection—Case presentations and discussion: feedback and discussion provides opportunities for elaboration of knowledge Theory—Didactic input from teacher (basic clinical information about rheumatoid arthritis): this links practice with theory Planning— “What have I learned? Two important areas of communication for effective teaching are questioning and “clarifying” (or “probing”) questions. Both are underpinned by attentive Closed questions invoke relatively low order thinking, often listening (including sensitivity to learners’ verbal and simple recall. It is important to allow learners to at all (for example, because the learner is worried about being articulate areas in which they are having difficulties or wrong), and the teacher may end up answering their own which they wish to know more about question. The purpose of clarifying and probing questions is x Restrict use of closed questions to establishing facts or baseline knowledge (What? There are close analogies between teacher-student and doctor-patient x Check understanding before you start, as you proceed, and at the end—non-verbal cues may tell you all you need to know about communication, and the principles for giving clear explanations someone’s grasp of the topic apply. Many studies have shown that a disproportionate amount of time in teaching sessions may be Patient Teach general spent on regurgitation of facts, with relatively little on checking, encounter principles probing, and developing understanding. Models for using time (history, ("When that more effectively and efficiently and integrating teaching into examination, etc) happens, do this... One such, the “one-minute preceptor,” comprises a series of steps, each of which involves an easily performed task, which when combined form an integrated teaching strategy. Get a commitment Help learner ("What do you identify and think is give guidance Teaching on the wards going on? None the less, with preparation and of Y was a forethought, learning opportunities can be maximised with possibility, minimal disruption to staff, patients, and their relatives. Probe for in a situation underlying like this, Z is Approaches include teaching on ward rounds (either reasoning more likely, dedicated teaching rounds or during “business” rounds); ("What led because... Teaching in the clinic Although teaching during consultations is organisationally Teaching during consultations has been much criticised appealing and minimally disruptive, it is limited in what it can for not actively involving learners achieve if students remain passive observers. With relatively little impact on the running of a clinic, students can participate more actively. For example, they can be 27 ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine asked to make specific observations, write down thoughts about differential diagnosis or further tests, or note any questions—for Patient "Sitting in" as observer discussion between patients.

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In Julius HASS January 1966 hair loss in men vintage order dutasteride 0.5mg on line, he gave the first Gallie Lecture to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of 1885–1959 Canada hair loss cure kennel purchase dutasteride online from canada. The following month he was presented with the Distinguished Service Award of the The death of Julius Hass brought to a close a life Ontario Society for Crippled Children hair loss in men from stress generic dutasteride 0.5 mg line. Immedi- full of distinguished service in orthopedic ately before his death, he was made an Honorary surgery. Because his professional career was Chieftain of the Sarcee Indians of Banff, who divided into two periods, the Austrian and the bestowed on him the title of “Father of the American, the former being considerably longer Straight Child” in recognition of his outstanding than the latter, it would be necessary to have two contribution in the treatment of crippling biographers, one from each country, to do full diseases. He was devotedly worked there until 1938, when, following the interested in the history of Canada as a whole and German Anschluss, and at the peak of profes- in the history of medicine in particular. Just before sional eminence, he became a victim of Nazi per- his death, he had started a study of John Rolph, secution. He took a keen career and to move to the United States and make interest in natural history and, as a result of this a new home for himself and his wife and one son. Harris died at the age of 76, while over again in a foreign country, especially so for attending the annual meeting of the Canadian one who had already reached middle age. That he was again able to climb to the summit in pro- fessional regard is proof of his indomitable indus- try, his high professional competence, and his integrity. Hass received his degree in medicine from the University of Vienna in 1910. He interned at the Allgemeines Krankenhaus in Vienna, followed by an appointment as surgical assistant on the service of Professor Frank. Holzknecht, where he became acquainted with the fundamentals of 127 Who’s Who in Orthopedics bone and joint roentgenology. He ulated Hass’s decision to specialize in orthopedic had the gift of clear communication with his audi- surgery. In 1912 he was appointed to the position ence, and his listeners enjoyed his lectures with of assistant (Hilfsartz) at the Universitäts- enthusiasm. Ambulatorium and Abteilung für orthopädische When Hass arrived in New York City in 1939, Chirurgie, which was the official title of the he had lost both his professional position and his Lorenz Clinic. He utilized part of his teacher, the great Professor Adolph Lorenz, this time in writing medical papers and in getting whose associate and co-worker he subsequently acquainted with his new environment. Albert Lorenz, Surgery where the orthopedic residents and the son of Professor Lorenz, wrote that Hass was medical staff members quickly learned to make the last outstanding pupil of Lorenz: he always use of his interest and knowledge of congenital advocated Lorenz’s principles of conservative dislocation of the hip for their own benefit. In orthopedic surgery that were based on the motto 1941, when he was licensed to practice, he was primum non nocere. In 1920 Hass received the appointed Chief of the Orthopedic Department at venia legendi as Dozent for orthopedic surgery, the Montefiore Hospital. He served there until and in 1929 he succeeded Lorenz with the title of 1947, when he had to retire because of age limi- Professor Extraordinarius für Orthopädische tations and became consultant to the hospital. He was ings of Adolph Lorenz; in these publications Hass constantly helpful in the treatment of congenital defined, defended, enlarged, and modified with dislocation of the hip and in teaching the resi- his own observations and experiences: the Lorenz dents. Everyone learned to know and respect this principles of orthopedic surgery. On the other quiet-voiced man in whose mind was compressed hand, Hass independently presented new and pio- such wide experience and rich knowledge. This method, still used in Vienna, forced the lesser trochanter of the femur into the consisted in transplanting the flexor carpi ulnaris acetabulum as a means of articulation to the extensor digitorum communis, and the and pelvic support. This procedure is valuable and flexor carpi radialis to the extensor policis brevis is generally designated by the author’s name. An arthroplasty for mobilizing ankylosed which summarized his experience in the treat- elbows and knees. This consisted in reshaping of ment of over 2,000 patients and surveyed the the distal ends of the humerus and femur into progress made in the treatment of this condition bone wedges, which articulated with saucerized in a period extending over 50 years. He used fatty and most authoritative review ever written and is facial tissue for interposition. His textbook on conservative and operative ture of the subject for years to come. He supple- orthopedics, which was his most important pub- mented this with additional articles on special lication.

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None of these statements are true hair loss cancer purchase dutasteride without a prescription, but the medical system must explain that truth to the panic-stricken parents at the time the child is first seen hormonal hair loss cure purchase dutasteride 0.5 mg with mastercard. The parents were just as frightened as if it had been a seizure since they believed that it was a seizure and need just as much reassurance hair loss cure latisse dutasteride 0.5mg lowest price. The appropriate work-up should be done if necessary but the parents can be reas- sured, regardless of the nature of the event. They will be relieved that the episode was a seizure or anything else serious. Tell them that if it occurs again it will be critical for them to carefully observe the circumstances and the order in which things happen. Assure them that if a similar episode recurs their child will recover just as he has after this episode and with a better history you can rethink the diagnosis. The most 60 Freeman important role of the physician managing a child and the family after a first seizure is to provide appropriate information about what seizures are and what they are not. In particular, the following should be emphasized: Reassurance about swallowing the tongue, suffering hypoxic damage to the brain and dying should be given. Limitations on the activities of daily living, riding bikes, swimming are unreasonable even after a first seizure. Testing is necessary only if there is something alarming about the child’s history or the examination. If the child has a new neurological deficit, recent substantial head trauma with loss of consciousness or if there is evidence of progressive loss of motor or cognitive function, then the physician should consider if further testing would be helpful. What if the initial impression is incorrect and the event really was a seizure? Diagnosing epilepsy at the time of the first seizure is not necessarily a benefit to the parent or the child, since early treatment does not prevent further seizures or alter the long-term course. Neither diagnosing them early nor missing them until they are more clearly present will have much impact on the child’s outcome or life. Less testing is needed in the emergency room after a first afebrile seizure. Hirtz D, Ashwal S, Berg A, Bettis D, Camfield C, Camfield P, Crumrine P, Elterman R, Schneider S, and Shinnar S. Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology, The Child Neurology Society, and the American Epilepsy Society. The role of emergent neuroimaging in children with new-onset afebrile seizures. Stroink H, van Donselaar CA, Geerts, AT, Peters AC, Brouwer OF, Arts WF. Provisional Committee on Quality Improvement, Subcommittee on Febrile Seizures. Practice guideline: the neurodiagnostic evaluation of the child with a first simple febrile seizure. Provisional Committee on Quality Improvement, Subcommittee on Febrile Seizures. Practice parameter: long-term treatment of the child with simple febrile seizures. Bergin Childrens Hospital, Department of Neurology, Boston, Massachusetts, U. INTRODUCTION Neonatal seizures may be the first sign of cerebral dysfunction in the newborn, and may alert the clinician to the presence of an underlying neurological injury, and=or possibly reversible systemic disorder. These symptomatic seizures represent the majority of seizures in the neonate, although epileptic syndromes, both benign and ‘‘malignant’’ may also present at this age. The precise incidence of neonatal seizures is unknown and estimates vary depending on a number of factors, including the retrospective or prospective nature of the data reported, the definition used to define a neonatal seizure, and the source of diagnostic information. Developmental immaturity influences many aspects of diagnosis, management, and prognosis of seizures in the newborn. For instance, clinical seizure patterns in the neonate reflect the ‘‘reduced connectivity’’ in the neonatal brain—with promi- nence of focal ictal characteristics, and rarity of generalized patterns of clinical seizures. Many physiological processes are immature, leading to altered drug hand- ling compared to older children, and the immature brain may be more susceptible to developmental effects of anticonvulsant medications. CLINICAL FEATURES Careful observation of the clinical characteristics of paroxysmal movements in the newborn allows differentiation of more or less concerning patterns. Among the many repetitive, rhythmic, and jerky movements made by normal newborns, those movements and behaviors provoked by stimulation, and=or eliminated by passive flexion or soothing touch are unlikely to represent seizures.

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