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By: I. Hamlar, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Vice Chair, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

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In thought disorder there are frequent examples of failure to maintain set (distractibility) blood pressure xanax withdrawal discount 20mg olmesartan mastercard, sequentially order information pulse pressure 86 purchase olmesartan in india, and to ensure that the listener is comprehending blood pressure chart download software buy cheap olmesartan 10mg. Is the patient able to make an appointment and arrive on time? Is the patient able to give a coherent account of current problems and the reason for the interview? Digit span, days of the week or months of the year backwards. Here the patient has to retain the task and simultaneously manipulate information. Controlled oral word association test (COWAT): the patient is asked to produce as many words as possible, in one minute, starting with F, then A, then S. Proper nouns and previously used words with a different suffix are prohibited (Benton, 1968). Other categorical fluency tests include naming animals, fruits and vegetables (Monsch et al, 1992). However, valuable information may be obtained without formal testing. Generally, a normal individual will be able to provide more than ten items for each of these categories, while a patient with significant deficits will usually score less than eight. The performance of the task will also provide valuable information. Common errors include perseveration (repeating words which have already been given either during the task at hand or an earlier task). There may also be inappropriate or profane utterances. One example is that one hand is placed palm upwards and the other is place palm downwards, and the patient is then asked to reverse these positions as rapidly as possible. Another example is that the backs of the hands are both placed downwards, but one hand is clenched and the other is open, then the patients is asked to close the open hand and open the closed hand, and keep reversing the posture of the hands as rapidly as possible. A final example is that the patient taps twice with one fist and once with the other, then after the rhythm is established, the patient is asked to change over the number of beats (the fist which first tapped twice now taps only once). Patients with frontal lobe deficits usually perform poorly on these tests, often being unable to follow the relatively simple instructions. Formal neuropsychological may be necessary where uncertainty remains. Commonly employed tests include Controlled Oral Word Association Test (Benton, 1968) and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Tests (Heaton, 1985). Head injury and dementing illnesses may result in severe impairment of the executive functions. Schizophrenia often has thought disorder as a major feature and the executive functions tests are usually also at least mildly affected. Depressive disorder may be associated with poor performance on verbal fluency tests during the acute phase, which normalizes with remission (Trichard, et al. Orbital and basal area (Orbitofrontal cortex) The orbitofrontal cortex is Brodmann areas 10 and 11. Much of the personality change described in cases of frontal lobe injury (Phineas Gage being the most famous) is due to lesions in this area. Patients may become irritable, labile, disinhibited and fail to respond to the conventions of acceptable social behavior. This has been reported with lesions of the globus pallidus and in obsessive compulsive disorder. Does the patient dress or behave in a way which suggests lack of concern with the feelings of others or without concern to accepted social customs. The patient is asked to make a response to one signal (the Go signal) and not to respond to another signal (the no-go signal). The most basic is to ask the patient to tap their knee when the examiner says, “Go” and to make no response when the examiner says, “Stop”. The task may be made more demanding by reversing the customary meaning of signals.

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