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By: H. Temmy, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Program Director, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine

A: It occurs in response to radial deviation to keep the tendons to the phalanges in normal alignment to the radius blood pressure cuff order lozol 1.5mg on-line. Severe rheumatoid arthritis Baker’s cyst (Bilateral) Baker’s cyst Rheumatoid nodule (unilateral) (forearm) Q:What is Baker’s cyst? A: Cyst on the back of knee joint pulse pressure young purchase lozol pills in toronto, communicates with the joints but fuid is prevented from returning to the joint by a valve like mechanism pulse pressure 30 lozol 1.5mg online. A: These are painless, frm, subcutaneous nodule, invariably associated with positive rheumatoid factor. Sites: Pressure points such as elbow, extensor surface of forearm and hands (fngers), scapula, scalp, sacrum, shin, Achilles tendon, toes, sclera, pleura, lungs and pericardium. Histologically, it shows 3 zones: • Central zone of necrosis containing collagen fbril, noncollagen flament and cellular debris. Treatment with methotrexate may increase the number of rheumatoid nodule in some patients. If causes pain, it may be removed surgically or by local injection of corticosteroid. Joint involvement 0–5 • 1 medium to large joint 0 • 2–10 medium to large joints 1 • 1–3 small joints (large joints not counted) 2 • 4–10 small joints (large joints not counted) 3 •. Vasculitis: Digital arteritis and nail fold infarction, Raynaud’s phenomenon, visceral arteritis, mononeuritis multiplex, pyoderma gangrenosum. Neurological: • Entrapment neuropathy (compression of nerves by hypertrophic synovium), commonly carpal tunnel syndrome (due to compression of median nerve) and tarsal tunnel syndrome (due to compression of posterior tibial nerve). Knee and fnger joints are com- monly affected, but any peripheral joint may be involved. It may be confused with acute gouty arthritis and atypical onset of rheumatoid arthritis. A: Rheumatoid arthritis with splenomegaly and neutropenia is called Felty’s syndrome. Leg ulcers, sepsis or frequent infection of skin and respiratory tract are common due to nutropenia. It is associated with high titre of rheumatoid factor, subcutaneous nodules and other manifestations of systemic rheumatoid dis- ease. Complications like splenic rupture, severe life threatening infection or toxicity due to immu- nosuppressants may occur. A: X-ray of cervical spine should be done to exclude atlanto-axial subluxation (otherwise during anaesthesia, cervical cord compression may lead to sudden death). Q:If the patient develops nephrotic syndrome (or proteinuria in urine examination), what is the likely cause? Synovectomy of the wrist or fnger ten- don sheaths of hands may be required for pain relief or to prevent tendon rupture if failure to medical therapy. A: As follows: • Synovectomy of wrist or fnger tendon sheath (for pain relief or tendon rupture). If no effect in 6 to 12 weeks, combination of methotrexate and sulphasalazine may be given. It acts probably by inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase and other enzymes responsible for synthesis of prostaglandin. Folic acid 5 mg/day should be given on the next day (folinic acid is more preferable). In eye, corneal microdeposit (reversible after drug withdrawal), retinopathy (may cause blindness), bull’s eye macula, optic neuritis. It needs a washout of 2 years before conception (3 months in man and 2 years in woman), so avoid in women who want to be pregnant. Side effects: Hypersensitivity, headache, hypotension, reactivation of latent tuberculosis. Cause Sequelae of immune response to Streptococcus Autoimmune beta-haemolyticus sore throat 3. There is infltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells in lacrimal and salivary glands. It is of 2 types: • Primary: Not associated with collagen disease (also called sicca syndrome). Clinical features of primary Sjögren’s syndrome: common in females, F:M 5 9:1, 40 to 50 years.

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Verapamil increases plasma levels of digoxin by about 60% prehypertension kidney disease purchase lozol us, thereby increasing the risk for digoxin toxicity blood pressure chart microsoft excel order lozol 1.5mg overnight delivery. Hence arteria radialis generic 1.5 mg lozol, when a beta blocker and verapamil are used together, there is a risk for excessive cardiosuppression. Grapefruit Juice Grapefruit juice can inhibit the intestinal and hepatic metabolism of many drugs and thus raise their levels. In a case report on verapamil toxicity, consumption of grapefruit juice and verapamil (360 mg over 24 hours) led to a verapamil blood level of 2772 ng/mL—approximately 8 to 24 times higher than would have been achieved without grapefruit juice. Verapamil can be removed from the gastrointestinal tract with gastric lavage followed by activated charcoal. Use of glucagon in animal models has improved heart rate through increasing amounts of intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate. The sustained- and timed- release formulations are approved only for hypertension. Dosages should be reduced for older-adult patients and for patients with advanced renal or liver disease. As a result, the actions and applications of verapamil and diltiazem are very similar. Both drugs lower blood pressure through arteriolar dilation, and, because their direct suppressant actions are balanced by reflex cardiac stimulation, both have little net effect on the heart. Like verapamil, diltiazem is used for angina pectoris, essential hypertension, and cardiac dysrhythmias (atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation, and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia). Pharmacokinetics Oral diltiazem is well absorbed and then extensively metabolized on its first pass through the liver. The drug undergoes nearly complete metabolism before elimination in the urine and feces. Adverse Effects Adverse effects are like those of verapamil, except that diltiazem causes less constipation. The most common effects are dizziness, flushing, headache, and edema of the ankles and feet. Children/adolescents Calcium channel blockers are used in children for hypertension, hypertensive emergencies, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. For other drugs such as nifedipine, women data are lacking regarding transmission of drug from mother to infant via breast milk. Older adults In older patients, calcium channel blockers have been associated with chronic eczematous eruptions. Patients receiving diltiazem concurrently with digoxin or a beta blocker should be monitored closely for cardiac status. As with verapamil, grapefruit juice can significantly increase levels of diltiazem. Dihydropyridines: Agents That Act Mainly on Vascular Smooth Muscle All of the drugs discussed in this section belong to the dihydropyridine family. At therapeutic doses, these drugs produce significant blockade of calcium channels in blood vessels and minimal blockade of calcium channels in the heart. The dihydropyridines are similar to verapamil in some respects, but quite different in others. However, in contrast to verapamil, nifedipine produces very little blockade of calcium channels in the heart. As a result, nifedipine cannot be used to treat dysrhythmias, does not cause cardiac suppression, and is less likely than verapamil to exacerbate preexisting cardiac disorders. Nifedipine also differs from verapamil in that nifedipine is more likely to cause reflex tachycardia. Blockade of calcium channels in peripheral arterioles causes vasodilation and thus lowers arterial pressure. Calcium channel blockade in arteries and arterioles of the heart increases coronary perfusion. Indirect (Reflex) Effects By lowering blood pressure, nifedipine activates the baroreceptor reflex, thereby causing sympathetic stimulation of the heart.

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Treating nonthyroidal illness syndrome in the criti­ cally ill patients: still a matter of controversy prehypertension what to do discount 2.5 mg lozol visa. Recommendations for the diagnosis and management ofcor­ ticosteroid insuficiency in critically ill adult patients: consensus statements from an interational task force by the American College of Critical Care Medicine arteria zygomatica lozol 1.5mg low cost. The fetal heart tones are in the 135 beatsjminute range with occasional variable decelerations on external fetal monitoring blood pressure in legs discount lozol 2.5mg without a prescription. Duringyourexamination, you notice that shehas some fa cial twitching and now is undergoing a tonic-clonic seizure involving both upper and lower extremities. The fetal heart tones are in the 135 beats/minute range with occasional variable decelerations without contractions. During your examination, you notice that she has some facial twitching, and now she is undergoing a tonic-clonic seizure involving both upper and lower extremities. Fetal bradycardia and/or decelerations in heart rate can occur during the seizure episode. Co nsidertions This 18-year-old pregnantpatientpresented with hypertension with a blood pressure of 180/105 mm Hg, headache, and photophobia, all of which are concerning for severe preeclampsia. Because she proceeds with a generalized tonic-clinic seizure, she now has progressed to eclampsia, which appreciably increases the risk to both the mother and the fetus. Con­ sidering she just had a generalized tonic-clonic seizure, she is likely to become motionless and confsed due to the post-ictal state that follows seizures. Because eclamptic patients can become combative after a seizure or they may have another seizure, the railings of her bed should be raised and padding placed on the head board and rails. A padded tongue blade may be carefully inserted into her mouth to prevent biting the tongue, but should not cause a gag reflex or injure the teeth. Her vital signs should be frequently assessed, as well as urine output, proteinuria, and peripheral edema. Treatment includes a loading dose of 6 g of magnesium sulfate over 15 minutes, followed by 2 to 3 g administered continuously. Because convulsions often continue during labor and delivery, as well as post­ partum, the magnesium should be continued for 24 hours postpartum. In the event of status epilepticus that is resistant to magnesium sulfate, she should be intubated and deeply sedated. Once the mother is stabilized, vaginal delivery is initially pursued to avoid maternal risks from cesarean delivery. The fetus is at risk of intrauterine growth retardation and adverse fetal events, so regular surveillance is used for carefl monitoring. These 3 complications contribute greatly to maternal morbidity and mortality rates with hypertensive disorders complicating 5% to 10% of all preg­ nancies. Hypertensive disorders are the most dangerous and deadly complica­ tions of pregnancy. In the Western world, eclampsia ranges from 1 in 2000 to 1 in 3448 pregnancies and is higher in tertiary referral centers, in multifetal gestation, and in patients with no prenatal care. The onset of eclamptic convulsions in the antepartum period range from 38% to 53%, in the intrapartum period between 18% and 36%, and in the postpartum period from 11% to 44%. Pathophysiology The definitive pathophysiology of eclampsia is unknown but several investiga­ tions have implicated the placenta as the main cause. Likely, placental hypoper­ fusion secondary to abnormal modeling of the maternal-fetal interface is the key. Additionally, other factors such as materal vasculature increased sensitivity to pressor agents lead to vasospasm (organ hypoperfsion) and capillary leakage (edema). Though most patients remain asymptomatic, a myriad of com­ plications may exist and involve multiple individual organ systems. Hypertension causes increased cardiac afterload, and the endothelium is injured with extravasation of intravascular fluid, leading to cardiac abnormalities, hemoconcentration, nonde­ pendent edema, and possible pulmonary edema. Complications of the baby include fetal growth restriction from uteroplacental perfsion deficiency caused by defects in trophoblastic invasion and placentation. Assessment of Blood Pressure During an obstetric evaluation of a patient, the blood pressure should be measured with an appropriately fitting blood pressure cuf (cufbladder should encompass two­ thirds of the arm). To diagnose hypertension, there must be 2 separate elevated recordings that exceed 140/90 mm Hg.