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By: R. Gnar, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Professor, University of New Mexico School of Medicine

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The use of multiple drive cycle lengths allergy medicine levothyroxine discount 5mg clarinex with visa, multiple extrastimuli allergy levels in houston purchase clarinex from india, and rapid pacing make induction only by coronary sinus stimulation rare allergy symptoms dizzy buy cheap clarinex 5mg on line. We have also observed that the refractory periods of the fast and slow pathways can differ depending on the site of stimulation. In approximately one-third of our patients, the refractory period of the fast pathway is shorter during coronary sinus stimulation than during high-right atrial stimulation (Figs. Alternatively, it may just be an expression of a different, functionally determined fast pathway based on the site of stimulation. As seen in the analog tracing, at a coupling interval of 300 msec A2 results in two responses, one with an A-H interval of 165 msec and the other with an A-H interval of 500 msec. Last are the basic drive beats (A1) and resultant V1, displayed with A-H and H-V intervals of 95 and 45 msec, respectively. The impulse also simultaneously conducts down the slow pathway with a markedly prolonged A-H interval of 500 msec. The impulse then returns up the fast pathway to initiate a run of A-V nodal reentry. Each sinus beat is conducted down both the fast and slow pathway, producing a double response, which results in a tachycardia of 316 msec. A nonreentrant tachycardia is present, but is concealed because the impulse conducting down the slow pathway blocks below the His. Retrograde block in the fast pathway terminates A-V nodal reentry, but sinus rhythm results in a nonreentrant tachycardia which is faster than the A-V nodal reentry. B: A small decrement in coupling intervals is associated with a marked jump in the A-H interval to 260 msec but no echo occurs. C: At a coupling interval of 300 msec at a critical A-H of 288 msec, A-V nodal reentry is induced. B: No jump in A-H intervals occurs at a coupling interval comparable to that in Figure 8-16B. However, here the A-H interval is only 220 msec, yet A-V nodal reentry is induced. Despite the jump from fast to slow pathway, with very long A-H intervals, these patients never have an atrial echo; hence, one assumes that the major limitation is retrograde conduction over the fast pathway (Fig. These are characterized by multiple jumps of >50 msec with increasingly premature atrial extrastimuli. In general, the pathways with the longest conduction times are ablated more posteriorly in the triangle of Koch, leading some investigators to assert that these fibers are located more posteriorly. The refractory periods of the alpha and beta pathways may be similar, and more rapid pacing rates, the introduction of multiple atrial extrastimuli, or drugs such as beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, or digoxin may be required to dissociate them. Typically, the use of multiple drive cycle lengths and/or multiple extrastimuli can obviate this problem. A and B: At 490- and 480-msec coupling intervals, the A2-H2 interval is prolonged to 290 msec without a jump. C: With a 10-msec decrement in A1-A2 intervals, however, there is a 155-msec increment in A-H intervals, diagnostic of dual pathways. Despite the marked delay in A-H intervals approximating the A1-A2 interval, no echo occurs. Block in the fast pathway has already occurred during the basal drive, and thus conduction always proceeds over the slow pathway. I find this latter nomenclature too confusing and it implies that pathways are anatomic structures. Block in the slow pathway is concealed during antegrade stimulation because no jump occurs in A-H intervals. The only manifestation of block in the slow pathway is the development of an atrial echo with a long retrograde conduction time producing a long R-P short P-R tachycardia. In either case, ventricular stimulation must produce block in the slow pathway (concealed), conduction up the fast pathway, with subsequent recovery of the slow pathway in time to accept antegrade conduction over it to initiate the ventricular echo, and sustained tachycardia. With ventricular extrastimuli, the initial site of delay and/or block is in the His–Purkinje system. Even when conduction proceeds retrogradely over the His–Purkinje system, because of delay in the His–Purkinje system, the S1-H2 or V1-H2 remains constant. Following cessation of pacing, atypical A-V nodal reentry begins with a long R-P interval following the last paced complex. Note that antegrade conduction (A-H) is faster than retrograde conduction (H-A) in the reentrant circuit.

Eighty-three percent of women reported “satisfied” with the outcome of vaginal rejuvenation allergy relief juice recipe discount clarinex 5 mg visa. The predominate reasons for surgery from the physicians’ and patients’ perspective were feeling of looseness and lack of coital friction and sexual pleasure allergy symptoms to nuts buy clarinex with mastercard. A literature review by Goodman indicated that female genital plastic surgery procedures including vaginal rejuvenation appear to fulfill the majority of patient’s desires for cosmetic and functional improvement as well as enhancement of the sexual experience allergy forecast lubbock buy 5mg clarinex visa. The majority of patients reported improvement of overall satisfaction and subjective enhancement of sexual function and body image [39]. Most recently, we evaluated sexual function outcomes in a group of women (n = 78) presenting for vaginal rejuvenation/vaginoplasty procedure for a chief complaint of vaginal laxity and decreased sensation with intercourse. All individual scores statistically improved except in three categories in which there was no change (Q1-desire, Q5-pain, and Q11-partner premature ejaculation). Overall sexual satisfaction improved as well as subcategories of increased sexual excitement during intercourse and overall increase in intensity of orgasms. Pain with intercourse subscores was found to be no different from preoperatively to postoperatively [40]. This includes proper medical history, psychosocial evaluation for sexual dysfunction, and/or sexual satisfaction prior to any of the anatomical changes she may have noted since childbirth. Marital or relationship issues or concerns and an evaluation of her expectations of surgery and the reasoning why she is interested in the procedure should be discussed as well. Sexual dysfunction is very complex and multifactorial, and of course, a surgical procedure to repair vaginal support and reduce the vaginal caliber will not reverse or change psychological or psychosocial sexual dysfunction arising from previous abuse, primary anorgasmia, relationship issues, depression, or other more complex psychological dysfunctions. In addition to a medical and psychosocial history, an adequate urogynecology history and physical exam must be completed. Sexual dysfunction related to a sense of a relaxed or loose vagina may be the first sign of the beginning stages of pelvic floor dysfunction and prolapse; therefore, an adequate history must be taken. We have actually found that as many as 50%–75% of patients who present for vaginal rejuvenation, when asked, have symptoms including urinary incontinence, voiding dysfunction such as overactive bladder or difficulty emptying, feelings of pressure or the sense that their organs are falling, defecatory dysfunction, or dyspareunia related to the uterus being hit during intercourse because of prolapse. If significant symptoms of urogynecological pathology are present, this must be evaluated preoperatively so that it can be addressed properly during surgery. Any prolapse that is present must be repaired properly at the time of surgery including uterine/vault prolapse, enterocele, cystocele, or rectocele as vaginal rejuvenation procedures do not adequately treat these defects. The foundation of the pelvic floor support must be intact prior to any technique that will tighten the caliber of the vagina or introitus. Again, many women who present to be interested in vaginal rejuvenation-type surgery, or surgery to correct a feeling of a loose or wide vagina, are found to have prolapse in the form of cystocele, rectocele, or uterine/vault prolapse. This is what determines what surgery will need to be done as the prolapse must be corrected first, prior to any rejuvenation procedures being completed, and is really the first step in an overall repair or “rejuvenation” of the vagina and pelvic floor. If significant uterine/vault prolapse and/or anterior compartment (cystocele) defects are encountered, these typically should be repaired abdominally/laparoscopically/robotically prior to addressing the posterior compartment and the caliber of the vagina. Rejuvenation of the Vaginal Canal and Introitus Repair of the posterior vaginal wall and the introitus are the key aspects to any vaginal rejuvenation procedure. Vaginal rejuvenation surgeries are alterations and modifications of vaginal repairs for prolapse that focus on the final diameter and caliber of the vagina and attempt to restore it back to its prechildbirth state. They do however go far beyond the simple traditional posterior repairs and perineoplasty of old. The focus of these older procedures is simply to restore and reduce the bulge, whereas the focus of vaginal rejuvenation is to restore the caliber of the vagina and genital hiatus back to prechildbirth state from the introitus all the way up to the apex. No drop-offs or dips should be felt and there should be no tension placed on the levators that causes lateral banding of the vagina. Additionally, the cosmetic appearance of the introitus and perineal body is also taken into account and requires intricate dissection and repair to not only restore function of the introitus but also obtain an appearance that the woman desires. That look typically is one of the vaginal opening being closed, not gaping or wide open with a normal length perineal body that does not bulge out following the repair. This look is sometimes difficult to obtain, without making the introitus too tight, which will cause pain with intercourse.

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Sacrocolpopexy for vault prolapse and rectocele: Do concomitant Burch colposuspension and perineal mesh detachment affect the outcome? Rectoanal intussusception: Presentation of the disorder and late results of resection rectopexy allergy forecast in dallas order genuine clarinex on line. Since the early nineteenth century allergy symptoms due to mold discount clarinex 5mg line, surgeons have performed posterior colporrhaphy to manage tears of the perineum allergy symptoms sore joints generic 5mg clarinex amex. The supports of the genital organs were largely a mystery, and there was little distinction between prolapse of the rectum, bladder, and uterus. As anatomic concepts developed, surgeons ascertained that the main support of the uterus was the vagina, which in turn is supported by the insertion of the levator ani muscles into the perineum. This concept was the basis for the incorporation of plication of the levator ani muscles into posterior colpoperineorrhaphy, with the surgical goals of restoring the anatomic support of the vagina and rectum without compromising functionality. Until recently, very little attention has been given to the functional derangements that are commonly associated with rectoceles. In 2010, an estimated 166,000 women underwent surgery for pelvic organ prolapse with a rectocele procedure occurring in approximately half of the cases [1]. A rectocele is an outpocketing of the anterior rectal and the posterior vaginal wall into the lumen of the vagina and is fundamentally a defect of the rectovaginal septum, not of the rectum. Some rectoceles may be asymptomatic, whereas others may cause such symptoms as incomplete bowel emptying, sensation of a vaginal mass, pain, and pressure. The size of the defect does not necessarily correlate with the amount of functional derangement or severity of bowel symptomatology [4,5]. This chapter reviews the anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of rectoceles. This layer of connective tissue is fused to the undersurface of the posterior vaginal wall. Histologically, the rectovaginal septum shows that the distal portion contains dense connective tissue; the midportion contains fibrous tissue, fat, and neurovascular tissue; and the proximal portion is mostly fat cells [7]. Posterior to the rectovaginal septum lies the rectovaginal space, which provides a plane for dissection. In between the rectovaginal septum and the rectum is the pararectal “fascia”; inside this fibromuscular layer lies blood vessels, nerves, and lymph nodes, which supply the rectum. The pararectal fascia, originating from the pelvic sidewalls, divides into fibrous anterior and posterior sheaths, which encompass the rectum. Histological study of the smooth muscle content of the posterior vaginal wall of women with prolapse revealed significantly reduced smooth muscle content compared to women without prolapse [8]. Further support is provided by the levator ani, which are composed of paired iliococcygeus, puborectalis, and pubococcygeus muscles. These muscles function to maintain a constant level of baseline tone and a closed urogenital hiatus. The puborectalis muscle act as a sling that angles the posterior wall about 45° from the vertical and closes the potential space of the vagina. These levator ani muscles also provide a contraction reflex to increased intra-abdominal pressures, preventing incontinence and prolapse. The anterior sacral nerve roots S2–S4, which innervate these muscles, cross the pelvic floor, and are stretched and compressed during labor, increasing the risk of injury [7,9]. However, rectoceles and enteroceles have been noted to occur in approximately 40% of asymptomatic parous women [10]. Rectoceles may be more prevalent than previously thought and may not be a result of parity [11]. Traumatic obstetric events, which usually occur when the presenting fetal part descends quickly in the second stage of labor, can predispose to rectocele formation. The forces of labor may separate, tear, or distend the pelvic floor, altering the functional and anatomic position of the muscles, nerves, and connective tissues. Low rectoceles are isolated defects in the suprasphincteric portion of the rectovaginal “fascia. A palpable defect at the level of the introitus will be noted on the physical examination.

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