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By: W. Potros, M.S., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, University of Michigan Medical School

From a calorie standpoint symptoms vaginal cancer topamax 200mg free shipping, low-fat cookies are just as bad for your waistline as high-fat cookies medicine kidney stones buy cheap topamax 200 mg on line. Second symptoms 24 purchase topamax 100mg online, most people eat a larger portion size of low-fat foods than they do of high-fat foods, possibly under the false belief that low fat equals low calorie. If you were scooping some low-fat ice cream into a bowl, would you scoop out the same amount as you would high-fat ice cream? High-carb, low-fat foods are not as satisfying as their original counterparts. In the end, many people consume more calories on a low-fat diet than when on a high fat diet. NOT ALL FATS ARE BAD Not only was cutting fat out of the diet not the answer, but it was shortsighted. There are many different types of fat, rang- ing from the artery-clogging saturated fats found in fatty cuts of meat and whole milk to the processed trans fats found in commercially baked goods and margarine (which, by the way, may be worse for your health than but- ter)—and often in movie popcorn—to the heart-friendly unsaturated fats found in certain vegetables, nuts, flaxseed, and fish. When researchers compared diets rich in maize (corn) oil, beef tallow, and fish oil, they found that rats who ate the diet rich in fish oil gained less weight than rats on the beef or corn oil diet. Other studies show that replacing saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats results in weight loss, even when total caloric intake is held constant. Eating unsaturated fats instead of saturated or trans fats lowers your unhealthy LDL cholesterol and lowers levels of triglycerides (a nasty type of blood fat). For many years, scientists told us that to lose weight, you had to eat fewer calories than you burned. Some of the calories you eat are more likely to lead to weight gain than others. For THE ULTIMATE BODY NUTRITION PLAN 115 TLFeBOOK instance, certain foods use more energy during the process of digestion than others. Any time you eat, your body must burn calories in order to break the food down, push it through your intestines, and absorb its nutrients. Researchers also know that high-protein foods tend to cause a slow, even rise in blood sugar, whereas carbohydrates cause blood sugar lev- els to spike. The slower your blood sugar rises, the less of the hormone insulin your pancreas must secrete to clear the sugar out of your blood. This is why you feel hungry not long after eating a bagel, even though that bagel contains roughly 400 calories. Highly processed carbohydrates—the type you find in boxes, shrink- wrap, and other packaging in the middle aisles of the grocery store—are about the worst thing you can eat when it comes to losing weight and look- ing your best. These carbs are all made from white flour and white sugar, both of which are highly processed. To create white flour, the processor starts with wheat, an otherwise healthy food. The lack of fiber and high number of calories in processed car- bohydrates cause them to hit your bloodstream faster than just about any other food you can eat. Researchers have tested hundreds of foods and ranked them for their speed in spiking blood sugar levels on a scale known as the glycemic index. Foods that rank high on the index, such as table sugar and potatoes, spike blood sugar quickly. Foods that rank low on the index, such as beans and most vegetables, cause a slow, even rise in blood sugar. On my Ultimate New York Body Plan, you will eat only low-glycemic carbs for two weeks. After two weeks, you will focus most of your diet on low-glycemic carbs, reserving high-glycemic carbs for special occasions and treats. So now you can see why this nutrition plan is rich in protein and very low in carbohydrates. The protein in this diet will help you in a number of ways: 116 THE ULTIMATE NEW YORK BODY PLAN TLFeBOOK I PRESERVING AND BUILDING MUSCLE MASS Usually when you cut back on calories, your body responds by cannibalizing muscle tissue and spar- ing fat tissue.

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In ad- dition medicine youkai watch buy topamax paypal, if iodine preparations are not given every 8 h treatment example buy genuine topamax line, symptoms of hyperthyroidism may recur symptoms crohns disease buy topamax american express. With thyroid drugs, observe for: (1) Increased energy and activity level, less lethargy and Therapeutic effects result from a return to normal metabolic ac- fatigue tivities and relief of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Therapeu- (2) Increased alertness and interest in surroundings tic effects may be evident as early as 2 or 3 d after drug therapy is started or delayed up to approximately 2 wk. All signs and symp- (3) Increased appetite toms of myxedema should disappear in approximately 3 to 12 wk. With antithyroid and iodine drugs, observe for: (1) Slower pulse rate With propylthiouracil and methimazole, some therapeutic effects are (2) Slower speech apparent in 1 or 2 wk, but euthyroidism may not occur for 6 or 8 wk. Symptoms may (5) Decreased tremors reappear if the drug is given longer than a few weeks, and they (6) Improved ability to sleep and rest may be more severe than initially. With thyroid drugs, observe for tachycardia and other car- Most adverse reactions stem from excessive doses, and signs and diac dysrhythmias, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, con- symptoms produced are the same as those occurring with hyper- gestive heart failure, nervousness, hyperactivity, insomnia, thyroidism. Excessive thyroid hormones make the heart work very diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, hard and fast in attempting to meet tissue demands for oxygenated fever, intolerance to heat. Symptoms of myocardial ischemia occur when the myocardium does not get an adequate supply of oxy- genated blood. Symptoms of congestive heart failure occur when the increased cardiac workload is prolonged. Cardiovascular prob- lems are more likely to occur in clients who are elderly or who al- ready have heart disease. With propylthiouracil and methimazole, observe for: (1) Hypothyroidism—bradycardia, congestive heart fail- ure, anemia, coronary artery and peripheral vascular dis- ease, slow speech and movements, emotional and mental dullness, excessive sleeping, weight gain, constipation, skin changes, and others (2) Blood disorders—leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hypo- Leukopenia may be difficult to evaluate because it may occur with prothrombinemia hyperthyroidism and with antithyroid drugs. Agranulocytosis oc- curs rarely but is the most severe adverse reaction; the earliest symptoms are likely to be sore throat and fever. With iodine preparations, observe for: Adverse effects are uncommon with short-term use. Drugs that increase effects of thyroid hormones: (1) Activating antidepressants (eg, bupropian, venlafaxine), These drugs may cause CNS and cardiovascular stimulation when adrenergic antiasthmatic drugs (eg, albuterol, epinephrine), taken alone. When combined with thyroid hormones, excessive nasal decongestants cardiovascular stimulation may occur and cause myocardial ischemia, cardiac dysrhythmias, hypertension, and other adverse cardiovascular effects. Excessive CNS stimulation may produce anxiety, nervousness, hyperactivity, and insomnia. Drugs that decrease effects of thyroid hormones: (1) Antacids, cholestyramine, iron, sucralfate Decrease absorption of levothyroxine; give levothyroxine 2 hours before or 4 to 6 hours after one of these drugs (2) Antihypertensives Decrease cardiac stimulating effects (3) Estrogens, including oral contraceptives containing Estrogens increase thyroxine-binding globulin, thereby increasing estrogens the amount of bound, inactive levothyroxine in clients with hypo- thyroidism. This decreased effect does not occur in clients with adequate thyroid hormone secretion because the increased binding is offset by increased T4 production. Women taking oral contra- ceptives may need larger doses of thyroid hormone replacement than would otherwise be needed. It is used in hyperthyroidism to reduce tachycardia and other symptoms of excessive cardiovascular stimulation. Drug that increases effects of antithyroid drugs: (1) Lithium Acts synergistically to produce hypothyroidism CHAPTER 25 THYROID AND ANTITHYROID DRUGS 365 5. What is the drug of first choice for treating hypo- Nursing Notes: Apply Your Knowledge thyroidism? What are adverse effects of drug therapy for hypo- Answer: For most drugs, substituting generic brands is safe and thyroidism? What signs and symptoms are associated with hyper- absorbed into the bloodstream) differs for generic brands. Sanchez is ex- periencing signs of hypothyroidism because her blood levels 8. Which drugs reduce blood levels of thyroid hormone in have fallen below the therapeutic range since she started taking hyperthyroidism, and how do they act? What are adverse effects of drug therapy for hyper- generic drugs may be offset by the higher dose required to thyroidism? When propranolol is used in the treatment of hyper- thyroidism, what are its expected effects? What is the effect of thyroid disorders on metabolism of How Can You Avoid This Medication Error? Answer: To convert from milligrams to micrograms, use the con- version factor of 1 mg = 1000 mcg.

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With such low incidence treatment brown recluse bite purchase topamax without prescription, even these large Treatments that slow progression in AD may samples will yield only 150 cases of dementia produce underlying structural change within the in the untreated group medicine versed buy cheap topamax on-line. One could logically reason that if treatment incidence of AD by 50% treatment 911 cheap topamax 200 mg free shipping, 75 cases would exist in caused slowing of the rate of decline, it may the treated group. To allow for losses to follow-up have a permanent underlying effect on the brain. These sample sizes would only allow for that an underlying brain structural effect has an 80% probability of detecting a 30% increase occurred. The most widely utilised Several primary prevention trials to prevent manoeuvre is that of withdrawal. If the effect dementia or AD have been initiated with most induced by the drug is purely symptomatic, even utilising an enrichment strategy. An alternative clinical manoeuvre women with a family history of AD ran- to demonstrate the same effect would be a domised to HRT or placebo. Gingko study–3000 normal elderly subjects the group is started on drug and half started on (age >75) treated with Ginkgo or placebo. In addition to various trial manoeuvres, the PRIMARY, SECONDARY AND TERTIARY demonstration of a structural change within the TREATMENTS brain could be used to support a structural effect for a therapeutic agent. For example, in a rate Treatment of existing symptoms represents ter- of decline trial, the maintenance of hippocampal tiary treatment and is representative of all of volume or the maintenance of a synaptic num- the currently approved drugs for AD. Secondary ber, as demonstrated on an imaging study, would treatment refers to treatment when minimal but serve as a direct demonstration that a pharma- not full-blown disease is present. This is best cological agent produced a difference in brain exemplified by the treatment of patients with MCI structure. Randomised start and randomised withdrawal it might be reflected in higher homovanillic acid drug and looking for improvement. In reality, this levels in the cerebrospinal fluid after drug with- manoeuvre is often carried out in the clinic with drawal at the end of the treatment period. For AD, simple withdrawal of the agent, retesting, rein- a clear-cut biochemical marker does not yet exist. While still useful, the lack of a blinded N-OF-ONE DESIGN crossover to placebo limits the interpretation of the results of this manoeuvre. This manoeuvre is not particularly useful for drug development but is often used in the clinical set- ting to determine continued response to drug. ETHICAL ISSUES An example of an N-of-one design in an ide- alised setting would be to answer the question of At present, available drugs to treat AD are symp- whether or not a patient on a cognitive-enhancing tomatic. Several agents are currently approved agent, such as a cholinesterase inhibitor, is still and before enrolling patients in any clinical trial, responding to drug. This question is an impor- disclosure and discussion of these agents with the tant one since AD patients continue to decline patient and their caregiver is necessary. After one or two years on tion, vitamin E and selegiline have been reported treatment, the clinician is faced with the decision to delay the time to endpoints in moderately as to whether or not to continue treatment. The results of the vitamin an idealised version, a patient could be blindly E study also need to be discussed with patients crossed over to placebo to examine for a with- before enrolling them in clinical trials since the drawal effect. If the patient was on a symp- use of both cholinesterase inhibitors and vitamin tomatic treatment and continuing to respond, a E is currently the standard of care in the US. This manoeuvre could then regarding the ethics of placebo-controlled tri- be followed by blindly restarting the patient on als. Arch Neurol (1976) 33: on studies or by demonstrating equivalence of 217–18. In addition, patients are free to not enter hypoxia in senile dementia and other abiotrophies. Necropsy evidence of central cholinergic deficits cern that comparator studies may result in the in senile dementia. George-Hyslop PH, Tanzi RE, Polinsky PJ, agent and the true effect size in the approved et al. Gene dose of apolipoprotein E type 4 allele and a placebo-controlled trial.

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Metformin should be discontin- tion is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ued at least 48 hours before diagnostic tests are per- for clients who do not achieve adequate glycemic control formed with these materials and should not be resumed with one of the drugs alone medicine uses buy topamax. The sulfonylurea in- creases insulin and the glitazone increases insulin Glitazones effectiveness 5 medications post mi safe 200mg topamax. If one of the drugs zymes) should be checked before starting therapy and alone does not produce adequate glycemic control medicine river animal hospital buy topamax 200 mg low price, the periodically thereafter. Dosage of each drug should • In addition, clients should be monitored closely for be titrated to the minimal dose required to achieve the edema and other signs of congestive heart failure. Meglitinides Effects of Illness on Diabetes Care • As with other antidiabetic drugs, clients taking one of these drugs should continue their diet, exercise, and Illness may affect diabetes control in several ways. Part of the stress response is increased • Dosage is flexible, depending on food intake, but clients secretion of glucagon, epinephrine, growth hormone, and cor- should eat within a few minutes after taking a dose, to tisol, hormones that raise blood glucose levels (by stimulating avoid hypoglycemia. Second, if the illness makes a person unable or unwilling to eat, hypo- Use With Insulin glycemia can occur. Third, if the illness affects GI function (eg, causes vomiting or diarrhea), the person may be unable to All of the currently available types of oral agents (alpha- drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration and electrolyte glucosidase inhibitors, biguanide, glitazones, meglitinides, imbalance. In addition, hyperglycemia induces an osmotic and sulfonylureas) have been used successfully with insulin. As a result of these potentially serious effects, an illness that would be minor in people without diabetes may become Combination Drug Therapy a major illness or medical emergency in people with diabetes. In addition, clients Combination drug therapy is an increasing trend in type 2 dia- with diabetes (or their caregivers) should be taught how to ad- betes that is not controlled by diet, exercise, and single-drug just their usual regimens to maintain metabolic balance and therapy. Useful combinations include drugs with different prevent severe complications. The main goal during illness is mechanisms of action, and several rational combinations are to prevent complications such as severe hyperglycemia, de- currently available. CHAPTER 27 ANTIDIABETIC DRUGS 401 Use in Children for injection at each anatomic site and to prevent lipodystrophy. Diabetes, one of the most common chronic disorders of • Young children usually adjust to injections and blood childhood, usually appears after 4 years of age and peaks in glucose monitoring better when the parents express less incidence at 10 to 12 years for girls and 12 to 14 years for anxiety about these vital procedures. For example, the brain and Type 1 Diabetes spinal cord do not develop normally without an adequate Insulin is the only drug indicated for use; it is required as re- supply of glucose. Animal studies indicate that pro- placement therapy because affected children cannot produce longed hypoglycemia results in decreased brain weight, insulin. Factors that influence management and insulin ther- numbers of neurons, and protein content. Myelinization of apy include the following: nerve cells is also decreased. Because complex motor and • Effective management requires a consistent schedule of intellectual functions require an intact central nervous sys- meals, snacks, blood glucose monitoring, insulin injec- tem, frequent, severe, or prolonged hypoglycemia can be tions and dose adjustments, and exercise. A In addition, recognition of hypoglycemia may be de- healthful, varied diet, rich in whole grains, fruits and veg- layed because signs and symptoms are vague and the etables and limited in simple sugars, is recommended. In children may be unable to communicate them to parents addition, food intake must be synchronized with insulin or caregivers. Because of these difficulties, most pediatric injections and usually involves three meals and three diabetologists recommend maintaining blood glucose snacks, all at regularly scheduled times. In addition, the bedtime snack and blood glu- extremely important in promoting normal growth and cose measurement should never be skipped. A major factor in optimal treatment is a • Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia in older children supportive family in which at least one member is thor- are similar to those in adults (eg, hunger, sweating, oughly educated about the disease and its management. In young children, hypoglycemia may be Less-than-optimal treatment can lead to stunted growth; manifested by changes in behavior, including severe delayed puberty; and early development of complica- hunger, irritability, and lethargy. In addition, mental tions such as retinopathy, nephropathy, or neuropathy. Anytime hypoglycemia is sus- in blood glucose levels and interfere with metabolic con- pected, blood glucose should be tested.

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