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By: B. Eusebio, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences

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Marty and M’Uzan (1963) described somatizing patients as using la pensée opératoire or “operational thinking anxiety x blood and bone download buy zoloft with american express,” meaning that they were strikingly devoid of fantasy anxiety heart rate generic 25 mg zoloft otc, incapable of symbolic expression clinical depression psychology definition zoloft 50 mg low price, and invested more in “things” than in products of the imagination. Their preoccupations tend to be concrete and repetitive (Joyce, Fujiwara, Cristall, Ruddy, & Ogrodniczuk, 2013). Presumably, early caregivers of somatizing patients failed to foster a capacity to represent feelings, leaving their bodies to convey what their minds could not (cf. Their alexithymia makes talk therapy difficult, but also vital for their improvement. Although they may have once received some secondary gain from the sick role, the pain they suffer is real and debilitating, and in adulthood there is very little that is rewarding about their psychology, unless they are invested in maintaining a legally disabled status. Indi- viduals who somatize chronically often report that they feel repeatedly unheard—no doubt partly because listeners tune out defensively as their efforts to help are frustrated, but possibly also because of early experiences with caregivers who failed to respond to their communications. The unvoiced hatred that interviewers often feel from somatizing patients, especially those in the borderline range, may result from their repeated experience of being treated as annoying complainers and given the message “It’s all in your head. Common countertransferences to somatizing patients may include feelings of futil- ity, impatience, and irritation. Treatment of individuals with somatizing tendencies is difficult and requires patience with their inarticulateness and negativity. Empathic acknowledg- ment that their suffering is real is critical; otherwise, they may feel accused of malin- gering. Because any movement toward emotional expression is stressful for them, they frequently become ill and cancel appointments just when their therapists begin to see progress. Central to their improvement is their therapists’ tactful encouragement to feel, name, and accept their emotional states. Central affects: Global distress; inferred rage; alexithymia prevents acknowledg- ment of emotion. Characteristic pathogenic belief about self: “I am fragile, vulnerable, in danger of dying. Hysteric–Histrionic Personalities Individuals with hysteric–histrionic personality styles are preoccupied with gender, sexuality, and their relation to power. Unconsciously, they see their own sex as weak, defective, or inferior, and the opposite sex as powerful, exciting, frightening, and envi- able (Horowitz, 1991, 1997; McWilliams, 2011). With respect to outward behavior, they typically come across as flamboyant, attention-seeking, and seductive (although a subset may, paradoxically, strike clinicians as curiously naive, conventional, and inhibited). Individuals with hysteric–histrionic personalities tend to seek power via seduc- tiveness toward persons of the overvalued gender (“pseudohypersexuality”). Such use (or misuse) of sexuality has a defensive function, serving to ward off feelings of weakness, defectiveness, or fearfulness, and to gain a sense of power or conquest over the exciting (but envied and frightening) opposite sex. Sexual intimacy, however, is a source of conflict because of unconscious shame about one’s gendered body and fears of being damaged by the more powerful other. People with hysteric–histrionic psychologies often flaunt their sexuality in an exhibitionistic way, in an unconscious effort to counteract unconscious shame and fear (although some are sexually avoidant or unresponsive). Many observers have noted that hysteric–histrionic psychologies are Personality Syndromes—P Axis 45 more common in cultures with strict, hierarchical gender roles. For example, in Western societies, hysteric– histrionic individuals are more likely to dramatize, while those in cultures that try to control the sexuality of people of their gender are apt to be inhibited—as were the “hysterics” with whom Freud originally worked in post-Victorian Vienna. Clinical experience suggests that heterosexual individuals who grow up disap- pointed by a same-sex parent and overstimulated by an opposite-sex parent may develop hysteric–histrionic personality styles. Thus women with hysteric–histrionic personality dynamics tend to describe their mothers as cold, depressed, or inept, and their fathers as larger than life. An opposite-sex caregiver may have been seductive or sexually inappropriate, sometimes to the point of molestation. Patients with hysteric–histrionic personalities fear overstimulation, much as schizoid patients do, but from inside rather than from outside. The dread of being overwhelmed by affect may be expressed in a self-dramatizing way of speaking, as if emotion is being unconsciously derided by being exaggerated. Cognitive style may be impressionistic (Shapiro, 1965), as these persons prefer not to look too closely at details for fear of seeing and knowing too much. Medically inexplicable physical symptoms expressing dissociated conflicts (conversion) may be present.

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On histo- The lef subclavian artery is then swung down as a bridge logical examination in these patients depression symptoms explained order zoloft 25 mg online, we noted that elastic across the coarctation mood disorder humanistic buy cheap zoloft 100 mg on line. Noted problems with this approach tissue is deficient in the aneurysmal segment of the aorta anxiety zero technique purchase zoloft 25mg without prescription. One of the early procedures proposed for coarctation In many patients who present with previous coarcta- repair was swinging the lef subclavian artery down onto tion surgery, a decision as to how to best approach the the descending aorta as a conduit or performing an inter- problem must be made. This can be divided into two position graf between the lef subclavian artery and the groups: patients who present with residual coarctation descending aorta [7]. This operation, however, has largely across previous repairs and those who present with aneu- been abandoned since infants or children who have under- rysms or even rupture at previous repair sites. In patients with multiple previous operations on ing an anastomosis to the descending aorta (Figure 25. The reason for this is that if a smaller graf is however, since these are usually young patients, it is con- used, there may be a residual pressure gradient or, when ceivable that further procedures may be required (such as patients exercise, a significant pressure gradient may an anterior approach with placement of an elephant trunk develop across the bypass. The problem with this approach is that the procedure, and addressed the bicuspid aortic valve by posterior fibrous ridge may recur, aneurysmal dilatation either repairing it or replacing it. While doing a distal anastomosis to the Alternatively, if the aortic arch is not aneurysmal, the descending aorta through the posterior pericardium off- mobilized descending aorta can be anastomosed to the pump is not advisable, it can be done in adults. It is essential to under these circumstances to either place the patient on insure that the anastomosis is hemostatically sealed prior cardiopulmonary bypass and give cardioplegia and then to removing the patient from cardiopulmonary bypass. Management ing aorta, being careful to insure that the graf is com- of coarctation in infancy. Congenital coarctation of aorta and patients present with severe coarctation of the aorta and its surgical treatment. Aortic dissection and aortic lesion (for example, inserting a composite valve aortic aneurysm surgery: clinical observations, experimen- graf) and then create a bypass graf from the ascending tal investigations, and statistical analyses. Curr Probl aorta graf to the descending aorta through the posterior Surg 1993; 30: 1−163. Spinal cord Some patients present with extensive coarctations of complications following surgery for coarctation of the aorta: a the distal aortic arch, the descending aorta and proxi- study of 66 cases. Paradoxical hypertension after repair of coarcta- pump ascending aorta-to-supraceliac bypass, with care- tion of the aorta : a review of its cause. Ann Thorac Surg 1990; ful wrapping of the graf in the abdomen with omentum, 50: 323−329. Management of acute aortic dissection associ- ated with coarctation by a single operation. Coarctation of the abdominal aorta with renal arterial stenosis: surgical consid- Congenital lesions involving the aortic arch are uncom- erations. Arterial lesions cases and call on the surgeon’s creativity to manage the associated with neurofibromatosis. Am J Clin Pathol 1974; 62: lesions and ofen require operations that are not part of 481−487. An account of a singular case of obstructed life expectancy as long as hypertension is corrected. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1992; 106: tion for aberrant right subclavian and aortic aneurysm. Carbon dioxide field flooding struction for aberrant right subclavian and aortic aneurysm. The surgical treatment of experimen- mutations in patients with bicuspid aortic valve disease and tal coarctation (atresia) of the aorta. We will address the degree of realized cerebral injury is uncertain, we ofen issue of when − and how − to include the transverse aor- obtain an urgent neurological or neurosurgical consulta- tic arch in the repair of an acute ascending aortic dissec- tion to help with the distinction. We will also cover the management of retro- impulse’ therapy with beta-blockers and aferload reduc- grade dissection progressing from the descending aorta to ers. In addition, we will focus on management from stroke or resolution of other comorbid problems. We looked at such As is well known, the natural history of acute ascending patients specifically in a recent report [1]. We found aortic dissection is poor, with high early mortality in that if more than 48 hours have elapsed since the onset patients not treated surgically. For this reason, acute of symptoms, one can safely delay operation until the ascending aortic dissection is generally regarded as a next semi-elective operating room slot.

Nevertheless depression symptoms ehow purchase zoloft 100mg fast delivery, most of these cases are caused by tennis elbow mood disorder definition cheap zoloft 100mg, myositis depression from anxiety generic zoloft 50mg with mastercard, and fasciitis. Thus, a simple injection at the trigger point will assist the diagnosis and give the patient 314 immediate and sometimes lasting relief. Termination: The bladder and entire urinary tract should be suspect for pathology in any case of enuresis beyond the age of 6. M—Malformations include phimosis, small urinary meatus, and vesicoureteral reflux. I—Inflammatory conditions form the largest group and include balanitis, urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis. If a child develops chronic nephritis at an early age, his or her bladder simply may be too small to retain the polyuria during sleep. T—Trauma from a vesical calculus or other foreign bodies inserted into the bladder must also be considered. Spinal cord: The following are included in this group: M—Malformations such as spina bifida. Brain: This is an important group of conditions to consider, if only briefly, because if the patient has a form of epilepsy, a cure may be 316 easily obtained. Other neurologic conditions include mental retardation, multiple sclerosis, general paresis, brain tumors, and chronic encephalitides. Supratentorium: A child may react violently to the pressure of toilet training by deliberately wetting the bed; this bedwetting may also be a way of getting back at generally strict parents or a way of getting their attention. Recent studies show that a child should not be considered a bedwetter until after the age of 6. Parents who put that label on a child too early may assure that the enuresis will continue for emotional reasons. Labeling the child as a bedwetter at any age is not a solution to, but an aggravation of, the problem. Approach to the Diagnosis From the above discussion it should be obvious that simple bedwetting prior to age 6 may not require a workup at all. Look for a positive family history and beware of enuresis that develops after at least 6 months of remission (secondary enuresis). After that age a careful examination of the urine, including smear and culture for bacteria, should be done. If these suggest a congenital lesion such as an ectopic ureter or are negative, cystoscopy may need to be done. If the workup is negative, reassure the patient that most children outgrow the problem by age 12. It may be unilateral in which case there is usually obvious eye pathology, or it may be bilateral in which case it is psychogenic or related to the effects of drugs. N—Nervous system: this would bring to mind Bell palsy, migraine, and histamine cephalgia. Approach to the Diagnosis If the symptoms are bilateral, look for a history of drug use or emotional problems. If it is unilateral, careful examination of the eye before and after a drop of fluorescence is indicated. Table 27 breaks the nasal passages into anatomic and histologic components and cross-indexes them with the various etiologies. Many people are particularly vulnerable to this because of the closeness of Kiesselbach plexus of veins and capillaries to the surface of the septal mucosa. This cause can quickly be ruled out by nasoscopic examination of the anterior portion of the septum. This same area may be inflamed or ulcerated by various infections, particularly syphilis, tuberculosis, leprosy, and mucormycosis. Carcinomas in this area are uncommon, but the Schmincke tumor of the nasopharynx should not be forgotten; more important are allergic polyps, which usually do not bleed unless traumatized.

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