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By: H. Jerek, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, University of Florida College of Medicine

All connec- tive tissues contain a varying mix of collagen depression meme cheap wellbutrin 300mg overnight delivery, elastic anxiety test online safe wellbutrin 300mg, and reticular fibers depression glass patterns buy genuine wellbutrin on-line. Following are the primary types of connective tissue: Areolar, or loose, tissue: This tissue exists between and around almost every- thing in the body to bind structures together and fill space. It’s made up of wavy ribbons called collagenous protein fibers, cylindrical threads called elastic fibers, and amorphous ground substance, a semisolid gel. Various cells including lympho- cytes, fibroblasts, fat cells, and mast cells are scattered throughout the ground substance (see Figure 4-2). Dense regular connective tissue: Made up of parallel, densely packed bands or sheets of fibers (see Figure 4-2), this type of tissue is found in tendons as bundles of collagenous fibers attaching muscles to bone and in ligaments as bundles of elastic fibers extending from bone to bone, surrounding a joint, and anchoring organs. Mast cell Fibers of Matrix Collagen fiber clei of fibroblasts Fibroblast Illustration by Imagineering Media Services Inc. Dense irregular connective tissue: Also known as dense fibrous connective tissue, it consists of fibers that twist and weave around each other, forming a thick tissue that can withstand stresses applied from any direction. This tissue makes up the strong inner skin layer called the dermis as well as the outer cap- sule of organs like the kidney and the spleen. Adipose tissue: Composed of fat cells, this tissue forms padding around internal organs, reduces heat loss through the skin, and stores energy in fat molecules called triglycerides. Fat molecules fill the cells, forcing the nuclei against the cell membranes and giving them a ring-like shape. Reticular tissue: Literally translated as “web-like” or “net-like,” reticular tissue is made up of slender, branching reticular fibers with reticular cells overlaying them. Its intricate structure makes it a particularly good filter, which explains why it’s found inside the spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. Part I: Building Blocks of the Body 52 Cartilage: These firm but flexible tissues, made up of collagen and elastic fibers, have no blood vessels or nerve cells (a state called non-vascular or avascular). Cartilage contains openings called lacunae (from the Latin word lacus for “lake” or “pit”) that enclose mature cells called chondrocytes, which are preceded by cells called chondroblasts. A membrane known as the perichondrium surrounds cartilage tissue, which also contains a gelatinous protein called chondrin. There are three types of cartilage: • Hyaline cartilage: The most abundant cartilage in the body, it’s elastic and made up of a uniform matrix pocked with chondrocytes. It lays the founda- tion for the embryonic skeleton, forms the rib (or costal) cartilages, makes up nose cartilage, and covers the articulating surfaces of bones. The sponge-like structure, with the lacunae and chondro- cytes lined up within the fibers, makes it a good shock absorber. It’s found in the intervertebral discs of the vertebral column and in the symphysis pubis at the front of the pelvis. This structure, which makes up the ear lobe and other structures where a specific form is important, tends to bounce back to its original shape after being bent. Bone, or osseous, tissue: Essentially, bone is mineralized connective tissue formed into repeating patterns called Haversian systems. In the center of each system is a large opening, the Haversian canal, that contains blood vessels, lymph vessels, and nerves. The central canal is surrounded by thin membranes called lamellae that contain the lacunae, which in turn contain osteocytes (bone cells). Smaller canali- culi connect the lacunae and circulate tissue fluids from the blood vessels to nour- ish the osteocytes. Like other connec- tive tissues, it has an extracellular matrix — in this case, plasma — in which are suspended erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and thrombocytes (platelets). Erythrocytes are concave on both sides and contain a pigment, hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to the body’s cells and takes carbon dioxide away. There are approximately 5 million erythrocytes per cubic millimeter of whole blood. Thrombocytes, which number approximately 250,000 per cubic millimeter, are fragments of cells used in blood clotting. Leukocytes are large phagocytic cells (literally “cell that eats”) that are part of the body’s immune system. There are, however, relatively few of them — less than 10,000 per cubic millimeter. Thrombocytes Flexing It: Muscle Tissue Although we review how muscles work in Chapter 6, in histology you should know that muscle tissue is made up of fibers known as myocytes. The cytoplasm within the fibers is called sarcoplasm, and within that sarcoplasm are minute myofibrils that contain the protein filaments actin and myosin.

Rawson reportedly stated depression definition in economy discount generic wellbutrin uk, “Te question should not be are bitemarks as good as fngerprints but are fngerprints as good as bitemarks” (transcript of original trial in State v anxiety quotes goodreads cheap 300 mg wellbutrin otc. In 1995 the Supreme Court of Arizona reversed the decision on procedural grounds and remanded the case for a new trial anxiety 6 months postpartum 300mg wellbutrin amex. Rawson, the state’s expert, prior to the second trial and asked him to reconsider his opinion, Dr. When confronted, he obliquely confessed to the crime, reportedly stating that he only remembered strug- gling with the victim then awakening the next morning with blood on his 324 Forensic dentistry Figure 14. Piakis subsequently had the opportunity of compare Phillips’s dentition to the bitemark and stated that Phillips’s teeth were more consistent with the bitemark than Krone’s. Bitemarks 325 Te case of Ray Krone is a tragic indictment of law enforcement and legal prosecution practices and of the faulty application of bitemark analysis. Tis activity included overstating and overdramatizing the results of tests and experiments and failure to follow accepted guidelines by not seeking second opinions and disregarding or discounting the unsolicited opinions received. Te homicide detectives failed to thoroughly investigate and follow all leads, and the prosecutors exhibited tunnel vision and willingness to shop for expert opinions that supported their theory of the crime. During an inter- view by a prosecutor before the retrial, one defense odontologist remarked, “I hope you have other important evidence … the bitemark evidence is bad” and was bluntly told, “Doctor, this is a bitemark case and has always been a bitemark case. Tis triumvirate committed errors that compounded to produce a gross miscarriage of justice. Tis case is described in detail in a book authored by Jim Rix, Ray Krone’s cousin and the sponsor of his defense. One or more second opinions from other competent forensic odontologists should be sought and considered. Te Supreme Court of Michigan ruled that that type of testimony was inadmissible afer several cases in that state in which bitemarks were associated to a suspect with statements of mathematical degrees of certainty. Te 1991 case of the kidnapping, assault, and rape of Maureen Fournier featured the victim’s eyewitness identifcation of the fve men who participated in the attack and the two who allegedly bit her. Both Michael Cristini and Jefrey Moldowan were convicted based on the victim’s identifcations and two forensic odontologists’ testimony that the bitemark associations were posi- tive. Allan Warnick, testifed that one of the marks was made by Moldowan and the odds that someone else made the mark were 3 million to one. In another case he testifed that “the chances of someone else having made the mark would be 4. Homer Campbell and Richard Souviron independently reviewed the evidence and reported that, in their opinion, Moldowan and Cristini could be excluded. Te court ruled that no testimony regarding mathematical degrees of certainty for bitemarks would be heard. Berman, testifed that Cristini made the bitemark with a high degree of certainty, and the defense expert, Dr. In an unusual twist in this trial, one of the original odontologists for the prosecution in the frst trial in 1991, Dr. Hammel, took the stand for the defense and testifed that she had erred in the original trial. She stated further that she originally had doubts about the orientation of the bitemark, and afer gaining more experience and reviewing the evidence, she realized her error. It took a great deal of courage for her to admit the error, but it was absolutely the right thing to do. Cristini had been arrested and charged with eight counts of frst-degree criminal sexual conduct allegedly involving a fve-year-old child. First, that eyewitness testimony may or may not be accurate—here the victim may have been wrong about the identity of the biters. She accused others that were later proven to be else- where at the time of the crime. Second, there is no scientifc basis for math- ematical degree of certainty with bitemark evidence on skin.

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Epithelial tissue serves several key functions mood disorder treatment centers buy wellbutrin once a day, including the following: Protection: Skin protects vulnerable structures or tissues deeper in the body depression mayo clinic purchase on line wellbutrin. Barrier: Epithelial tissues prevent foreign materials from getting inside the body anxiety eyes cheap 300mg wellbutrin free shipping. Part I: Building Blocks of the Body 48 Sensation: Sensory nerve endings embedded in epithelial tissue connect the body with outside stimuli. Secretion: Epithelial tissue in glands can be specialized to secrete enzymes, hor- mones, and fluids. Epithelial tissues also can be classified according to shape: Squamous is a thin, flat cell; cuboidal is, as the name implies, equal in height and width and shaped like a cube; and columnar cells are taller than they are wide. Following are the ten primary types of epithelial tissues: Simple squamous epithelium: Looking a bit like rolling tundra, this flat layer of scale-like cells is useful in diffusion, secretion, or absorption. Simple squamous epithelium lines the lungs’ air sacs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged; forms blood fil- ters inside the kidneys; and lines the inner surface of the eardrum, known as the tympanic membrane. Simple cuboidal epithelium: These cube-shaped cells, found in a single layer that looks like a microscopic mattress, have centrally located nuclei that usually are round. Found in the ovaries, kidneys, and some glands, this type of epithe- lium functions in secretion, absorption, and tube formation. Simple columnar epithelium: These densely packed cells are taller than they are wide, with nuclei located near the base of each cell. Found lining the digestive tract from the stomach to the anal canal, this type of epithelium functions in secretion and absorption. Simple columnar ciliated epithelium: A close cousin to simple columnar epithe- lium, this type of tissue has hair-like cilia that can move mucus and other sub- stances across the cell. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium: Pay attention to the prefix pseudo– here, which means “false. This type of epithelium is found in the sali- vary glands and some segments of the male reproductive system, including the urethra. Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium: Another variation on a theme, this tissue is nearly identical to pseudostratified columnar epithelium. The differ- ence is that this tissue’s free surface has cilia, making it ideal for lining air pas- sages because the cilia’s uniform waving action causes a thin layer of mucus to move in one direction — toward the throat and mouth — and trap dust particles. Stratified squamous epithelium: This tissue is the stuff you see everyday — your outer skin, or epidermis. This multilayered tissue has squamous cells on the outside plus deeper layers of cuboidal or columnar cells. Found in areas where the outer cell layer is constantly worn away, this type of epithelium regen- erates its surface layer with cells from lower layers. Stratified cuboidal epithelium: This multilayered epithelium can be found in sweat glands, conjunctiva of the eye, and the male urethra. Stratified columnar epithelium: Also multilayered, this epithelium is found lining parts of the male urethra, excretory ducts of glands, and some small areas of the anal mucus membrane. Stratified transitional epithelium: This epithelium is referred to as transitional because its cells can shape-shift from cubes to squamous-like flat surfaces and back again. Chapter 4: The Study of Tissues: Histology 49 Following are some practice questions dealing with epithelial tissue: Q. A tissue that’s one layer thick but appears to be multilayered and is composed of cells taller than they are wide is a. Simple cuboidal Making a Connection: Connective Tissue Connective tissues connect, support, and bind body structures together. Unlike other types of tissues, connective tissues are classified more by the stuff in which the cells lay — the extracellular matrix — than by the cells themselves. The cells that produce that matrix are scattered within it like chocolate chips in ice cream. The load-bearing Chapter 4: The Study of Tissues: Histology 51 strength of connective tissue comes from a fibrous protein called collagen. These filaments slide past each other during a muscle contraction, shortening the fiber. Following are the three types of muscle tissue (see Figure 4-3): Smooth muscle tissue: This type of tissue contracts without conscious control.