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By: H. Bozep, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

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During starvation the carbon skeleton of most amino acids from proteins fed in to gluconeogenesis to maintain the blood glucose level ; in this process ammonia is released and excreted mostly as urea and is not reincorporated in to protein erectile dysfunction pills wiki purchase kamagra without a prescription. Positive nitrogen balance occurs in pregnancy and during feeding after starvation erectile dysfunction treatment adelaide order 50 mg kamagra mastercard. A diet deficient in an essential amino acid also leads to a negative nitrogen balance since body proteins are degraded to provide the deficient essential amino acid erectile dysfunction treatment massachusetts purchase 100mg kamagra mastercard. Positive nitrogen balance occurs in growing children who are increasing their body weight and incorporating more amino acids in to protein than they breakdown. Cysteine and Arginine are 144 not essential in adults but essential in children because they are synthesized from Methionine and ornithine. Negative Nitrogen balance occurs in injury when there is net destruction of tissue and in major trauma or illness. Nitrogen Excretion and the Urea Cycle: Excess amino Nitrogen from amino acids is removed as ammonia, which is toxic to the human body. Some ammonia is excreted in urine, but nearly 90% of it is utilized by the liver to form urea, which is highly soluble and is passed in to circulation for being excreted by the kidneys. Daily excretion of urea amounts to about 30g with a protein intake of nearly 100g in the food. The urea-cycle starts in the mitochondrial matrix of hepatocytes and few of the steps occur in the cytosol: the cycle spans two cellular compartments. The first amino group to enter the cycle is derived from ammonia inside the mitochondria. Some ammonia also arrives at the liver via the portal vein from the intestine, when it is produced by bacterial oxidation of amino acids. Carbamoyl phosphate reacts with ornithine transferring the carbamoyl moiety to produce citrulline: by the enzyme i. Argininosuccinic acid is cleaved to form Arginine and fumerate by the enzyme Arginiosuccinate lyase. Ornithine is thus re-generated and can be transported in to the mitochondrion to initiate another round of the urea - cycle. Energetics of the urea cycle If the urea cycle is considered in isolation, the synthesis of one molecule of urea require four high energy phosphate groups 1. All the five enzymes are synthesized at higher rates in starving animals and in animals on a very high protein diet than well fed animals eating primarily carbohydrates and fats. Ammonia intoxication can be caused by inherited or acquired defects in ammonia trapping or in urea cycle most of the inhabited defects occur at a rate of 1 in every 30,000 births all. Ammonia intoxication caused by inherited defects in the urea cycle enzyme after arginosuccenate synthase can be treated by a diet low in protein and amino acid and supplemented by Arginine and citrulline. Treatment with sodium benzoate can produce additional disposal of non-urea nitrogen by combining with glycine the product hippuric acid, is excreted in the urine. Sodium phenyl lactate is even more effective, since it condenses with glutamine, the major carrier of excess Nitrogen. The resultingCompound phenylacetylglutamine is excreted carrying two nitrogen’s with it. Acquired defects in urea–cycle Any disease or condition that adversely affects liver mitochondria can also produce an increased level of ammonia in the blood such condition include liver cirrhosis, alcoholism, hepatitis, and Reye’s syndromes. The Glucose-Alanine Cycle Alanine also serves to transport ammonia to the liver via the Glucose-Alanine Cycle: In a reversal of Alanine aminotrasferase, Alanine transfers its amino group to α-Ketoglutarate, forming Glutamate in the cytosol of hepatocytes. Some of the glutamate is transported in to the mitochondria and acted by glutamate dehydrogenase, releasing ammonia. The use of Alanine to transport Ammonia from a hard working skeletal muscles to the liver is an example of the intrinsic economy of living organisms, mainly because vigorously contracting skeletal muscle operate anaerobically producing not only Ammonia but also large amounts of pyruvate from Glycolysis. In the initial reaction, phenylalanine is hydroxylated by phenylalanine hydroxylase, a monooxygenase that utilizes oxygen and tetrahydrobiopterin a pteridine co-factor. When untreated, this metabolic defect leads to excessive urinary excretion of phenyl pyruvate and phenyl lactate, followed by severe mental retardation, seizure, psychosis and eczema. Clear cur diagnosis requires measurement of plasma phenylalanine, which may be raised above 300mg/d.

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Medicines or drugs perform an auxiliary func- curacy of diagnostic procedures erectile dysfunction tulsa buy discount kamagra on line, marked enhancement of tion erectile dysfunction natural remedies diabetes order kamagra 50mg. The physician must surgical techniques coffee causes erectile dysfunction discount kamagra 50mg with visa, successful revealing of tumour de- combat the disease along with the patient and must velopment mechanism, all to the revolutionary decipher- therefore know the patient as an individual, and all the ing of human genome, significantly contribute to the relevant circumstances of his life as well as particular cir- strengthening of the position of those who are in favour cumstances of the disease. The practice of medicine thus of organic and technology oriented visions of medical appears to require more than scientific knowledge of practice development. It requires the knowledge and skills not be denied, the dominance of such an approach could to persuade the patient to cooperate. The man, not the lead not only to further dehumanisation of relations be- disease, is to be treated, and to treat him well, physician tween medical staff and their patients, but socially even must examine the man as a whole, not merely the organ more dangerous situation occurring as a result of such an or body part in which the disorder seems to be located. Indeed, these early assumptions The causes can be traced far back in ancient history of multiple actions of various factors on health are the and are mostly related to fundamental philosophical con- beginning of present-day holistic approach to health, the cern about the relation between soul and body, i. This everlasting philo- over the responsibility for one’s own health by employing sophical and religious dilemma was in different historical the forms of behaviour that preserve health and treat periods addressed in different ways and from different disease. The holism of that time, when the personality of a pa- The History of Biomedical Approach tient was more important than the disease, gradually dis- appeared in later years. The earliest systematically written evidence on the Galen, a much more influential physician of ancient knowledge about the relation between soul and body, be- time, directed the early holistic concept elaborated by tween physiological, or organic, and psychological, can be Hippocrates toward searching »local pathology«, i. Treatment of the disorders part as if it could be when in disharmony – the harmony being influenced by isolated from the living unity of the whole man is, to external, natural factors, hence its lack results in di- Galen, one of the deplorable consequences in medical sease3. In these early writings the signs of multifactorial practice of atomism or mechanism in medical theory[4]. Although even at that time man body was forbidden, Galen came to a conclusion the dualistic approach prevailed in the understanding of that practically all diseases were caused by pathological soul and body, still the human behaviour was considered lesions in organs and that different lesions caused differ- an important factor in health and in treatment of disease. He was of opinion that there was not any The balance of body humours, considered the most im- disease that could develop without evident disorders in portant health factors, could be achieved by proper be- certain parts of the body. Treatment started to be based exclusively on one-dimen- sional model of disease, i. In medieval period in Europe the development of The consequences of such a narrow approach may be medicine underwent significant regression and so did seen in exclusive focusing of medical procedures on chan- other ideas and knowledge about body-mind relations. It ging the disease condition by surgical, radiological, phar- was not before the 13th century that new ideas about macological and similar methods, which is almost a me- body-mind relations appear. Saint Thomas Aquinas, a fa- chanical approach to disease where human body is viewed mous philosopher of the Dominican order, rejected in his as a complex organic mechanism that the physicians will writings the idea of soul and body as separate entities. The assumption The new position within the Church itself, actualised by here is that there is strict division between the non-ma- the only recognised philosopher and scientist at that terial spirit, i. Every the perennial problem of body-mind relations, the inter- change in bodily function thus occurs separately from ests that by the beginning the Renaissance led to wide the changes in mental functions, and vice versa. Yet ginning of the 15 century was for a long time strongly the efficacy of biomedical model became highly question- influenced by French philosopher Rene Descartes and able when massive new non-infectious chronic diseases his categorical opinion about body and mind being com- occurred, in the development of which there participated pletely separated. Although Descartes was of opinion numerous risk factors, among which a great number of that mind and body could communicate through certain 4 psychological and social factors. The new diseases could not nisms of digestive and other body systems, the discovery be efficiently controlled by extensive vaccination of the of a microscope; for all of these medicine turned toward population nor merely organ-oriented therapeutic meth- looking for physiological causes and means of treatment ods. The model became too narrow and the need to over- of most common bodily illnesses. Diagnostic efficacy and come it was substantiated by ever increasing scientific treatment of diseases are significantly improved, espe- evidence about psychological and social effects on health cially when microorganisms as causative agents of many and disease. The introduction of hy- In his paper »The need for a new medical model«, gienic measures, e. Prevention of diseases by vaccination fur- new bio biopsychosocial model by which he supports the ther increases the efficacy of treatment and strengthens integration of biological, psychological and social factors the biomedical concept of disease. However, despite the evident efficacy, more and more According to Engel the biomedical model is a reduc- criticism is addressed to the biomedical concept, the most tionistic one since it is based on the philosophical princi- common one being that it reduces the disease to the low- ple that complex problems are derived from simple pri- est level, i. Furthermore, it is a sin- also, that it is dualistic in terms of separating the mental gle-factorial model describing diseases only as a disorder from somatic processes. Engel further states that the in biological functioning of the body; it is based on dual biomedical model has almost become a medical dogma re- concept of body and mind; it considers body and mind to quiring that all diseases, including the mental ones, be be two separate entities in spite of ample scientific evi- conceptualised on primarily physical, chemical and other dence of complex interactions between body and mind; it biological mechanisms.

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Most clinicians favour one type of medical therapy over another erectile dysfunction band buy generic kamagra canada, although the evidence for all is weak erectile dysfunction pump ratings order kamagra 100mg otc. Potassium para‑aminobenzoate (Potaba®) tablets have the best available evidence for improving pain impotence mental block purchase kamagra us, but are not very well tolerated. Tablets such as sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil and avanafil can help by improving erectile dysfunction in Peyronie’s disease, and this may be all the treatment that is required. Traction devices Traction devices have been used during the painful, inflammatory phase to limit the development and impact of curvature. Using a vacuum erection assistance device twice a day for 10 minutes (or a penile extender traction device for six hours each day) can, over a period of three to six months, help correct some of the curvature. The main advantage of these devices is that any improvement in curvature occurs without penile shortening. Non-surgical options • Vacuum or traction devices These have been used in the chronic phase • Collagenase This is an enzyme that breaks down collagen (the main component of fibrous tissue). It is very effective in Dupuytren’s contracture, but the results in the Peyronie’s are less impressive. Most patients see an improvement in their curvature, the average being a reduction of 18°. It is best for those with lower levels of curvature (less than 50°), where a small level of correction avoids the need for surgery. Each injection costs approximately £600, with the current evidence from trials suggesting that between six and eight injections are needed. Surgical options The aim of surgery is to get the penis functionally straight penis (with less than 20° of curvature). This can be achieved by shortening the longer side of the penis (plication) or by lengthening the shorter side by cutting into the plaque and filling the gap with a graft (plaque incision and grafting). The choice of procedure depends on: • the degree of penile curvature; • any additional shape change to the penis (such as “hour-glass” indentation in the contour); • the total penile length; and • the quality of your erections. All penile straightening operations aim to correct the curvature of your penis but they can never return it to exactly the same condition as before it started to curve. Plication of the corpora cavernosa Plication procedures are best for patients with good erectile function and curvatures of less than 60°. We counteract the curvature by “bunching up” the longer side, opposite to the plaque. Stitches are used to bunch up the tissue; you may be able to feel them under the skin of your penis afterwards. Plication procedures always cause a degree of penile shortening (amounting to 1 cm for every 15° of curvature corrected). They have less impact on erections and sensation than plaque incision and grafting. Plaque incision and grafting Plaque incision and grafting is used for men with more than 60° of curvature and good quality erections. It is more likely to affect erections and sensation than a plication operation, but will shorten the penis less. It involves cutting into the plaque to release the scarred area, and using a graft to patch the gap. Traditionally, vein grafts were used (taken from your groin through a separate incision: the Lue procedure) but most urologists now use pre- packaged, off-the-shelf grafts. To get to the plaque on your penis, we need to lift either the penile nerves (for an upward bend) or your urethra (for a downward bend, pictured) from the body of your penis; we replace them at the end of the procedure. Implantation of penile prostheses For those with any degree of curvature but whose erections are poor and have not responded to treatment with sildenafil, vardenafil, tadalafil or avanafil, implantation of penile prostheses may be the best surgical option. In this procedure, all abnormal tissue in the corpora cavernosa is “cored” out to allow the implants to be put inside it. The device provides the rigidity needed for penetration during sexual intercourse. Occasionally, the penis needs to be “moulded” back into shape or grafted (as in the plaque incision and graft operation) to get it straight. Your treatment will be planned with the doctors responsible for your care, considering not only which drugs are, or are not, available at your local hospital but also what is necessary to give you the best quality of care.

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The species or subspecies of each complex are distinguished mainly by their geo- graphic distribution erectile dysfunction can cause pregnancy buy cheap kamagra 100mg online, the clinical manifestations of the disease they cause erectile dysfunction treatment new zealand purchase kamagra from india, and epi- demiologic characteristics erectile dysfunction otc kamagra 50 mg overnight delivery. The complexes that cause American cutaneous leishmaniasis can be distinguished by such characteristics as vec- tor, parasite localization in the insect’s intestine, the pathogenicity of the agent on hamster skin, and the growth in culture media (Lainson and Shaw, 1974). Geographic Distribution (Table 1): Some leishmanias appear to be indigenous to the Americas, while others were most likely imported from the Old World. Human cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Americas occurs from southern Mexico to northern Argentina, with sporadic cases in permanent residents and travelers who visit northern Mexico (Melby et al. In the Caribbean islands, indigenous leishmaniasis exists only in the Dominican Republic (Zeledón, 1992). In South America, on the other hand, only Chile and Uruguay are free of the parasite. Detailed information on the distribution of leishmanias in the Americas can be found in Grimaldi et al. In the Old World, there are known endemic areas along the Mediterranean coast and in the Middle East, several countries of Asia (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), northern China, and north- western India. In Africa, in addition to the foci on the Mediterranean coast, others exist in the western-central, eastern-central, and southern parts of the continent. Despite some local successes in controlling the infection, it seems to be expanding in range and increasing in prevalence. Cutaneous leishmaniasis prevalence rates vary considerably, but most endemic countries are reporting an increase in cases or an expansion in the disease’s distribution. For example, in 1972, a total of 22,368 human cases of leishmaniasis (cutaneous and visceral) were reported in the Americas, 20,348 of them from Mesoamerica, espe- cially Guatemala (29. Since 1987, Brazil has been reporting between 23,000 and 26,000 cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis annually, with 2,511 cases of visceral leishmaniasis in 1985 alone (Lacerda, 1994). The Disease in Man: Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a polymorphous disease that may affect only the skin or both the skin and the mucous membranes. It manifests initially as itchy erythematous lesions, which later form papules and then painless ulcers. There may be one or many lesions, and they may sometimes be nonulcerative and diffuse. Though the lesions generally heal spontaneously within weeks or months, they may persist for as long as a year, or more. Spontaneous healing of leishmaniasis in man has been shown to depend on cell-mediated immunity and production of gamma interferon (Carvalho et al. In the Americas, the disease occurs in several clinical forms, depending mainly, but not solely, on the species of the eti- ologic agent involved. It causes a benign infection with only one or a few skin ulcers, known as chiclero ulcer, chiclero ear, or bay sore. The lesion is usually located on the earflap or, less often, on the face or extremities. It begins with an ery- thematous papule that then ulcerates and, when the scab comes off, bleeds easily. The lesions on the earflap are deforming, tend to be chronic, and may last many years, while those on other parts of the body heal spontaneously in about six months. A distinctive feature of this form of cutaneous leishmaniasis is that it may spread to the lymph nodes, though this very rarely occurs. In Mexico, no cases of mucocuta- neous leishmaniasis have been detected, but two or three cases of cutaneous lesions that invaded the contiguous mucosa have been reported. The vectors are not espe- cially attracted to man, and the main victims tend to be people who spend a lot of time in the forest, the vector’s habitat, such as the gum tappers (chicleros)who work there during the rainy season when phlebotomine flies are plentiful. Human cases due to this agent are rare because the vec- tors are nocturnal and not normally anthropophilic, and they inhabit marshy areas where man does not ordinarily live. Around 30% of patients have diffuse cutaneous lesions characterized by thickening of the skin in the form of scattered plaques, papules, or nodules, found mainly on the face and legs. This diffuse form of leishmaniasis has been described in Venezuela, but it also occurs in other areas. Patients with diffuse cutaneous leish- maniasis are anergic and do not react to the Montenegro skin test. Healthy volunteers inoculated with parasites from patients with diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis developed a localized lesion at the inoculation site which healed without sequelae.

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