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By: E. Peratur, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

Vice Chair, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute

A fetus affected by this abnormality is cardiovascular problems hypertension history order amlodipine 10 mg without prescription, allergies arrhythmia young amlodipine 5mg low price, and familial generally spontaneously aborted hypertension erectile dysfunction order amlodipine 2.5mg line. The cause of these diseases does not sex chromosome or the presence of an extra one seem to be a single gene but the effect of several is less serious, but it does cause a number of genes working together, a multifactorial trait. Down syndrome is an example of a disorder caused by the presence of an extra autosomal chromosome. In Down syndrome, chromosome Abnormal Chromosome Diseases 21 is inherited in triplicate, a condition called The hereditary diseases described to this point trisomy 21. Abnormali- a nondisjunction, or the failure of the two num- ties in the chromosomes, either in their num- ber 21 chromosomes to separate as the gametes, ber or structure, also cause disorders. As a result, out of 800 and is higher among children born to one gamete will be missing a chromosome while mothers over age 35. Chapter Five Heredity and Disease L 77 The Down syndrome child has a characteris- Sex Anomalies tic appearance (Figure 5–9 ). The eyes appear slanted because of an extra fold of skin at the Turner’s Syndrome upper, medial corner of the eye. The tongue is Turner’s syndrome results from the presence of coarse and often protrudes, while the nose is only one X chromosome. The child usually has a short some, a person with Turner’s syndrome appears stature, and the sex organs are underdeveloped. A straight crease extends across the palm of the Thus, there is no ovulation or menstruation, and hand, and the little finger is often shorter than the person is sterile. The occurrence for Turner’s syndrome is that accompany the condition, such as congeni- about 1 in 2,500 live births. In addition, there is a greater include congenital heart disease and coarctation susceptibility to respiratory tract infections, of the aorta. Figure 5–10  shows a Turner’s especially pneumonia, and a higher rate of acute syndrome karyotype. An individual with Down syndrome may live more than 55 years, while in 1910 their life expectancy Klinefelter’s Syndrome was only 9 years. An extra X chromosome is present in Klinefelter’s The Down syndrome child is always mentally syndrome. At cial education and work opportunities, enabling puberty, female secondary sex characteristics them to be active in their communities. Little facial hair devel- ops, and the general appearance is that of an immature young adult. Hermaphroditism The number of true hermaphrodites who have both testes and ovaries is small. Pseudohermaph- rodites do develop, and they have either testes or ovaries, usually nonfunctional, but the remain- der of the anatomy is mixed. This condition has also been referred to as sex reversal or intersex, in which the chromosomal sex is different from the anatomic sex. The sex glands are neutral during the first few weeks after conception until the testes differentiate at about the sixth week under the influence of the masculinizing hormone testos- Figure 5–9  Boy with Down syndrome. Test results in amniocentesis are from excessive production of sex hormones pro- available approximately 2 weeks after the pro- duced by the adrenal cortex or an unexplained cedure. Chorionic pseudohermaphrodites are ambiguous, resem- villi are projections of the membrane that sur- bling those of both males and females. Samples Treatment may involve surgery, hormonal may be taken between 8 and 10 weeks of preg- therapy, and counseling. Chorionic villus sampling gives information about gender and chromosomes sooner within the pregnancy. This Genetic Counseling procedure allows time for options, including ter- mination of pregnancy or preparation for a child and Diagnosis with special needs. Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases Early intervention is critical for prevention and Gene Therapy for Genetic Diseases treatment of genetic diseases.

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The nervous system is also organized for discrete activities; it has an enormous number of “private lines” for sending messages from one distinct locus to another arrhythmia uptodate 2.5mg amlodipine otc. The conduction of information along nerves occurs via electrical signals pulse pressure 40 order amlodipine with a mastercard, called action potentials blood pressure high purchase on line amlodipine, and signal transmission between nerves or between nerves and effector structures takes place at a synapse. Synaptic transmission is mediated by the release of specific chemicals or neurotransmitters from the nerve terminals. Innervated cells have receptors in their cell membranes that selectively bind neurotransmitters. Chapter 3 discusses the actions of various neurotransmitters and how they are synthesized and degraded. Chapters 4 to 6 discuss the role of the nervous system in coordinating and controlling body functions. The endocrine system produces hormones in response to a variety of stimuli that are instrumental in establishing and maintaining homeostasis in the body. In contrast to the rapid, directed effects resulting from neuronal stimulation, responses to hormones are much slower (seconds to hours) in onset, and the effects often last longer. Hormones are secreted from endocrine glands and tissues and are broadcast to all parts of the body by the bloodstream. A particular cell can only respond to a hormone if it possesses the appropriate hormone receptor. For example, arginine vasopressin specifically increases the water permeability of kidney collecting duct cells but does not alter the water permeability of other cells. Hormone effects can also be diffuse, influencing practically every cell in the body. Hormones play a critical role in controlling such body functions as growth, metabolism, and reproduction. Cells that are not traditional endocrine cells produce a special category of chemical messengers called tissue growth factors. These growth factors are protein molecules that influence cell division, differentiation, and cell survival. Nerve growth factor enhances nerve cell development and stimulates the growth of axons. Platelet-derived growth factor stimulates the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Insulin-like growth factors stimulate the proliferation of a wide variety of cells and mediate many of the effects of growth hormone. Growth factors appear to be important in the development of multicellular organisms and in the regeneration and repair of damaged tissues. The distinction between nervous and endocrine control systems is not always clear. In addition, the innervation of endocrine tissues can also regulate blood flow within the gland, which can impact the distribution and thus function of the hormone. Adding to this highly integrated relationship is the presence of specialized nerve cells, called neuroendocrine, or neurosecretory cells, which directly convert a neural signal into a hormonal signal. These cells thus directly convert electrical energy into chemical energy, and activation of a neurosecretory cell results in hormone secretion. Examples are the hypothalamic neurons, which liberate releasing factors that control secretion by the anterior pituitary gland, and the hypothalamic neurons, which secrete arginine vasopressin and oxytocin into the circulation. In addition, many proven or potential neurotransmitters found in nerve terminals are also well-known hormones, including arginine vasopressin, cholecystokinin, enkephalins, norepinephrine, secretin, and vasoactive intestinal peptide. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to classify a particular molecule as either a hormone or a neurotransmitter. A general outline for a signal cascade is as follows: Signaling is initiated by binding of a first messenger to its appropriate ligand-binding site on the outer surface domain of its relevant membrane receptor. This results in activation of the receptor; the receptor may adopt a new conformation, form aggregates (multimerize), and/or become phosphorylated or dephosphorylated. These changes often result in association of adapter signaling molecules that couple the activated receptor to downstream molecules that transduce and amplify the signal through the cell by activating specific effector molecules and generating a second messenger. The outcome of the signal transduction cascade is a physiologic response, such as secretion, movement, growth, division, or death.

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The fetus is usually dead unless amniotic fuid embolism and pulmonary embolism the rupture occurs in hospital and delivery is accom- may be difcult blood pressure zona plus generic amlodipine 5mg online, as the initial presentation will be plished very quickly blood pressure medication od purchase amlodipine online now. When stable arrhythmia ekg buy 5mg amlodipine amex, the woman should have a chest to automobile accidents, falls, or domestic violence, X-ray to exclude intrathoracic pathology such as may lead to abruption, uterine rupture, or signif- pneumothorax, and a low dose ventilation/perfusion icant intra-abdominal bleeding resulting in col- (V/Q) scan to confrm the diagnosis of pulmonary lapse. The V/Q scan is very likely to be diagnos- rare in pregnancy, but the rupture of congenital or tic because of the profound disturbance of maternal pregnancy-related vascular aneurysms, e. The coagulopa- of the membranes; however, it has been reported thy may be a result of the disease process, e. Coagulation Classically it is thought to be associated with hyper- factors should be measured in severe pre-eclampsia tonic uterine activity and abruption, but these factors but are unlikely to be abnormal if the platelet count are not invariable. Coagulopathy can be expected if collapse but there is respiratory and cardiovascular collapse, has occurred from abruption, amniotic fuid embo- which may be profound and fatal within 30–60 min- lism, or massive haemorrhage of any cause. If the woman survives longer, a coagu- lopathy invariably develops rapidly and contributes Embolism to the haemorrhagic shock. The diagnosis is clinical and the purpose of ble states such as antiphospholipid syndrome. The detection of fetal the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism takes second squames in central venous blood confrms the diag- place to resuscitation. Tis may occur as a result of trauma or spon- taneously as seen in a subarachnoid haemorrhage. If traumatic in origin, the case will usually be obvi- ous and should be suspected in any pregnant woman presenting with a signifcant head injury. In most cases, the blood pressure will be normal or elevated, and signs of raised intracranial pressure will be detected with papilloedema and cranial nerve abnormalities. The abrupt history, the clinical signs, and the absence of bleeding all indicate an intracranial cause that will normally need immediate neurosurgical review and probable intervention, though the outlook for many of these cases is poor. The diagnosis is ofen obvious in women with a his- tory of preceding severe pre-eclampsia. Tese women may present with symptoms and signs of imminent eclampsia: severe headache, persistent visual distur- bances, epigastric pain, and hyperrefexia. In these circumstances the seizures are likely to be caused by a hypertensive encephalopathy. However, in 20 per cent of cases the ft is the initial presentation with a nor- mal or only mildly elevated blood pressure. In these women, cerebral vasoconstriction leading to ischae- mia and cerebral oedema due to cell death is the most likely cause of the ftting (Fig. The ft may be witnessed where the woman usu- ally complains of feeling ‘unwell’, collapses, and loses consciousness. Supportive care should be undertaken during the ft, and magnesium sulphate infusion commenced to prevent recurrence. A history of pre-eclampsia is sugges- witnessed generalised tonic–clonic seizures. If conscious, the woman will be confused and well and mother had no further seizures after delivery. As a result of the ft there may be external trauma or damage to the mouth or tongue. Failure to recognise the symptoms and signs of sepsis or respond appro- priately may lead to septic shock, which can be rapidly fatal. As the condition worsens she will become shocked with poor tissue perfusion, hypoxia, hypotension, and oliguria. The diagnosis is made by noting the preceding history of infection and the diverse signs, as well as having an increased awareness of the protean nature and danger of sepsis in pregnant women. Blood should be taken for a full blood count, culture, biochemistry, liver function tests, and coagulation studies before treatment. However, treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics and multi-system support as necessary should be instituted as quickly as possible without awaiting the results of the blood tests. Myocardial infarction Although most pregnant women are young and healthy, increasingly, older and less medically ft women are having babies. Women with ischaemic heart disease are at risk of myocardial infarction, although it remains a very rare cause of cardiac arrest Figure 3 This 34-year-old woman presented with severe pre- in pregnancy.

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Thus this method has been If healing is incomplete the disease process is acti- found to have a low benefit cost ratio blood pressure medication with the least side effects purchase 2.5mg amlodipine otc. It may lead to pneu- A recent study from East Africa8c attempted to monic and bronchopneumonic forms hypertension zyrtec discount 2.5 mg amlodipine with visa, involvement of identify the clinical arterial blood gas purchase 5 mg amlodipine otc, X-ray and laboratory features on pleura, pericardium and regional lymph nodes or the basis of which tubercular patients could be identified discharge of bacilli into the blood stream. These were: Late or adult type lesion: Tuberculosis in the • Cough for more than 21 days adolescent or adult age may be a flaring up of the old, • Chest pain for more than 15 days incompletely healed or unhealed primary focus but, • Absence of expectoration more often, it is due to reinfection and is called • Absence of breathlessness. Any two of the above four diagnosed tuberculosis with The characteristic feature in adult pulmonary tuberculosis 85 percent sensitivity and 67 percent specificity. There is a strong tendency towards limitation three of four had diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of of the disease by fibrosis. First of all, we shall discuss the prevention and control of • Toxemic symptoms: They are related to the activity tuberculosis as per the standard levels of prevention. Health Prom otion (almost parallel with the skin with an angle of 10 to 15 percent). The great reduction in tuberculosis in the socioeconomically advanced coun- Local reaction: It is similar to primary smallpox vacci- tries of America, Australia and Europe and its low inci- nation reaction but progresses slowly. Nothing happens dence in upper social strata of society all over the world for two weeks. A papule then develops, reaching tuberculosis parallel to socioeconomic development was the maximum size in the 4th week. The papule cracks, noticed even before any specific treatment for tuber- discharges pus and is gradually changed into a crust during culosis became available. The scab falls off during the 7th include provision of well lighted, ventilated and open or 8th week leaving a small oozing ulcer which heals houses, congenial working conditions, good nutrition, and leaves a scar or keloid about 5 mm in diameter. It remains potent up vaccine is contraindicated irrespective of the child’s to one year in refrigerator and for one to four weeks condition or symptom, given the potential risk of at room temperature. The reason for this being more in preventing primary tuberculosis than is that their skin being too thin, intradermal infection pulmonary tuberculosis. A recent hospital based using the full dose is difficult without spill over to deeper retrospective case control study from Nagpur found only tissues. It is the cheapest and easiest navel recruits with history of exposure to tuberculosis, method for prevention and control of the disease. In the two sensitivities were 94 and 75 percent developing countries like India, where there is a high respectively. The international recommendation variable extent17a (17a-Menzies R, Vissandjee B 1992. However, in an indivi- • The risk of tuberculous infection in many developing dual patient, the test cannot accurately predict the risk countries is still high (1. Four factors need to be • Vaccination at school is feasible and, due to growing taken into consideration while interpreting tuberculin school attendance, will cover the vast majority of sensitivity. The British Thoracic Society tuberculin, a protein of the tubercle bacillus, into the considered the first three of these to be the key variables skin and observing whether or not an allergic reaction while the American Thoracic Society gives importance develops. A recent study suggest that the heat-killed culture was used but now the purified protein first two, i. The generally accepted and Chemoprophylaxis: It implies prevention of disease standard method of Mantoux test for the purpose of by giving drugs like isoniazid to two types of contacts: tuberculin surveys consists of injecting 0. The injection is given to a person, not infected so far (negative reactor), intradermally with the help of a tuberculin syringe on who has been exposed to an open case. This the anterior side of the left forearm, so as to raise a approach is totally irrational. An induration 10 mm or above in approach may be of value in high risk cases, such longitudinal diameter is considered positive. Sometimes as preschool children in contact with an open case 14 mm is also used as a cut off point in tuberculin in the family. Also, weak reactors (less than 5 mm drugs has radically changed the earlier approach induration) have more risk of developing the disease.