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By: V. Ningal, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, The University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix

H I V p o st exp o su r e p r o p h ylaxis sh o u ld b e d iscu ssed wit h the patient virus 90 mortality rate buy terramycin 250mg otc, taking into account the risk factors for exposure best antibiotic for sinus infection while pregnant cheap 250 mg terramycin free shipping. Pregnancy prevention should be discussed and emergency cont racept ion should be offered antibiotics cause uti purchase on line terramycin. Finally, sup- port to community resources, arrangements for follow-up, and referral for report- ing t o the legal aut horit ies sh ould be undert aken if not already done. The control can include physical, sexual, emot ional or economic abuse and/ or t hreat s, and isolat ion. It can be physical, psychological, emot ional, or sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, or financial exploit at ion. The lifet ime prevalence of sexual assault is reported as approximately 20% but this is likely an underestimation due to reporting bias. The majority of reported assailants are known to the victim— either a current or former intimate partner, acquaintance, or family member. T hose at increased risk for sexual assault include t he physically or mentally disabled, homeless, and persons who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or trans- gen d er ed. O t h er p op u lat ion s at r isk are college st u d en t s, alcoh ol an d d r u g u ser s, and persons under age 25 years. Sexual assault can lead to physical injury in approximately half of cases, and emotional trauma, fear, and embarrassment in the majority of cases. Many victims fear that they will n ot be h eard or believed, or that det ails about t h eir assault will be released to the public. T hey may also fear for their safet y, or fear that their case will not be successfully prosecuted. Sexual assault vict ims may be hesit ant to seek medical attention after the inciting event so it is important for healthcare provid- ers t o underst and t hat t he pat ient may be guarded in her verbal and nonverbal responses. Prior to examination, the patient must be instructed not to bathe, eat, drink, clean fingernails, smoke, urinate nor defecate. The initial role of the healthcare provider is to rule out any life-threatening injuries as with any patient triaged through a medical facility. Although most physical inju- ries are reported as minor, about 1% report major injuries needing hospitalization or operative repair, and 0. After life-threatening injuries have been ruled out, the patient must be moved to a quiet, private room for the remainder of the exam and informed consent must be obtained (Figure 31– 1). A thorough his- tory and physical examination must be taken that includes: d et ails of the even t wit h 5 s Figure 31–1. N ext, patient should be instructed to undress on a white sheet and the clothes collected for legal pur poses. A h ead t o t oe examin at ion n eeds t o be performed, search in g for bruises, lacerations, and bite marks, including a thorough documentation of the pelvic examination. P ubic h air combin gs, fin ger n ail scr apin gs, an d skin wash - ings need to be collected as well. Colposcopic evaluat ion with toluidine blue can assess microscopic abra- sions t hat may be missed on gross examinat ion. Collection of these samples and thor- ough documentation play a pivotal role from a legal and medical perspective, and any healthcare provider that does not feel comfort able proceeding with the neces- sary steps, must seek assist ance from experienced personnel (see Figure 31– 1 for algorit hm of t he examinat ion of a sexual assault vict im). Emergency contraceptives should be given within 72 hours of the assault, but may be effective if given within 120 hours. A serum pregnancy test must be documented in t he chart prior t o administering any met hod of cont racept ion t o rule out a pre- exist ing pregnancy. The most effective form of emergency contraception is the copper intrauterine device if inserted within 120 hours postcoital and patients may benefit from the lon g-t er m r et en t ion. There are three main regimens for oral emergency contraception: progestin- only pills, combined oral contraceptives, and antiprogesterone pills (Table 31– 1). Prophylactic antibiotics for sexually transmitted infections are indicated for ch lamydial, gon ococcal, an d t r ich om on al in fect ion s. Administering ceftriaxone 250mg intramuscularly in a single dose, metronidazole 2g orally in a single dose, as well as azithromycin 1g orally in a single dose or doxycycline 100mg twice daily orally for 7 days are the recommended treatment for these infections (see Table 31– 2). Addit ionally, H uman Papilloma Virus vaccine is recommended for female vict ims aged 9 to 26 years, and may be offered to the victim of sexual assault. Sexual assault leads to a variety of acute emotional reactions ranging from severe distress to numbing of emotions, anger, and denial.

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Severe sepsis is defined as the occurrence of infect ion with septic host response and at least one end-organ dysfunct ion the infection 0 origins movie discount terramycin 250 mg. Septic shock is defined as sepsis with persistent hypotension despite fluid administration bacteria 4 terramycin 250 mg. Early Goal-D irected Therapy is a treatment approach for sepsis that was int rodu ced during the early 2000s; this approach is direct ed at early recognit ion of sepsis and early aggressive t reat ment t o rest ore or minimize tissue hypoperfusion virus on cruise ship order terramycin 250 mg fast delivery. It is important to recognize that severe sepsis can carry a mortality of 25% to 30% and septic shock can carry a mortality of 50%. The two major treatment goals in septic shock are to identify and address the source of infec- tion (source control), and to restore tissue perfusion as soon as possible to minimize remote organ hypoperfusion that can lead to organ dysfunction. Time to antibiotic initiation has been well documented to influence outcomes associated with sepsis; therefore, every effort should be made t o select and administ er t he appropriat e ant imicrobial treatments as soon as sepsis is recognized. The Su r vivin g Sepsis C a mpa ign is an international initiative to enhance the practice of sepsis management. If fluids alone are insufficient to achieve the blood pres- sure goals, a norepineph rine (Levophed) drip is recommended t o help ach ieve the target blood pressures once intravascular volume depletion has been corrected. If cont inu ed in cr eases in n or epin eph r in e in fu sion fail t o ach ieve t ar get blood pr es- sures, a cont inuous infusion of vasopressin at a const ant rat e of 0. The use of physi- ologic doses of corticosteroids can be considered for individuals with septic shock wh o do not ach ieve sufficient responses t o source cont rol, fluid administ rat ion, and vaso p r esso r s. Ca r d i o g e n i c Sh o c k : In t r i n s i c o r Ex t r i n s i c ( Me c h a n i c a l ) Intrinsic conditions causing cardiogenic shock are due to primary cardiac dysfunc- tion, and these include acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction, and heart failure. Conversely, a classic extrinsic cause of cardiogenic shock is ten- sion pneumot horax where t he mediast inal st ruct ures shift away from t he side of the pneumothorax causing kinking of the vena cava and affecting cardiac filling. Another example of an ext rinsic cause of cardiogenic shock is cardiac t amponade, in wh ich pericardial pressure compromises venous return t o t he right heart and hypotension. Ch est auscult at ion, chest x-rays, and echocardiography are maneuvers and modalities that can be helpful to identify patients with extrinsic causes of cardiac dysfunction. Mixe d Ca u s e s o f Sh o c k In some cases, hypotension and hemodynamic instability can be attributable to more than one cause. For example, an elderly man with a history of congestive heart failure wit h urinary t ract sepsis can h ave hypot ension due t o the combined effect s of cardiogenic and septic causes. For such an individual, echocardiography can be highly useful to determine cardiac function as well as intravascular volume status. The treatment of such a patient often requires prioritizing the more serious condi- tion or sometimes requires simultaneous treatment of both conditions. H is heart rate is 112 beats/ minute, respiratory rate is 24 breath/ minute, and temperature is 37. I n t r aven o u s fu r o sem id e ( Lasix) sh o u ld b e ad m in ist er ed t o im p r o ve h is urine output C. This patient likely is affected by anxiety and a mild anxiolytic should be provided with close observation D. T h e pat ient is not ed t o have low urine out put, wit h only 20 mL collected over 3 hours. H er blood pressure is 90/ 55 mm H g, heart rate is 110 beats/ minute, and temperature is 35. Which of the following will most likely help est ablish t he cause of her current condit ion? H er pulse rate is 118 beats/ minute, blood pressure is 110/ 70 mm H g, temperature is 39. Au s- 2 2 2 cultation of her lungs reveals rales and crackles in her left lung field. I n t r aven o u s t h r om b olyt ic t h er ap y sh o u ld b e given for h er p u lm o n ar y embolism C. C olloid r esu scit at io n is p r efer ab le over cr yst alloid r esu scit at ion in patient s with septic shock C.

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After termination virus 101 order terramycin cheap, supplemental doses are needed during times of stress until adrenal function has recovered fully best antibiotic for uti least side effects generic 250 mg terramycin with mastercard. Ongoing Monitoring and Interventions Evaluating Therapeutic Effects Evaluate therapy by making periodic comparisons of current signs and symptoms with the pretreatment assessment bacteria 3 in urine 250 mg terramycin overnight delivery. First, keep the dosage as low as possible and the duration of treatment as short as possible. Third, when appropriate, administer glucocorticoids topically, intranasally, by inhalation, or by local injection, rather than systemically. Long-term therapy suppresses the ability of the adrenal glands to make glucocorticoids. After termination of therapy, supplemental doses are required at times of stress until adrenal recovery is complete. Expression of adrenal insufficiency can be reduced by withdrawing glucocorticoids gradually. Adrenal insufficiency can be minimized through alternate-day dosing and use of glucocorticoids that have an intermediate duration of action. Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis predisposes the patient to fractures, especially of the ribs and vertebrae. Monitor patients for signs of compression fractures (neck or back pain) and for indications of other fractures. Important among these are calcium supplements, vitamin D supplements, thiazide diuretics (combined with salt restriction), bisphosphonates (e. Estrogen therapy can reduce bone loss in postmenopausal women, but the benefits are not likely to outweigh the risks. Warn patients to avoid close contact with persons who have a communicable disease. Glucocorticoids may need to be withdrawn gradually unless they are absolutely required. Patients with diabetes may need to decrease their caloric intake and use higher doses of hypoglycemic medication (insulin or an oral hypoglycemic). These effects can be minimized by (1) using glucocorticoids that have low mineralocorticoid activity, (2) restricting sodium intake, and (3) taking potassium supplements or consuming potassium-rich foods (e. Glucocorticoids may increase the risk for ulcer formation and can mask ulcer symptoms. If ulcers develop, glucocorticoids should be slowly withdrawn—unless their continued use is considered essential for life—and antiulcer therapy should be instituted. Systemic glucocorticoids can cause psychological disturbances, both mild (insomnia, anxiety, agitation, irritability) and severe (delirium, hallucinations, depression, euphoria, mania). Depression is more likely with low-dose, long- term therapy, whereas psychoses (mania, delirium) are more likely with high- dose, short-term therapy. Psychological disturbances are reversible and usually resolve within days to weeks after drug withdrawal. Use in Pregnancy and Lactation Glucocorticoids can induce adrenal hypoplasia in the developing fetus. When large doses have been employed, the newborn should be assessed for adrenal insufficiency and given replacement therapy if indicated. During high-dose therapy, the glucocorticoid content of breast milk may become high enough to affect the nursing infant. Other Adverse Effects Myopathy and Cushing syndrome can be minimized by implementing the general measures noted at the beginning of this section. Glucocorticoid-induced potassium loss can be augmented by potassium- depleting diuretics (thiazides, loop diuretics) and can increase the risk for toxicity from digoxin. If digoxin and glucocorticoids are used concurrently, potassium levels should be monitored. Diabetic patients may need to increase their dosage of insulin or other hypoglycemic drugs. Glucocorticoids can decrease antibody responses to vaccines and can increase the risk for infection from live virus vaccines. P a t i e n t E d u c a t i o n Glucocorticoids Instruct patients to take their medicine in the morning to mimic natural physiologic timing of hormone release.

Selective β1-blockers such as atenolol and (B) doxazosin metoprolol are less likely to inhibit glycogenolysis than (C) propranolol nonselective blockers antibiotic 93 3109 buy terramycin 250mg amex, and α-adrenoceptor blockers such (D) phenoxybenzamine as doxazosin and phentolamine are least likely to impair (E) atenolol glycogenolysis infection lymph nodes generic 250 mg terramycin amex. Numerous studies have shown that untreated high • Amilorideb blood pressure damages blood vessels treatment for uti home remedies discount terramycin 250mg, accelerates athero- sclerosis, and produces left ventricular hypertrophy. These Sympatholytics abnormalities contribute to the development of ischemic Adrenoceptor Antagonists heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and renal failure, which c are among the most common causes of death worldwide. In some cases, secondary hypertension can be corrected by Vasodilators medication or surgery. These include obesity, Other Vasodilators lack of exercise, the so-called metabolic syndrome (abdominal j • Hydralazine obesity, hyperlipidemia, and insulin resistance), elevated Dopamine Agonist dietary sodium intake, and excessive consumption of alcohol. Classifcation of Blood Pressure Blood pressure is classifed as shown in Table 10-1. This the sympathetic system and kidneys maintain arterial blood designation helps identify persons in whom early adoption pressure within a fairly narrow range when a person is at of lifestyle changes that decrease blood pressure could rest, and they adjust blood pressure appropriately in response prevent the progression of blood pressure to hypertensive to postural changes and physical activity. These persons are not candidates for drug In normotensive individuals, an increase in blood pressure therapy unless they have diabetes and a trial of lifestyle leads to a proportional increase in sodium and water excre- changes fails to reduce their blood pressure to the desired tion by the kidneys, so that blood volume is reduced and level of 130/80 mm Hg or less for diabetics. In hypertensive The classifcation includes two stages of hypertension that patients, the set point at which blood pressure is controlled confer differences in follow-up recommendations and man- is higher than normal; the regulation of blood pressure is agement. In addition to providing information about life- defective; and an increase in blood pressure is not followed style modifcations, stage 1 hypertension should be confrmed by a proportional increase in sodium and water excretion by within 2 months and then treated appropriately. Sites and Effects of Antihypertensive Drug Action Regulation of Blood Pressure The four major categories of antihypertensive drugs are the From a systemic hemodynamic perspective, blood pressure diuretics, sympatholytic drugs, angiotensin inhibitors, and is regulated primarily by the sympathetic nervous system other vasodilators. Vasoactive and sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone other substances produced within the blood vessel wall also axis, or vascular smooth muscle (Fig. They can also be characterized in terms of the com- activation of β1-adrenoceptors in the heart, and it is infu- pensatory mechanisms invoked by their hypotensive effect. Whereas most antihyperten- through the arterioles, whose cross-sectional area depends sive drugs are taken orally on a long-term basis, some are on arteriolar smooth muscle tone in the various vascular administered parenterally for the management of hyperten- beds. The treatment of this condition is dis- nervous system stimulates arteriolar smooth muscle contrac- cussed at the end of the chapter. The discussion here focuses on fow through the tissues and infuence arterial pressure. The thiazide diuretics have a The kidneys are responsible for the long-term control of moderate natriuretic effect and are the diuretics used most blood pressure, via regulation of plasma volume and the frequently in the treatment of hypertension. These parameters are regulated on a systemic level by the sympathetic nervous system and the kidneys. Antihypertensive drugs act to suppress excessive sympathetic activity and modify renal function to counteract the mechanisms responsible for hypertension. Loop diuretics can be used to treat hypertension of indapamide and an angiotensin inhibitor effectively con- when a thiazide diuretic is not effective or is contraindicated. When they are frst adminis- often used in combination with another class of antihyper- tered to a patient, the drugs decrease blood volume and tensive agent, because the two drugs have additive or syner- thereby decrease cardiac output (Fig. It has been found that more than two thirds of much of their long-term antihypertensive effect. Using a higher dosage causes more hypokalemia but does Hydrochlorothiazide is the thiazide diuretic most often not have a greater effect on blood pressure. Less commonly, they cause hematologic Potassium-Sparing Diuretics toxicity and aggravate hepatic disease. They can also evoke Examples of potassium-sparing diuretics are amiloride, spi- a compensatory increase in renin secretion, which is one ronolactone, and triamterene. These agents have a mild reason why using the drug in combination with an angio- natriuretic effect, and they reduce renal potassium excretion tensin inhibitor is effective. Nevertheless, numerous clinical and thereby prevent hypokalemia caused by thiazide and trials have shown that thiazide diuretics are effective and loop-acting diuretics. In addition, receptor antagonists that have an impressive ability to lower thiazides are among the least expensive agents available for blood pressure when combined with other drugs; they are treating hypertension. Thiazides are regression of left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive probably benefcial in this condition because they decrease patients and regression of microalbuminuria in patients with the urinary excretion of calcium.