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By: P. Georg, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Vice Chair, University of Washington School of Medicine

Hip hik- energy demand on them is higher because it ing powered by the paraspinal and ab- 9 takes longer to cover a given distance muscle relaxant pills order 30 gr rumalaya gel visa. The dis- dominal muscles is one energy-taxing tance walked by the patient in increments of 3 compensatory strategy when the ham- minutes may be considerably less than by a nor- strings are weak spasms jerks purchase rumalaya gel pills in toronto. Thus spasms in right side of abdomen order rumalaya gel pills in toronto, rehabilitation interventions prematurely, so the leg is too long near for ambulation ought to aim not only for inde- the end of swing. Circumduction, vault- pendent walking for 150 feet, which is the ceil- ing off the foot of the stance leg, and ex- ing criteria used by the Barthel Index and cessive hip and knee flexion from a Functional Independence Measure (see Chap- prominent footdrop are other gait devia- ter 7). Interventions should also aim to improve tions that act as compensatory tech- walking speed. The probability of being referred for inpatient In summary, the hemiplegic gait is prone to: rehabilitation within 10 days of a stroke is very 1. A shorter step length with the unaffected high for patients who walk 30 cm/second and leg 10 low for those who walk 60 cm/second. Longer stance duration, mostly from patients reach a threshold velocity of 40 cm/sec- longer double-limb support time with 11 ond for home ambulation, therapy ought to shorter time on the paretic leg aim for faster walking speeds and for more en- 3. Shorter duration of swing ergy efficient distances traveled to permit un- 4. Community am- stance, which, by moving the center of bulation usually takes a walking velocity of 60 to mass forward, is associated with an in- 11 80 cm/second or walking at over 1. Decreased lateral shift to the paretic side during single-limb support Paraparetic Gait 6. Less knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion during swing, compensated by circum- the observational gait of patients with spastic duction of the affected leg paraparesis reveals a variety of compensatory 258 Common Practices Across Disorders mechanisms to achieve locomotion. The devi- Gait with Poliomyelitis ations noted for hemiplegic gait apply to both lower extremities. Hip and knee flexion can be Anterior trunk flexion with knee hyperexten- prominent in swing and stance, especially in sion is a common compensation for severe patients with a cervical central cord syndrome. This paresis the gait may look like the stepping pattern of can cause degenerative disease of the knee a child with spastic diplegia from cerebral joints. Heel contact may be absent, replaced by as the paraspinals and hip and ankle movers, a plantarflexed or flat-footed initial floor con- yield a variety of gait deviations and compen- tact. Severely affected patients re- vents the ankle from dorsiflexing into a posi- quire bracing the ankles and knees. Electromyographic (EMG) analysis often Biomechanics, kinesiology, electrophysiology, shows a prolonged duration of EMG activation and computer modeling have contributed to with premature recruitment and delayed re- research into the mechanisms and evaluation laxation compared with healthy persons. Quantitative EMG bursts tend to be flat with decreased or methods of gait analysis draw from these dis- absent peaks. Studies reveal information about nor- nemius muscles show reduced activity over the mal16 and abnormal17 motor control and can whole step cycle, whereas the tibialis anterior lead to therapeutic interventions and to as- may show increased activity during early swing. Some Prolonged bursts can accompany passive mus- of the practical techniques for gait analysis are cle lengthening. Techniques for Injury to even a single nerve may cause con- Gait Analysis siderable deviations and secondary compen- TIME-DISTANCE VARIABLES sations in gait. For example, paralysis of the tibialis anterior muscle decreases walking ve- Footswitch stride analyzer locity by several mechanisms. Step length de- Footprint analysis creases, mostly on the nonparalyzed side. On Conductive or pressure-sensitive walkway the paralyzed side, one may find a decrease in ankle dorsiflexion moment at the end of KINEMATICS stance, a decrease in vertical ground reaction Electrogoniometers force, a decrease in weight transfer to the for- ward part of the foot, a decrease in knee ex- Computerized video analysis with joint markers tensor range and torque in the stance phase, Electromagnetic field motion analysis an increase in ankle dorsiflexion range in 14 DYNAMIC ELECTROMYOGRAPHY stance, and increased energy cost. Step Surface and fine wire electrodes length decreases on the nonparalyzed side. KINETICS On the paralyzed side, vertical forces on push- off decrease, the knee extensor moment with Force plate in walkway or treadmill stance decreases, the plantar flexion moment Piezoelectric and load cell force transducers in with early stance decreases, and the dorsi- shoes flexion moment with late stance decreases. To METABOLIC ENERGY EXPENDITURE achieve foot clearance, hip and knee flexion 15 Oxygen consumption by respirometry must increase during swing.


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To produce this COR muscle relaxant review cheapest rumalaya gel, a variety of data sources was required spasms versus spasticity discount 30 gr rumalaya gel visa, including extracts from 117 118 the Healthcare Quality Book the finance and medical record systems spasms near tailbone buy rumalaya gel us. The data were then processed by a third-party vendor who applied a series of rigorous data cleanup algo- rithms and added severity adjustment and industry benchmarks. The result- ing report, or dashboard, contains information for patients with congestive heart failure, ischemic stroke, community-acquired pneumonia, and gas- trointestinal bleeding. The report contains measures of the clinical processes (use of angiotension converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors, beta-blockers, digoxin, coumadin, natrecor, and echocardiograms), financial performance (length of stay, total patient charges, pharmacy charges, lab charges, X-ray charges, and IV therapy charges), and clinical outcomes (acute renal failure, mor- tality rate, and readmission within 31 days). The measures were selected by the hospitalist team from more than 200 indicators available in the data- base as the most important in assessing the quality and cost of care deliv- ered. The measures also include some of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (Joint Commission) Core Measures. The results can be reported by nursing unit, are updated quarterly, and can be trended over the last six to eight quarters. In the future, the team hopes to have patient satisfaction information by physician or physician group, such as the Michigan Medical hospitalists group. Many hospital procedures are intended to improve the functional status of the patient. A patient who undergoes a total knee replacement, for example, should experience less knee pain when he or she walks, have a good range of motion of the joint, and be able to perform the activities of daily living that most of us take for granted. In summary, it is important to maintain a balanced perspective of the process of care when designing data collection efforts by collecting data in all four categories: clinical quality, financial performance, patient satis- faction, and functional status. Quality improvement teams who fail to main- tain this balance may experience some surprising results of their improvement efforts. For instance, a health system in the Southwest initially reported on a series of very successful quality improvement projects—clinical care had Data Collection 119 improved, patient satisfaction was at an all-time high, and patient outcomes were at national benchmark status. However, subsequent review of the projects identified that some of the interventions had an untoward effect on the financial outcomes of the process under improvement. Several inter- ventions significantly decreased revenue, and others increased the cost of care unnecessarily. If financial measures had been included in the data col- lection and reporting process, the negative financial effect could have been minimized and the same outstanding quality improvements would have resulted. In the end, the projects were considered only marginally successful because of the lack of a balanced approach to process improvement and measurement. Considerations in Data Collection the Time and Cost of Data Collection All data collection efforts take time and money. The key is to balance the cost of data collection versus the value of the data to your improvement efforts. In other words, are the cost and time of data collection worth the effort? Although this cost-benefit analysis may not be quite as tangible as in the world of business and finance, it is still imperative that the value equation be considered. Generally, medical record review and prospective data col- lection are considered the most time-intensive and expensive forms of data collection. Many reserve these for highly specialized improvement projects or to answer questions that have surfaced following review of administra- tive data sets. Administrative data2 are often considered very cost effective, especially as the credibility of administrative databases has improved and continues to improve through the efforts of coding and billing regulations, initiatives,3 and rules-based software development. Additionally, third-party vendors have emerged that can provide data cleanup and severity adjust- ment. Successful data collection strategies often combine both code- and chart-based sources into a data collection plan that capitalizes on the strengths and cost effectiveness of each. The following situation illustrates how the cost effectiveness of an administrative system can be combined with the detailed information avail- able in a medical record review. A data analyst, using a clinical decision support system (administrative database), discovered a higher than expected incidence of renal failure (a serious complication) following coronary artery bypass surgery.

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Most microorganisms preferen- Approximately 50 species are pathogenic in humans (see tially attach themselves to particular body tissues muscle relaxant gel generic 30 gr rumalaya gel amex. Detection of antigens uses the human body normally has areas that are sterile and areas features of culture and serology but reduces the time required that are colonized with microorganisms muscle relaxant drugs cyclobenzaprine buy cheap rumalaya gel on line. Another technique to identify an organism in- body fluids and cavities esophageal spasms xanax purchase genuine rumalaya gel line, the lower respiratory tract (trachea, volves polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which can detect bronchi, lungs), much of the gastrointestinal (GI) and geni- whether DNA for a specific organism is present in a sample. Common Human Pathogens Normal skin flora includes staphylococci, streptococci, diphtheroids, and transient environmental organisms. The Common human pathogens are viruses, gram-positive entero- upper respiratory tract contains staphylococci, streptococci, cocci, streptococci and staphylococci, and gram-negative in- pneumococci, diphtheroids, and Hemophilus influenzae. The colon con- organisms are usually spread by direct contact with an infected tains Escherichia coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Proteus, person or contaminated hands, food, water, or objects. Pseudomonas, Bacteroides, clostridia, lactobacilli, strepto- Opportunistic microorganisms are usually normal en- cocci, and staphylococci. Microorganisms that are part of the dogenous or environmental flora and nonpathogenic. They normal flora and nonpathogenic in one area of the body may become pathogens, however, in hosts whose defense mecha- be pathogenic in other parts of the body; for example, E. Opportunistic infections are likely to often cause urinary tract infections. Opportunistic bacterial infections, often tential pathogens to establish residence and proliferate. If the caused by drug-resistant microorganisms, are usually serious normal flora is suppressed by antimicrobial drug therapy, po- and may be life threatening. Viral An antibacterial drug may destroy the normal bacterial flora infections may cause fatal pneumonia in people with renal or without affecting the fungal organism. Much of the normal flora can cause disease under certain conditions, especially in Community-Acquired Versus elderly, debilitated, or immunosuppressed people. Normal Nosocomial Infections bowel flora also synthesizes vitamin K and vitamin B complex. Infections are often categorized as community acquired or hospital acquired (nosocomial). Because the microbial envi- Infectious Diseases ronments differ, the two types of infections often have dif- ferent etiologies and require different antimicrobial drugs. As Colonization involves the presence of normal microbial flora a general rule, community-acquired infections are less severe or transient environmental organisms that do not harm the and easier to treat. Infectious disease involves the presence of a pathogen vere and difficult to manage because they often result from plus clinical signs and symptoms indicative of an infection. Laboratory Identification of Pathogens Antibiotic-Resistant Microorganisms Laboratory tests of infected fluids or tissues can identify probable pathogens. Infections Growth on selective culture media will characterize color, caused by drug-resistant organisms often require more toxic shape, and texture of the growing colonies. Identification of and expensive drugs, lead to prolonged illness or hospitaliza- other microorganisms (eg, intracellular pathogens such as tion, and increase mortality rates. Resistant microorganisms grow and multiply when sus- Serology identifies infectious agents indirectly by measuring ceptible organisms (eg, normal flora) are suppressed by anti- the antibody level (titer) in the serum of a diseased host. A microbial drugs or when normal body defenses are impaired tentative diagnosis can be made if the antibody level against (text continues on page 499) 496 SECTION 6 DRUGS USED TO TREAT INFECTIONS BOX 33–1 COMMON BACTERIAL PATHOGENS Gram-Positive Bacteria into the lower airway (ie, the mucociliary blanket and cough reflex) Staphylococci are impaired by viral infection, smoking, immobility, or other in- Staphylococcus aureus organisms are part of the normal microbial sults. Alveoli fill with proteinaceous fluid, neutrophils, and bac- the anterior nares. When the pneumonia resolves, there is usually no residual tact with people who are infected or who are carriers. Elderly adults have high health care workers are considered a major source of indirect rates of illness and death from pneumococcal pneumonia, which spread and nosocomial infections. The organisms also survive on can often be prevented by pneumococcal vaccine.