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By: T. Murat, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.
Deputy Director, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine
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Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers/Big of the system, morale seems to be at an all-time low, and Sisters, the United Way, political parties and non-governmental the word on the street is that the future is bleak. Usually organizations also present opportunities for leadership devel- a cheerful and positive person, the physician is starting to opment and for personal and professional growth. Refect for a while on your core values and Introduction beliefs: What it is that most creates energy or tension within Much has been written about leadership and how it infuences you? Perhaps you are a passionate defender of socialized us as individuals and as a society. Perhaps you are a proponent of greater privatiza- give us a sense of direction, stability, purpose and hope. Seek do not grativate toward leaders, maintaining their identity more out the people and organizations who would appreciate your autonomously. And so, identify your passions In general, leaders are average people who differ from their and get busy. These are people who were born with an innate set of talents and skills (not as Get goal-oriented. Spreading yourself too thin will produce common as one might think) and or who grew to develop such mediocre results. Not only will this help you leaders have a clear sense of their values and beliefs, have the maintain balance in your life, it will also help you succeed in social skills to attract and maintain relationships with others those things that you choose to take on. Leaders in a way that motivates action on those values and beliefs, and didn’t get to where they are by stopping half-way down the maintain a transparency, integrity and genuineness that foster track. They can also readily identify their on any scale, to bring about positive change and promote vulnerabilities, faws and shortcomings—again, as perceived by improved outcomes. Be yourself and be genuine: superfcial- ship skills is an important aspect of their development as ity and phoniness are easy for others to detect. The following discussion explores a set comfortable in your own skin, how to use your own strengths of catch-phrases that can inspire the cultivation of leadership and talents, and how to adapt your style of interpersonal skills among new physicians. Most success- Summary ful leaders have had the beneft of some form of formal lead- Specialty medicine has embraced the belief that it has much ership training. Typically, leadership courses offer assessment to offer in the leadership of health, health care, medical train- of personality traits and interpersonal styles as part of their ing and education, medical research and medical politics. Ask your stresses that leadership is an important role for the specialist provincial or national housestaff and medical associations for physician and is encouraging trainees to acquire a broad array their recommendations for leadership training, and also con- of skills that will cultivate their leadership ability. Despite your best intentions, you The fellow asks to meet with the chief and is surprised to will bruise feelings, leave people out, subvert processes, create discover that they have very similar concerns. Seek asks the fellow to join two teams: a working group that is lots of feedback on your leadership efforts, learn the techniques completing an informal review of the department, and a of refective practice, and develop a process of modifying your national task force focused on physician resources. Over the course of the next year, the one of the critical elements of a successful career. Everyone fellow makes a number of helpful contacts, one of whom benefts from mentorship and by mentoring others. With their support, the fellow eral, mentors are individuals that negotiate a relationship that fnds an excellent position in a neighbouring province. The focuses primarily on the growth and development of the less fellow keeps in touch with their former program director experienced of the pair, and some mentors actively seek ways and is pleased to learn that a number of the recommenda- to promote the career development of their mentee. These re- tions from the informal review have been implemented lationships can be incredibly satisfying and often last for many and are successful. Indeed, some people have a number of mentors, each of whom helps with a particular area of development (e. Leadership development is a tremendous opportunity to fo- cus on your own resiliency. The insights gained in leadership development, particularly with respect to identifying your core values and beliefs, your interpersonal style and your personality traits, are powerful and practical.
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