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By: N. Faesul, M.A., M.D.

Co-Director, Wayne State University School of Medicine

Focus on: anaemia Anaemia is defined as a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of haemoglobin chi infra treatment purchase compazine with mastercard, which may lead to hypoxia (lack of oxygen) in organs medications with sulfa cheap 5 mg compazine amex. The three main ways in which anaemia may arise are: • excessive blood loss (acutely medicine ball exercises buy generic compazine 5mg, such as a haemorrhage, or chronically through low-volume loss, e. Anaemia is the most common disorder of the blood; there are several kinds, produced by a variety of underlying causes. Anaemia may be classified by a ‘kinetic’ approach, which involves evaluating the production, destruction and loss of red blood cells, or a ‘morphologic’ approach, based on red blood cell size. Anaemia often goes undetected; signs and symptoms can be related to the anaemia itself or to the underlying cause. Types of anaemia Microcytic anaemia is primarily a result of a failure or deficiency of haemoglobin synthesis, which may be caused by several aetiologies: • Haem synthesis defect, for example iron-deficiency anaemia and anaemia of chronic disease (more commonly presenting as normocytic anaemia). Red blood cells often appear hypochromic (paler than usual) and microcytic (smaller than usual). Iron-deficiency anaemia is caused by insufficient dietary intake or absorption of iron, or by loss of blood, for example bleeding lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Worldwide the most common cause of iron-deficiency anaemia is parasitic infestation (hookworm, amoebiasis, schistosomiasis and whipworm). Macrocytic anaemia is defined as one in which the red blood cells are larger than normal. Megaloblastic anaemia is the most common cause of macrocytic anaemia, caused by a deficiency of either vitamin B12 or folic acid (or both). Deficiency in folate and/or vitamin B12 may result from either inadequate intake or malabsorption. Pernicious anaemia is caused by a lack of intrinsic factor, which is required to absorb vitamin B12 from food (see below). Macrocytic anaemia can also be caused by removal of the functional portion of the stomach, such as during gastric bypass surgery, leading to reduced vitamin B12 and folate absorption. Macrocytic anaemia can be further divided into ‘megaloblastic anaemia’ and ‘non- megaloblastic macrocytic anaemia’. Pernicious anaemia is a megaloblastic anaemia, caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12; it is associated with both haematopoietic and neurological disorder. In the stomach, vitamin B12 is bound to one of two B12 binding proteins present in gastric juice; in the less acidic environment of the small intestine, these proteins dissociate from the vitamin. It is then bound by intrinsic factor, produced by the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa; the B12–intrinsic factor complex is specifically bound by epithelial receptors in the ileum, where the vitamin B12 is then absorbed. The most common cause for impaired binding of vitamin B12 by intrinsic factor is autoimmune atrophic gastritis. Autoantibodies are directed against parietal cells, which atrophy and cannot make intrinsic factor, and consequently cannot transport vitamin B12. Less frequently, loss of parietal cells may simply be part of a widespread atrophic gastritis of non-autoimmune origin, such as that frequently occurring in elderly people affected with long-standing chronic gastritis (including H. Treatment of pernicious anaemia has traditionally involved the parenteral delivery of vitamin B12 to ensure absorption. Oral replacement is now an accepted route, using large doses of vitamin B12, 1–2 mg daily. Normocytic anaemia occurs when the overall haemoglobin levels are decreased, although red blood cell volume remains normal. Treating anaemia • Mild to moderate iron-deficiency anaemia is treated by iron supplementation with ferrous sulphate or ferrous gluconate. A diagnosis of iron deficiency may indicate other potential sources of iron loss, such as gastrointestinal bleeding from ulcers or colon cancer. Blood transfusions for anaemia are generally to be avoided due to adverse clinical outcomes, but in severe, acute bleeding, transfusions of donated blood are often lifesaving. Focus on: angiogenesis Angiogenesis is the physiological growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing vessels.

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Some pharmaceut- publisher to use his own manuscript later; in prac- ical companies are beginning to provide such regis- tice medications medicaid covers cheap 5 mg compazine mastercard, this permission is routinely granted upon writ- tries for their own work symptoms uti purchase compazine 5mg otc, but no internationally ten application medications of the same type are known as discount 5 mg compazine amex. It is possible that electronic his/her own work, and which leaves copyright own- publication can improve this situation, but, at pre- ership with the author(s); the license can also sent, there is more optimism than proof that this is become void if the publisher fails to exploit it, and the case. Systems for publi- McConnell J, Horton R (1999)Lancet electronic research cation of clinical trials are currently neither com- archive in international health and eprint server. The Subcutaneous Sumatriptan International Study Group Song F, Eastwood A, Gilbody S, Duley L (1999)The role of (1991)Treatment of migraine attacks with sumatriptan. Perhaps ranty claims against pharmaceutical companies, the most fundamental feature of contractural li- based on statements made in the package insert 4 ability is that it is strict and not fault-based. The pharmaceutical physician will be very famil- This is likely to contain terms which, if broken by iar with certain types of contracts, depending on the individual, could give rise to a claim being made his/her role within the company. Generally, there is no contract between the Distinct from the law of contract, the law of tort pharmaceutical company and the patient who is serves to regulate standards of behaviour, operat- prescribed the product by a doctor. However, it may be that the contract had a duty of care to the ultimate consumer of its between the manufacturer and the retailer contains product to take reasonable care in the manufacture 9 an indemnity provision. Therefore, some In order to succeed in a claim of negligence, a courts have carved out an exception to the privity plaintiff must prove all three elements. It must be proved that the defendant As any pharmaceutical physician is well aware, the was at fault in that he/she acted wrongfully and as development, manufacture, marketing and safety a result violated a right of the plaintiff, causing of pharmaceutical products are subject to close harm to him/her. The gov- differentiates a genuine accident from a negligent ernment exercises control through specific regula- act for which the injured person can be compen- tions on the sale of medicines and medical devices. Pharmaceutical physicians play a key role in ensur- To complicate matters, however, in some coun- ing that, at each stage in the life of a pharmaceut- tries, liability may also arise in tort without proof of ical product, the regulatory requirements have fault. As discussed above, there may be crim- example of strict liability for pharmaceutical com- inal implications for the applicant for a licence if panies is what is commonly referred to as the certain of the requirements are not fulfilled. The Directive has to be more individual employees to comply with the implemented in each European country through regulations may be relevant to the question of national legislation and, as a result, the law in whether or not a company had acted reasonably. This essentially means that, if the state cines Act of 1968, which provides a comprehensive of scientific knowledge was such that the producer system of licensing affecting most aspects of the sale could not have discovered the defect, this will pro- of medicinal products. There- contained in European Community Directives, in- fore, the individual pharmaceutical physician is cluding the first on the control of medicines, intro- 13 unlikely to have proceedings brought against him duced in 1965. This theory imposes liability on the seller censing Authority, which decides whether licences of a product that is unreasonably dangerous be- for medical products should be granted; (b) The cause of a defect in its design, manufacture, or Medicines Commission and the Committee on the warnings. A manufacturer cannot go sued if it was allegedly somehow at fault in granting forward with clinical research within the United or failing to withdraw a licence for the product that States until it corrects the deficiencies identified 16 supposedly caused harm. This may obviously affect the pharmaceut- to provide a written undertaking to discontinue the ical physician, who is a director or equivalent in the promotional activity in question, with an `adminis- company, on the signatory to advertising materials. The origins of product li- companies to lobby vigorously for tort reform and ability law can be traced to cases brought before prepare years in advance for the possibility of liti- British courts shortly after the onset of the Indus- gation (Nace et al, 1997). Since then, an ever-increasing volume of extremely disproportionate to their sales when product liability cases have been brought before compared with other manufacturing industries the courts in industrialized countries. However, direct comparisons are difficult from over 2000 cases in 1975, which marked the because the market for ethical pharmaceuticals is first crisis in the product liability insurance market, unlike ordinary markets, where consumers can be to over 13 000 cases in the late 1980s (Epstein, left to buy from competing producers on the basis 1995). Rather, in the case of ethical crease resulted from cases involving exposure to pharmaceuticals, a physician selects the drug and asbestos, a large fraction of the remainder have the consumer only pays a fraction of the price, been brought against pharmaceutical companies. In the presence of such stringent regula- can be liable for damage incurred from the use of tory criteria, one wonders why the pharmaceutical that product: strict liability, warranty, and negli- industry has been the object of such extensive liti- gence. This chapter will introduce the basic concepts of pharmaceutical product liability law, review the landmark cases and statutory provisions Strict Liability in the major markets, discuss the emerging trends among pharmaceutical companies and product Strict liability is a principle of both tort law and liability lawyers in recent cases, and show how contract law (i. Thus, strict liability subject to certain defenses, the Act created a regime would mean that pharmaceutical companies would of strict liability, although existing common law have to pay damages in some cases, even when they rights have remained unaffected, so that if the Act had researched their drugs impeccably (Hunter, does not apply to a particular case, a plaintiff may 1993). This has direct relevance to pharmaceutical companies, in Warranty is also a principle of both tort law and that most courts have agreed that a product will contract law, that allows a purchaser of a product not give rise to strict liability if it is unavoidably to bring a cause of action against the immediate unsafe, as described by labeled descriptions of ad- seller of that product if he/she can demonstrate that verse events, and its benefits can outweigh its the seller expressly or implicitly made representa- dangers. Thus, the seller may have reasonably and when the product is sold, and not on the date honestly believed that his/her representations or when the resulting product liability case comes to warranties were true, and could not possibly have trial. Section 3(2) of the facture a product is nonetheless held to have im- Act further provides that, in determining liability, pliedly warranted its merchantability by virtue of account will be taken of all the surrounding cir- the fact that he has sold it, assuming he deals in cumstances of the case, including the purposes for goods of that kind.

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However symptoms nausea buy 5mg compazine amex, if multi-organ dysfunction is persisting treatment tracker discount compazine master card, presumably because of the toxins being released from the necrotic material medications 3 times a day cheap compazine 5mg with visa, surgical drainage maybe necessary, although this is controversial. Nutrition: adequate nutrition is important in pancreatitis; protein and energy requirements are high because of the hypercatabolic state. Patients may be unable to take orally because of gastric atony and paralytic ileus. Total parenteral nutrition was advocated in the past – the aim being to rest the pancreas. However, jejunal feeding through a jejunal tube is safe and adequate in patients without paralytic ileus, intestinal obstruction or rupture. Enteric feeding is usually given as a 24 hour infusion, starting with around 500ml/day, and increasing according to requirements. Oral feeding can be started once the patient’s condition improves and ileus has resolved. Various other treatments have been evaluated, such as octreotide, somatostatin, glucagon and plasma exchange, but none are of proven benefit. Pancreatic pseudocyst formation This is a collection of pancreatic juice enclosed by a wall of granulation tissue – it is formed from an area of tissue necrosis with rupture of a pancreatic duct into the area. In the absence of insulin, peripheral tissues [muscle, fat, and liver] do not take up glucose. Hyperglycaemia itself reduces any residual insulin secretion and further impairs peripheral glucose uptake. Beta-oxidation of these free fatty ĂĐŝĚƐ ƉƌŽĚƵĐĞƐ ŬĞƚŽŶĞ ďŽĚŝĞƐ͘ <ĞƚŽŶĞ ďŽĚŝĞƐ ΀ĂĐĞƚŽŶĞ͕ ĂĐĞƚŽĂĐĞƚĂƚĞ ĂŶĚ ɴ- hydroxybutrate] deplete extracellular and cellular acid buffers producing acidosis. Excess fatty acids and lactic acidosis, as a consequence of poor tissue perfusion are two other important contributors. Hyperglycemia (exceeding the renal threshold for glucose) as well as ketonaemia produces osmotic diuresis which depletes sodium, potassium, phosphates, and water. Hyperventilation and vomiting are two other important contributors for dehydration. When respiratory compensation is no longer sufficient, the metabolic acidosis and dehydration lead to renal failure and circulatory collapse resulting in coma and death. Examination x The patient will appear ill, and may be drowsy Dehydration x Dry skin x Decreased skin turgor x Hypotension & Tachycardia x Dry mucous membranes x Capillary refill may be initially normal because of the vasodilator effect of acidosis until severe dehydration causes poor tissue perfusion. Other associated causes x Myocardial infarction [remember that diabetes causes silent infarctions] x Cerebrovascular accident x Complicated pregnancy x Stress, trauma, surgery x Alcohol x Emotional disturbances x Illicit drugs such as Cocaine x Heavy use of concentrated carbohydrate beverages such as sodas x Acromegaly x Idiopathic (20-30%) Investigations & their implications x Random capillary blood glucose is acceptable for monitoring changes in blood glucose levels as treatment progresses, but it is wise to measure at least one whole blood glucose at presentation. Absence of a rise of sodium levels is shown to be associated with an increased risk of cerebral edema. The possibility of dilutional hyponatremia in the presence to hyperglycemia should be borne in mind. Initial potassium levels are usually normal or high due to the leakage of intracellular potassium due to acidosis, despite considerable deficits of total body potassium. Perform blood culture and other cultures as indicated clinically (eg, urine/blood). Since the difference is not of any clinical significance, venous blood pH measurements can be used for monitoring purposes. In a less privileged setting Rothera’s test can be used to detect ketonuria and Benedict’s test to demonstrate glycosuria. Glucose and other electrolyte levels should be checked every 2 hours or so during initial aggressive volume, glucose, and electrolyte management. If the initial phosphorous level was low, it should be monitored every 4 hours during therapy. It may cause life-threatening, predictable hence avoidable acute complications such as: x Hypokalemia x Hypoglycemia x Hyponatremia x Fluid overload Airway management is the primary concern in any patient with a significantly lowered level of consciousness. Breathing and circulatory stability should also be established before proceeding to specific management. Acidosis Hence insulin treatment & fluid replacement are the mainstay of treatment.

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