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By: X. Achmed, M.B.A., M.D.
Clinical Director, George Washington University Medical School
Striatopallidal projections can be either tially through the posterior limb of the internal direct or indirect arrhythmia dance generic cardura 2mg overnight delivery. Medium spiny neurons with D1 capsule arrhythmia magnesium order cardura discount, and then passes through the subthala- receptors project to the medial pallidum blood pressure chart keep track order cardura paypal, whereas mus where it is located between the subthalamic striatal neurons with D2 receptors project to the nucleus and zona incerta (Fig. The corticostriate and lenticularis arises from the ventral surface of the striatopallidal projections are topographically org- medial pallidum (Fig. Thus, ultimately, the is the medial pallidum, which exerts a strong basal ganglia infuence movements through the infuence on the thalamus. The pallidum and the reticu- in the ventral anterior nucleus and appear to be lar nigra inhibit the ventral anterior thalamic mainly concerned with head and eye movements. The ventral anterior nucleus activates the premo- tor cortex with glutamate as the neurotransmitter. This inhibition appears to have facilitatory effects on striatal neu- is differentially modulated by parallel activity in rons with D1 receptors and depressant effects on the direct and indirect pathways from the striatum others with predominately D2 receptors. Conversely, cortical rons and the suppression of undesired movements activation of other striatal neurons in the indirect by selective inhibition of other thalamocortical pathway results in striatal inhibition of lateral palli- projection neurons. Striatal neurons in the direct of the basal ganglia are the result of an imbalance pathway have D1 receptors that facilitate activity in activity in the direct and indirect pathways as in this circuit, whereas striatal neurons in the indi- a result of the loss of control normally exerted on rect pathway have D2 receptors that decrease activ- the striatum by the substantia nigra or on the pal- ity in the circuit. Cortical activation of the direct the cerebral cortex receives the sensory input, and pathway in due course disinhibits thalamic neurons its association areas generate the will to move. Concurrent a desired action and the concomitant suppression activation of the indirect pathway will lead to of conficting movements. The striatum permits inhibition of different thalamic neurons that may and controls movement through the chief efferent be involved in competing movement programs. Both are manifestations of the The premotor cortex programs complex voluntary “release” phenomena, the loss of pallidal inhibi- movements through connections with the motor tion of thalamic neurons. Honing of tone in basal ganglia disorders usually take the striatal and pallidal output occurs through recip- form of hypertonicity. In severe cases, there is rocal connections with the substantia nigra and rigidity in which the tone in all of the muscles the subthalamic nucleus, respectively. In such cases, the Abnormalities of the basal ganglia result in increased resistance to passive stretch is bidirec- negative and positive signs. The negative signs tional and occurs throughout the range of the are actions the patient wants to perform but can- movement. The frequency of the abnormal neurons can no longer elicit an activ- jerks corresponds to the frequency of the tremors. The positive signs occur because of the loss of The hypertonicity in this case is termed cogwheel control or the release of other parts of the motor rigidity. Dyskinesias Dyskinesias take the form of tremors, chorea, ath- Negative Signs etosis, ballismus, and tics. Tremors are rhythmic Negative signs of basal ganglia disease include or oscillatory movements in the distal parts of the akinesia, bradykinesia, and abnormal postural limbs, such as the hands. Akinesia refers to the hesitancy movements in the more distal parts of the limbs and in starting a movement and bradykinesia to the in the face. Athetosis is slow, writhing, or snake- slowness with which the movement is executed. Ballismus is violent Neither occurs because of paresis or paralysis; finging movements of the entire limb as a result these signs do not exist in basal ganglia disorders. Abnormal postural adjustments take the form Tics are stereotypical and repetitive movements of head and trunk fexion and the incapacity to involving several muscle groups simultaneously. A movements occur against the will of the patient form of abnormal postural adjustments is seen in and can neither be prevented from starting nor dystonia, in which unusual fxed postures occur interrupted once they do start. It is thought that altered occurs in Parkinson disease, also called paralysis impulse activity in the direct pathway results in agitans, the best-known basal ganglia disease and increased inhibition of thalamic neurons result- the disease described in the case at the beginning ing in decreased thalamocortical activity in of this chapter. The rigidity is more prominent in the Positive signs of basal ganglia disease include advanced stages of the disease. The akinesia and alterations in muscle tone and various forms bradykinesia are so severe that movements are Chapter 8 The Basal Ganglia: Dyskinesia 99 initiated and carried out very slowly; in fact, the interrupt the abnormal basal ganglia output that patient appears almost paralyzed.
A and D are examples of dextrocardia supine blood pressure normal value buy generic cardura; B and E pulse pressure waveform analysis cheap generic cardura canada, mesocardia heart attack jim jones generic cardura 1 mg with visa; and C and F, levocardia. The yellow arrows in the echocardiographic images are aligned with the base–apex axis. Note that in hearts with mesocardia and two well-developed ventricles, there are two relatively well-defined ventricular apices (B) (usually straddling the midline), but the major axis of the heart is directed inferiorly, and the apex of the ventricular septum lies in the midline. Images are similar to echocardiographic short-axis scans of the abdomen from a subcostal transducer position. The basic types of visceral atrial situs are demonstrated: situs solitus (A), situs inversus (B), and situs ambiguus with asplenia (C) and polysplenia (D). However, these vessels lie on the same side of the vertebral column in situs ambiguus with asplenia (C). Sequential Segmental Approach to Cardiac Diagnosis A segmental approach implies a systematic and therefore sequential review of all structures involved in the congenital cardiovascular anomalies. However, from a practical clinical approach, some embryologic segments have little relevance or application for anatomic or pathologic examination. Therefore, a more practical clinical and pathologic segmental analysis begins with definition of major organ positions (visceral situs, atrial situs, and cardiac position/orientation), followed by a detailed description of four segments and the three connections between them. This approach should be applied regardless of the method of examination being used (any clinical imaging technique or a pathologic examination). Visceral (abdominal) situs is determined by the positions of the liver and stomach (see Fig. The pancreas and spleen are generally located on the same side of the vertebral column as the stomach. Atrial and visceral situs often are considered together because they are usually concordant (the atrial and visceral situs are the same). However, exceptions occur, and venous connections and visceral situs may not necessarily agree with the apparent atrial situs. Situs ambiguus may be best defined as an uncertain or indeterminate situs (organ positions do not fit into any standard category). However, in many cases, the right and left components appear very similar to each other, and have been described as mirror images. Such cases also have been referred to as “isomeric” or as having bilateral right or left sidedness. In visceral situs ambiguus with right isomerism (bilateral right sidedness), the spleen is usually absent (asplenia) and the liver is centrally located, symmetrically straddling the midline (see Fig. Situs ambiguus with polysplenia has been described as bilateral left sidedness or left isomerism (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12). However, the degree of right/left symmetry is less pronounced in these patients, compared to that seen in asplenia and bilateral right sidedness. In fact, the most common arrangement of the abdominal viscera in polysplenic patients is situs inversus. As a teaching tool, the concept of isomerism (mirror-image sidedness) is an attempt to simplify the typical features of complex anomalies in which multiple abnormalities tend to occur together. Thus, the asplenia syndrome (Ivemark syndrome) appears as a pathologic grouping of features emphasizing right sidedness, such as bilateral right bronchi and bilateral right (trilobed) lungs, bilateral right atria, and a symmetrical liver. Ivemark described the implications of asplenia on the pathogenesis of conotruncal anomalies in 1955. The frequencies represent a compilation of cases reported by multiple investigators (13,14,15,16). Embryologically, the spleen, in contrast to the other thoracoabdominal viscera, does not initially develop as a midline structure. As a result, in the case of bilateral right-sided symmetry, the spleen would not be expected to develop —hence the association of right isomerism with asplenia. In contrast, left isomerism is frequently associated with polysplenia, although multiple spleens are usually found on only one side of the vertebral column (along the dorsal aspect of the stomach). Cardiac Atria Clinically, the identification of the morphologic right atrium is important for establishing atrial situs. This is due to the fact that much of the anatomic left atrium is derived from the embryonic common pulmonary vein.
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