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By: H. Ines, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Not until the last quarter of 1989 was there a downturn in this indicator of Copyright © National Academy of Sciences diabetes diet high blood sugar generic cozaar 50 mg line. Individuals who report use at a given point in time may escalate to abuse or dependence after an interval of several years diabetes type 2 medication list order discount cozaar, so that changes in abuse and dependence indicators may lag behind shifts in the onset of use by several years blood glucose 71 discount 50 mg cozaar with amex. Thus the increased use rates observed in surveys through the mid-1980s would not be expected to result in a peaking of the medical problems typical of dependence until the late 1980s. The decline observed in the last quarter of 1989 is consistent with the peaklag hypothesis. The fact that there was essentially a flattening prior to the decline lends further credence to the belief that cocaine problems are receding in the wake (several years after) of the general recession in use. Data on Treatment Demand Although treatment data have not been collected systematically enough during the 1980s to make clear statements about trends (see Gerstein and Harwood, 1990), there is little doubt that demand for treatment, particularly for cocaine abuse, increased during the latter 1980s, as use prevalence statistics declined. More pregnant women are said to be using crack cocaine in particular, and some hospitals have reported high proportions of drug-exposed newborns (Chasnoff, 1989; Chasnoff et al. Whether the proportions of affected newborns are currently increasing or decreasing is hard to know, although the absolute levels are clearly unacceptably high, "Crack babies" are believed to have specific affective, cognitive, and behavioral problems (Chavez et al. Some school systems are now developing training programs to help teachers deal with the influx of such children into the education system (Barth, 1991). Moreover, there is a "bias against the null hypothesis"; that is, the tendency for journals to publish results from studies that show effects more often than studies that fail to show effects (Koren et al. Nevertheless, it is clear that widespread crack consumption among young, economically disadvantaged women has substantially exacerbated the problem of perinatal exposure to illicit drugs. It has also substantially removed the earlier neonatal advantage associated with lower marijuana use by young black than by young white women. One study found that 70 percent of intravenous drug users shared needles with others, and 86 percent had shared a cooker (Booth et al. As many as two-thirds of this high-risk group have never used a condom (Booth et al. As a drug, crack cocaine does not necessarily dispose users to heightened sexuality. Many women who have become dependent on the trade of sex for drugs, and many young male sellers receive payment in sexual favors. Among a sample of black adolescent crack users, 25 percent reported the exchange of sex for drugs or money, the rates being similar for both males and females. One study found the rate of exchange of sex for drugs or money to be higher among females than males (Feucht et al. Only 26 percent of males and 18 percent of females had used a condom in their last sexual encounter, and over one-third of males and over one-half of females reported a history of sexually transmitted diseases. Compared with nonusers, women who used crack had twice as many sexual partners per month. Criminal Justice Statistics Another indicator of problems with drug use in general, and cocaine use more specifically, comes from the criminal justice system. Compared with data from population surveys, the criminal justice data on drugrelated crimes are less systematically obtained (because of the difficulty in determining the degree to which drugs are involved), and they overrepresent high-risk groups, yet there can be little doubt that there is an enormous problem in some parts of our larger cities. Data from this system show that a very high proportion of arrestees in cities around the country test positive for drug use. Trends are more problematic to assess for technical reasons—because of the nonprobability nature of the samples, changes over time in coverage, differences in procedures, etc. Reasons for the Decline in the General Population the evidence for a decline in illicit drug consumption among the general population is fairly compelling; a natural question is why the decline has occurred. The evidence from the high school senior surveys is that, for both marijuana and cocaine, as the perceived risk of harm and perceived normative impropriety of these drugs increased, consumption rates decreased. At the same time there was no decline in the perceived availability of either drug. Dramatic, highly publicized incidents in the case of cocaine might well account for the rapidity of the shift in health beliefs and social norms about cocaine. There were no such dramatic events in the case of marijuana, but beliefs about that drug shifted anyway, more gradually but quite decisively, presumably as a consequence of an accretion of factors. For example, one might hypothesize a self-correcting process of social cognition, by which information about the bad consequences of long-term heavy use feeds back over time from older to younger cohorts, suppressing the onset of a behavior pattern that had been premised on more benign, less accurate beliefs about chronic drug effects (Feldman, 1968; Musto, 1987; Siegel, 1992). Or the process may involve an ebb and flow of normative approval based on slowly turning tides of generational values and experience. Or the resistance of young people to starting drug experimentation may have increased as a result of widely diffused primary prevention efforts in the schools and mass media.
For this situaO 0 0 tion diabetes diet marathi purchase cozaar cheap, we need two independent variables – one less than the number of categories diabetes type 1 psychological effects generic cozaar 50 mg visa. With this formula diabetes 64 generic 25mg cozaar with mastercard, we can compare A and O directly, and B and O directly, but not A and B. The formulation above refers to population values for which estimates would be obtained by fitting such a model to a specific set of data. The first step is to test the hypothesis concerning the full set of ßß s collectively, that is to test: H : 1 k = 0, If this hypothesis is rejected so that there is evidence that at least one of the ßs canßß be considered to be non-zero, then it is reasonable to progress with the testing of the coefficients for the individual terms. If none can be considered to be non-zero, then the model as stated has no meaningful terms and therefore has little value. Logistic regression is a powerful and flexible analytical tool for such situations. Our outcome of interest is typically an odds ratio comparing the odds, (for example, of obesity for males versus females), adjusted for a collection of other factors. The regression model is based on the dependent variable ln(odds) where ln represents the natural logarithmic scale (base ee) and odds are defined as the likelihood p of the event occurring divided by the likelihood of it not occurring, 1 p, sometimesp listed as odds pp /(1/(1/(1 p), So the model becomes ln( ) = 00 ++ 11 xx11 ++ 22 xx22 ++ ++ x +ε or equivalently, ß 00 + 11 x11 + 22 x22 + + k xk + ε odds e where the x are defined as they were for the linear regression model above. For example, for the independent variable, x1 = gender, with x1 = 1 for males and x1 = 0 for females, then the coefficient ß1 is used in the equation: ß1 e males/females and the term is interpreted as the obesity odds ratio for males versus females, adjusted ß1 for the other terms in the model. Basic biostatistics: concepts and tools 79 Survival analyses and Cox proportional hazards models For many situations, we are interested in the time until an event occurs (see Figure 8. For the obesity situation above, suppose that a group of patients had been successfully treated for obesity and they were being followed post-treatment to assess factors that are associated with obesity reoccurrence. In this case, we would be interested in measuring the time from the end of the initial treatment until obesity reoccurrence. The Cox proportional hazards model is an appropriate regression model for such situations. The independent variables can be the same as for the logistic regression example and the regression equation is: ß 1111+ßß2 2 kkx +k ε ht()() h00()()te where Box 4. Censoring h(t) = hazard of the event, having “survived” until time t without an event, Censoring is a process for dealing with follow-up time, when the event of interest doesn’t happen during the h0(t) = baseline hazard rate. This is typically due to dropNote that there is no ß00 to serve as an intercept or scaling out or other reasons for loss to follow-up, but it may factor as this is the role of the baseline hazard rate h0(t). The only complicating issue for this model is that we the follow-up time for an individual participant is said need to account for censoring (Box 4. The term e, obtained from analysing the data, is gression, except that it provides estimates for hazard an estimate of this relative risk. That is, For the independent variable x2 = age, measured in for the independent variable, x = gender, with x = 1 1 1 years, the term has an interpretation similar to that for the for males and x1 = 0 for females, then the coefficient slope in linear regression, this being ß1 is used in the equation: ß2 ß1 e per year increment males females/ the interpretation is similar to that for odds ratios in this example for logistic regression. Kaplan-Meier survival curves Kaplan-Meier survival curves are commonly used to display survival data (see Figure 8. If the event that we are recording is death, then we use the vertical axis to show the proportion alive at a specific point in time, and put time on the horizontal axis. Their solution was to plot the curves with survival time on the horizontal axis rather than calendar time. Then, using follow-up time as a reference, they assumed that the individual who was censored at 15 months survived until the next event, in followup time, occurred. That is, they allowed theindividual to “live” a little longer, but only as long as the next person to “die. Our sample size must be big enough for the study to have appropriate statistical power – the ability to demonstrate an association if one exists (see Chapter 3). We base sample size calculations on a number of study design factors: • prevalence • acceptable error • the detectable difference. There are numerous formulae and computer programs that simplify the task considerably. Two helpful and relatively simple formulae are: • the two sample t-test and • the test comparing two proportions. Sometimes reasonable numbers can be obtained from other studies; however, it is prudent to calculate more than one value for N, by using different combinations of values for ˰2 and, d, and for different power levels. Basic biostatistics: concepts and tools 81 Test comparing proportions For the test comparing proportions, the situation is very similar except that the formulae is, for ˞˞ 0.
A narrow range implies high discrimination between parasite antigens and high speci?city diabetes diet tracker app cozaar 50 mg on-line. For example diabetes type 2 ketones buy cozaar cheap, if only very strong binding can be detected in the assay (high stringency) diabetes symptoms nerve pain generic cozaar 25mg on line, then typically the antibody or T cell will appear to bind a narrower range of antigens and will therefore have higher speci?city. Reducing the concentration of antibodies or T cells also increases the stringency because fewer hostparasite complexesform. Intheexample shown, the relation between a?nity and speci?citychanges with stringency. Low stringency raises the relative speci?city of the high-a?nity antibody or T cell, medium stringency causes higher relative speci?city for the low-a?nity antibody or T cell, and high stringency drops the low-a?nity reaction below the detection threshold. The initial polyclonal response may narrow over time as the various B cell clones receive positive or negative signals for expansion and the development of memory. Here, I am concerned with the nature of cross-reactivity of the polyclonal immune response to a whole antigen as compared with the cross-reactivity of a monoclonal antibody to the antigen. The linear relationship between polyclonal cross-reactivity and amino acid substitutions arises because the surface of a protein antigen appears to present a nearly continuous and overlapping set of epitopes. Each exposed amino acid probably contributes only a small amount to the total binding between all antibodies and all epitopes. Istartwithabrief outline of speci?c recognition and then expand on the key issues. On the other hand, T cell responses appear to be highly speci?c—variant epitopes often avoid the Tcellresponse generated against the initial challenge. Proteasome digestion creates a nonrandom population of peptides relative to the potential set de?ned by the amino acid sequence of whole proteins. Digestion appears to be particularly speci?c for the C-terminal cut, less so for the N-terminal cut (Niedermann et al. In vitro studies of proteasome digestion provide the easiest way to quantify peptide generation. Although in vivo results may di?er, the preliminary data from in vitro studies provide interesting hints. It may eventually be possible to predict the probabilities of proteasomal cleavage sites (Niedermann et al. For example, sequences ?anking antigenic peptides in?uence cleavage (Yewdell and Bennink 1999). In addition, exogenous antigens may be taken up by antigen-presenting cells and carried to lymphoid tissue for presentation to T cells (Schumacher 1999; Sigal et al. Intracellular production and exogenous uptake of antigens most likely in?uence the distribution of epitopes presented toTcells. For peptides with 9 amino acids (nonamers), the 20 di?erent amino acids that can occur at each site combine to make 209 = 512 ? 109 di?erent peptide sequences. Clearly, if the molecules encoded by these six alleles are to bind and present a reasonable fraction of parasite peptides, then each molecule must bind to a large diversity of peptides. Yewdell and Bennink (1999) estimate that each molecule binds approximately 1/200 of the possible peptide sequences, or on the order of roughly 107 di?erent nonamers. An individual with six di?erent alleles binds approximately 6/200 = 3% of candidate peptides. Buus (1999) reviews the di?erent methods to estimate binding motif and alternative techniques for prediction of binding. Each anchor position has a favored amino acid or sometimes alimited set of alternatives. However, prediction based on anchor positions is only moderately successful;about30% of peptides carrying the predicted motif actually bind, and sequences lacking anchor residues can bind. No doubt this system plays some role in immunity, but its relative importance is not clear at present. For example, ?rst infection by a measles virus typically leads to symptomatic infection and eventual clearance. Second infection rapidly induces speci?c antibody and T cell responses based on a pool of memory cells from prior infection. In addition, limited data suggest that asinglepeptidestimulates several di?erent T cell clones (Maryanski et al. However, di?erent studies and di?erent methods have given variable estimates for the number of clones stimulated by a single peptide (Yewdell and Bennink 1999).
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If there is no indicator in the severe column diabet-x lifeseasons buy cheap cozaar 25mg line, and there is at least one indicator in the moderate acute malnutrition column managing diabetes at the end of life discount cozaar 25mg on-line, then the child or adult is classified as moderately malnourished diabetes mellitus type 1 ketones generic cozaar 50 mg. If none of the indicators are in the severe acute malnutrition or moderate acute malnutrition column, that means all the indicators are in the normal range and the child or adult is classified as ‘no acute malnutrition’. Particular attention is given to these vulnerable groups when trying to address moderate acute malnutrition. When you are working with families you should always consider what they Local solutions to have available at home and how best the family can support the moderately malnourishment are more likely malnourished woman or child, so that they can become fully rehabilitated. Keep local solutions as the first option as much as possible, since they are 113 more likely to be sustainable. Below are general guidelines to help you manage cases with moderate acute malnutrition. If it is a younger child who is malnourished, then you would talk with their caregiver. Involving the family in discussions helps them to think about why the adult or child may have become malnourished. You can then provide nutritional advice to the entire family to ensure that the moderately malnourished person takes energy-rich food, as well as more fat and protein in their diet. You can look again at the study session on essential nutrients and food sources if you need to remind yourself about energy-rich foods. Following up the progress of the moderately malnourished person is very important to encourage continuation of good feeding and caring behaviour (you will learn how to do nutrition counselling in Study Session 11). Plan to do a home visit within one or two weeks of your first visit to see how the family is implementing your recommendations. The aim of your intervention is to move the moderately malnourished person back into the normal range in the table above. However, long-term food security problems may affect the availability of food at home and make it harder for the family to follow your recommendations. Therefore in addition to the nutritional advice you give, targeted supplementary feeding is also usually provided for women and children with moderate acute malnutrition. In addition, people who have been discharged from a therapeutic feeding programme are also eligible for targeted supplementary feeding. These cereal blends are composed of precooked cereals and legumes fortified with micronutrients. In general, the composition is 114 Study Session 9 Managing Acute Malnutrition constituted from 79% of cereals, 20% legumes and 1% vitamins and minerals. In addition to the blended foods, edible oil is given to moderately malnourished women and children. For practical reasons, 25 kg of blended food is usually given to each beneficiary to use over the next three months together with three litres of oil. Such a close follow-up also provides an opportunity to assess why a certain child is not progressing as expected and to decide when to discharge those who continue to gain weight. The Health Extension Programme has activities that should be implemented at household level when doing outreach, and at the health post. For example, an activity you can do during outreach sessions is growth monitoring and promotion; another example would be attending delivery of a labouring woman. You need to have a good understanding of each aspect of the day, so it will run smoothly. These will be communicated up to the woreda level and will ensure that you receive the required support that you need. The overall objective is to enhance child survival by reducing mortality and morbidity in children under five years of age. Your role as a Health Extension Practitioner is therefore critical in supporting this objective. As a Health Extension Practitioner you will work with additional volunteer community health workers.
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