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By: R. Onatas, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Associate Professor, Marian University College of Osteopathic Medicine

Because olfactory function is lost at around 100 to 200 ppm anxiety otc medication buy generic clozapine 25mg line, if exposed individuals can still smell the “rotten eggs” odor of H S mood disorder code 29690 clozapine 50 mg low price, the2 concentration is usually not high enough to cause severe asphyxiation or irritant injury depression definition nih clozapine 50 mg without prescription. At exposure concentrations of 200 to 250 ppm, H S2 produces intense irritation of mucous membranes, corneal ulceration, blepharospasm, and dyspnea. Pulmonary edema may occur at these concentrations as a result of irritant-induced acute lung injury [64]. At concentrations greater than 500 ppm, chemical asphyxiation of the brain may produce headache, seizures, delirium, confusion, and lethargy. The central nervous system effects of H S toxicity may be exacerbated by2 hypoxemia secondary to severe pulmonary edema. In survivors, long- term neurologic sequelae, such as ataxia, intention tremor, sensorineural hearing loss, muscle spasticity, and memory impairment, have been reported [61]. Myocardial ischemia, arrhythmias, and dilated cardiomyopathy have all been reported after significant exposures [65,66]. As doses increase, loss of consciousness, cessation of brainstem function, and cardiopulmonary arrest will occur. Diagnosis and Management A high index of suspicion is the key to making the diagnosis of H S2 intoxication. Although blood levels of thiosulfate are helpful in confirming the diagnosis of H S poisoning [2 67], these tests are not readily available in most clinical laboratories. When available, atmospheric measures of H S concentration can be used to increase diagnostic2 suspicion and in classifying the expected the severity of exposure and intoxication. In the absence of specific exposure information, signs of ocular irritation, inflammation of mucosal membranes, and the smell of “rotten eggs” on the clothing or breath of a patient should suggest the diagnosis of H S intoxication. As a result, blood gas analyses typically show a PaO in the normal range and an2 elevated mixed venous oxygen tension (PvO ), typically in the range of 352 to 45 mm Hg. In addition, both methemoglobin and sulfhemoglobin are produced during the treatment of H S poisoning with sodium nitrite2 and amyl nitrite, as discussed later. A rapid decline2 in either PaO or SaO could indicate the development or progression of2 2 pulmonary edema. Serum lactate concentration is typically elevated as a result of the inhibition of aerobic metabolism. Sodium nitrite can be used as an antidote to generate methemoglobin by changing the normal ferrous state of iron in +2 +3 the heme molecule of hemoglobin (Fe ) to the ferric state (Fe ). The preferential binding of H S molecules to methemoglobin2 results in the formation of sulfhemoglobin that prevents circulating H S2 from entering cells and inhibiting cellular respiration. Basic supportive measures should not be forgotten and include irrigation of the eyes with sterile saline and the treatment of irritant-induced bronchospasm with inhaled β2-agonists. Consideration should be given to the administration of sodium bicarbonate for the treatment of severe metabolic acidosis in unconscious or hemodynamically unstable patients. If a benzodiazepine or barbiturate is given, patients should be carefully monitored for signs of respiratory insufficiency. The nature, location, and severity of respiratory tract injuries associated with the inhalation of an irritant gas depend on the physical and chemical properties of the gas, exposure dose, and host factors of exposed individuals. Exposure dose is determined by the concentration of the gas in the environment and the duration of exposure. Minute ventilation, age, and the presence of preexisting respiratory disease are the most important host factors (Table 178. Highly soluble gases, such as ammonia and sulfur dioxide, generally cause irritant damage to exposed mucous membranes, such as the eyes and upper airway (nose, lips, pharynx, and larynx), while sparing the lower airways. At high concentrations, however, a highly soluble irritant gas can overwhelm the upper respiratory tract, and significant amounts may reach the upper and lower airways, thereby producing both mucous membrane and airway injury. Irritant gases of intermediate solubility, such as chlorine, may produce significant upper airway injury, especially in the pharynx and larynx, but the mucous membrane irritation is usually not as intense as that caused by highly soluble gases. Because of its intermediate solubility, the irritant effects of chlorine will extend more distally at higher concentrations. Thus, high concentrations of inhaled chlorine can produce both upper and lower airway injuries, as well as pulmonary edema as a result of alveolar damage. The inhalation of low-solubility irritant gases, such as phosgene and oxides of nitrogen, typically produces minimal upper airway irritation but can cause intense lower airways and alveolar damage. As a result of lung tissue injury, the development of noncardiogenic pulmonary edema is more likely following inhalation of a low-solubility irritant gas or at high concentrations of gases with intermediate solubility. The inhalation of gases that are lipid soluble, but not water soluble, such as chloroform, ether, or other halogenated hydrocarbons, will produce central nervous system effects and little, if any, respiratory injury.

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Direction of Tying the direction of tying the sutures should always be parallel to the curve of the sewing ring anxiety young adults purchase 50mg clozapine overnight delivery. Long Suture Ends Sutures anxiety zero technique discount 50mg clozapine visa, when tied depression test dsm iv order 25 mg clozapine with mastercard, must be cut short, and the direction of the knot must be leaning toward the periphery of the sewing ring of the prosthesis. A long suture end will scratch the leaflet tissue, resulting in chronic irritation, injury, and, finally, perforation of the tissue leaflets. A long suture end can also protrude into the prosthetic orifice and interfere with the normal closure of the occluding mechanism of a mechanical valve. Abnormal Location of the Coronary Artery Ostium Occasionally, the orifice of the left main coronary artery is located next to the commissure of the aortic annulus. Unobstructed Prosthesis Function Before closure of the aortotomy, it is imperative that normal, unobstructed opening and closing of a mechanical prosthesis be visually verified. Septal Hypertrophy Patients with long-standing aortic stenosis and/or hypertensive heart disease may have marked septal as well as concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle. The surgeon must be cognizant of any discrepancy in size between the left ventricular outflow tract and the aortic annulus. The single-disc group of prostheses, exemplified by the Medtronic-Hall mechanical valve, can be rotated after implantation to ensure free movement of the disc. The smaller part of the disc that descends into the left ventricle must be positioned away from the septum. Most of the bileaflet prostheses can also be rotated and are subject to the same principle of free movement of the leaflets. When the left ventricular outflow is markedly limited by septal hypertrophy, some septal muscle mass can be excised. Aortotomy Closure the aortotomy closure is usually accomplished with continuous 4-0 Prolene or 5-0 Prolene sutures in a double- layer manner starting at each end of the incision. Bleeding from the Ends of Aortotomy Troublesome bleeding from the ends of the aortotomy can be prevented to some extent by suturing back and taking a bite of undivided aortic wall before continuing forward along the incision or using a pledget at each end. Coronary Air Embolism Air embolism to the coronary arteries, particularly the right coronary artery, probably does occur during the evacuation of air from the left ventricle. The pump flow is reduced, and the right coronary artery is temporarily occluded with digital pressure. The surgeon then partially unclamps the aorta and allows blood mixed with air trapped in the aortic root to flow freely from the vent opening on the aortotomy. High suction is applied to a slotted vent needle in the aortic root to continuously remove any air bubbles that may be ejected as the heart is filled and ventilation is begun (see Chapter 4). Friable Aortic Wall A friable aortic wall may necessitate the placement of additional reinforcing pledgeted sutures. Occasionally, when the aortic wall has been denuded of its adventitia or if the aorta is thin walled or friable, the aortotomy suture line can be reinforced with strips of autologous pericardium. Controlling Bleeding from the Aortotomy Ends To control bleeding from either end of the aortotomy, it is prudent to cross-clamp the aorta temporarily or to reduce the perfusion flow considerably; this will provide good exposure of the bleeding sites and facilitate satisfactory placement of pledgeted sutures to obtain absolute control of bleeding. Closure of Oblique Aortotomy Before seating the prosthesis, the closing aortotomy suture is started at the inferior extent of the opening, well into the noncoronary sinus, and tied. Augmentation of the Aortotomy Sometimes the struts of the tissue prosthesis protrude into the aortotomy and could result in tension along the suture line. Patch enlargement of the aortotomy with a Hemashield Dacron patch allows ample room for the prosthetic struts and ensures a safe closure. Aortic Wall Injury Rarely the strut of a bioprosthesis may perforate the aortic root during closure of the aortotomy secondary to tenting P. This may necessitate resection of the damaged ascending aorta and replacement with an interposition tube graft. It is important to ensure that the aortic suture does not catch the strut of the bioprosthesis during closure. Technique the aorta is cross-clamped as high as possible, retrograde cold blood cardioplegic solution is administered, and cardioplegic arrest of the heart is established. If the quality of the aortic wall is good, the defect can be closed with a patch of glutaraldehyde-treated pericardium or Hemashield Dacron. Conversely, if the aortic wall is very thin, dilated, and friable, then the aorta is dissected free from pulmonary artery and transected just above the commissures. The aortic wall is reinforced with a strip of felt and anastomosed to an appropriately sized tube graft (see Chapter 8). Nevertheless, the inconvenience and risk of lifelong anticoagulation therapy for mechanical valves and limited longevity of bioprostheses are of concern.