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By: G. Torn, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine

The patient may not feel the need to void because of post-op pain menstruation onset age buy provera 10mg low cost, medications menopause at 80 buy provera 2.5mg visa, etc women's health uk forum discount 2.5mg provera mastercard. A huge distended bladder will be palpable, confirming that the problem is overflow incontinence from retention. Stress incontinence is also very common in middle-aged women who have had many pregnancies and vaginal deliveries. They leak small amounts of urine whenever intra-abdominal pressure suddenly increases. This includes sneezing, laughing, getting out of a chair, or lifting a heavy object. Examination will show a weak pelvic floor, with the prolapsed bladder neck outside of the “high-pressure” abdominal area. For advanced cases with large cystoceles, surgical repair of the pelvic floor is indicated. Although there are a variety of endoscopic and other modalities to address retained urinary stones, intervention is not always needed. Small stones (≤3 mm) at the ureterovesical junction have a 70% chance of passing spontaneously. Such cases can be handled with analgesics, plenty of fluids, and watchful waiting. Other options include basket extraction, sonic probes, laser beams, and open surgery. Although there is specific therapy for the prevention of recurrences in defined types of stones, abundant water intake is universally applicable. Psychogenic impotence has sudden onset, is partner- or situation-specific, and usually does not interfere with nocturnal erections (which can be tested with a roll of postage stamps). Psycho- or behavioral therapy may be beneficial, or the condition may be self-limited. Organic impotence, if caused by trauma, will also have sudden onset, specifically related to the traumatic event (after pelvic surgery, because of nerve damage, or after trauma to the perineum, which involves arterial disruption). Because of chronic disease (arteriosclerosis, diabetes), organic impotence has very gradual onset, going from erections not lasting long enough, to being of poor quality, to not happening at all (including absence of nocturnal erections). Sildenafil, tadalafil, and vardenafil have become first choice therapy in many cases but there are many other options, including vascular surgery (well-suited for those with arterial injury), suction devices (can be used on almost everybody), and prosthetic implants. Even donors with metastatic cancer can donate corneas, because the cornea does not have a blood supply. After an organ has been transplanted, rejection can develop despite immunosuppressive medications. Tissue typing and a close tissue match may minimize that risk, but it is an ever-present concern for most patients. Transplant rejection can happen in 3 ways: hyperacute, acute, and chronic rejection. Hyperacute rejection is a vascular thrombosis that occurs within minutes of reestablishing blood supply to the organ. Acute rejection (most common) occurs after the first 5 days, and usually within the first 3 months. In the case of the liver, technical problems are more commonly encountered than immunologic rejection. In the case of the heart, signs of functional deterioration occur too late to allow effective therapy, thus routine ventricular biopsies (by way of the jugular, superior vena cava, and right atrium) are done at set intervals. Chronic rejection is seen years after the transplant, with gradual, insidious loss of organ function. Although we have no treatment for it, patients suspected of having it have the transplant biopsied in the hope that it may be a delayed (and treatable) case of acute rejection. Orotracheal intubation with rapid-sequence anesthetic induction and pulse oximetry (or topical anesthesia) is preferred in the setting of a trauma center.

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If these are normal womens health watch cheap provera 5mg with amex, a nephrologist should be consulted before 344 undertaking expensive diagnostic tests pregnancy 10 weeks provera 5mg free shipping. A 24-hour urine- free cortisol may be more useful in diagnosing Cushing’s syndrome than serum-free cortisol pregnancy on mirena provera 2.5 mg without a prescription. Renal angiography used to be done more frequently, but should be considered in sudden onset of hypertension in the elderly and in hypertension that is resistant to treatment. A 24-hour blood pressure monitoring can be useful both in diagnosis and in evaluating the results of therapy. If the serum albumin is low and there is proteinuria, one should consider nephrotic syndrome. Hyperglycemia coupled with an elevated triglyceride makes diabetes mellitus the most likely cause. Hypoglycemia should prompt consideration of insulinomas and glycogen storage disease. If all of the above tests are normal, a familial disorder of lipid metabolism (see Algorithm B) should be considered. An increased triglyceride coupled with increased chylomicrons suggest type V and type I lipoproteinemia. An increased triglyceride and chylomicrons should identify type V lipoproteinemia. Normal cholesterol with both increased triglyceride and a marked increase in chylomicrons identifies type I lipoproteinemia. Remember, regular alcohol consumption, estrogen therapy, nicotinic acid treatment, and phenytoin treatment can also produce triglyceridemia. Hypoactive reflexes limited to one extremity suggest a herniated disk, plexopathy, or early cauda equina or spinal cord tumor. If focal, are the hypoactive reflexes involving both the upper and lower extremities? If the hypoactive reflexes are in both the upper and lower extremities on one side, this may be a normal phenomenon suggesting that the opposite side is pathologic. Sudden onset of hypoactive reflexes would suggest acute spinal cord conditions, such as spinal fractures, transverse myelitis, Guillain– Barré syndrome, or poliomyelitis, or acute central nervous system disorders, such as toxic metabolic disease of the central nervous system, concussion, subdural hematoma, or acute increased intracranial pressure. The presence of other neurologic signs, particularly cranial nerve involvement, would suggest an early basilar artery thrombosis, cerebral vascular accident, or subdural hematoma. If there are no other neurologic findings or there is simply a disordered state of consciousness, then a head injury or toxic metabolic disease of the central nervous system, increased intracranial pressure, or poliomyelitis might be suspected. Diffuse hypoactive reflexes associated with other neurologic signs or symptoms require a neuropathy workup (see page 378). A serum B12 and 349 folic acid and possibly a Schilling test may need to be done to rule out pernicious anemia. A spinal tap will be helpful in cases of poliomyelitis and Guillain–Barré syndrome. If the hypoactive reflexes are part of a toxic metabolic or inflammatory disease of the nervous system, the workup will be similar to that of coma (page 103). Significant protein in the urine should suggest nephrotic syndrome and other chronic renal disorders as the likely cause. This would point to cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, and other liver diseases as possible causes. If all of the above tests are normal, look for starvation, protein-losing enteropathy, acute burns, hemodilution states such as congestive heart failure, and hypermetabolic states such as hyperthyroidism and metastatic neoplasm. If this is low, hypoparathyroidism ought to be considered the most likely diagnosis. If it is normal or increased, other causes of hypocalcemia should be investigated. A decreased phosphorus level should prompt a search for malabsorption syndrome, rickets, osteomalacia, renal tubular acidosis, cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome.