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Chapter 11 Innovations in the Surgical Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Roger Hurst Keywords Surgery • Laparoscopic surgery • Inflammatory bowel disease • Crohn’s disease • Ulcerative colitis • Strictureplasty • Heineke-Mikulicz stricture- plasty • Michelassi strictureplasty • Finney strictureplasty • Continent ileostomy • Ileoanal anastomosis Key Points • Intestinal resections in Crohn’s disease should remove the gross margins of disease with a 2-cm margin of normal bowel; extended resection of microscopic disease does not affect recurrence rate. Hurst Introduction Despite the advances in the medical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease surgery is still required for many patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The basic concepts of surgery are simple in that disease tissue is removed, obstruction relieved, fistulas are closed, and abscesses are drained. Most innova- tions in the surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease focus on measures to achieve these goals while minimizing complications and consequences to the patient. This chapter entails a concise review of the current status for the surgical treatment of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s Disease The most common procedures performed for intestinal Crohn’s disease include resection, strictureplasty, intestinal bypass procedures, and drainage of abscesses. Of these procedures, drainage of abscesses are now often performed by interven- tional radiologists and open surgical drainage of abscesses is required only for those cases where segments of intestine or other vital structures obscure a clear path to the abscess. Intestinal bypass procedures are also rarely employed and are for the most part limited to the treatment of severe stricturing disease of the duodenum. Intestinal Resection Resection with primary anastomosis is the most common surgical strategy utilized for patients with Crohn’s disease. Typically this entails removal of the ileum and proximal colon with an ileocecectomy for classic terminal ileal disease. Segmental resections of the small intestine or the colon can also be required, depending upon the pattern of disease. Over the last few decades, the basic techniques of resection and anastomosis have remained relatively unchanged. Anastomosis can be con- structed with hand suture techniques or with stapling devices. Several studies have been under- taken to determine the ideal configuration of the anastomosis (end to end, vs. The results of these studies are conflicting with no one type having a clear advantage over the other. Division of the thickened mesentery is often the most challenging technical aspect of small bowel resection for Crohn’s disease. New tissue sealing instruments such as the Ligasure® or EnSeal® devices have provided greater ease for this task over the standard clamping and suture ligation of the mesenteric vessels. Both of these devices entail the principals of bipolar electrocautery in a manner that is capable of sealing blood vessels of substantial size. Recurrence of disease is probably the most significant concern associated with resection for Crohn’s disease. Recurrences most commonly occur in the intestinal 11 Innovations in the Surgical Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease 167 segment just proximal to the anastomosis. Variations in surgical techniques have been employed in hopes of reducing the risk of preanastomotic recurrence. These strategies include varying the extent of resection and altering the configuration of anastomosis. Early retrospective data have suggested that wider resections involv- ing 10–30 cm of normal bowel proximal and distal to the area of gross disease can result in lowered recurrences of disease [1]. Additionally, the pres- ence of microscopic disease at the resection margin did not appear to affect the rate of recurrence. Thus, the current practice is to resect the normal gross margins with a small, 2 cm margin of normal bowel. Strictureplasty Most patients requiring surgery for the treatment of small bowel Crohn’s disease have relatively short segment involvement and thus can be managed with a limited resection. Other patients, however, may have extensive disease that would require lengthy resections and loss of significant portions of their small intestine in order to remove the disease. This is particularly true for patients with extensive Crohn’s disease involving the jejunum and ileum. In order to avoid the severe consequences of lengthy small bowel resection, bowel preserving techniques such as intestinal strictureplasty have been advanced.

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Notice I said wheat sensitivity — this study used capsules of wheat flour as the challenge instead of gluten rheumatoid arthritis x ray findings mnemonic purchase 15mg mobic visa. All participants continued on their usual gluten-free diet during the course of the study and were challenged with either gluten-free or gluten-containing low-FODMAP bread and muffins arthritis in your knee symptoms order generic mobic line. Sapone et al arthritis risk factors generic 15mg mobic amex. 9 described NCGS as an inflammatory condition mostly supported by innate immune mechanisms,” which differentiates it from celiac disease and wheat allergy, and in vitro evidence suggests that other poorly-digested wheat proteins known as amylase-trypsin inhibitors might trigger the innate immune response. A type reminiscent of food allergies — prior history of allergy or concurrent food sensitivities and some immunological markers for celiac disease, but no activation of mucosal basophils by gliadin. In 2011, an international panel of experts defined NCGS as a non-allergic and non-autoimmune condition in which the consumption of gluten can lead to symptoms similar to those seen in celiac disease”. Even though it has been gone over many times, a discussion of the FODMAPs study is still in order — in fact, essential — to appreciate the central importance of the elimination diet in diagnosing a food sensitivity. Proving it wrong will not produce a cure for IBS, a shorter time to a celiac diagnosis, or the correct way to handle potential celiac disease. Proving it wrong will not instantly heal the people who have prescribed themselves a gluten-free diet. Is it a) gluten intolerance b) IBS c) food poisoning d) all of the above? Learn more about gluten intolerance and celiac disease with this quick video quiz. Although most patients decide they feel so much better that they do not re-introduce the foods into their diet. To treat celiac disease, you must remove all sources of gluten from your diet. Most people can have success with healing their gluten intolerance, and if you are suffering from a gluten intolerance and not allergy, then you have a good chance at being able to eat gluten again. Coeliac disease is a common digestive condition where a person has an adverse reaction to gluten. The symptoms of food intolerance tend to come on more slowly, often many hours after eating the problem food. Many people are aware of their triggers for hives, such as eating foods including shrimp or peanuts which cause the allergic reaction within a short time. The destruction of the inner lining of the small intestine in celiac disease is caused by an immunological reaction to gluten, a family of proteins found in wheat, barley, rye, and oats. Tursi A, Brandimarte G, Giorgetti G. High prevalence of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth in celiac patients with persistence of gastrointestinal symptoms after gluten withdrawal. Jafri MR, Nordstrom CW, Murray JA et al. Long-term fracture risk in patients with celiac disease: a population-based study in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Bai JC, Gonzalez D, Mautalen C et al. Long-term effect of gluten restriction on bone mineral density of patients with coeliac disease. Saez LR, Alvarez DF, Martinez IP et al. Refractory iron-deficiency anemia and gluten intolerance—response to gluten-free diet. Biagi F, Bianchi PI, Marchese A et al. A score that verifies adherence to a gluten-free diet: a cross-sectional, multicentre validation in real clinical life. Kurppa K, Lauronen , Collin P et al. Factors associated with dietary adherence in celiac disease: a nationwide study. Silano M, Dessi M, De Vincenzi M et al. In vitro tests indicate that certain varieties of oats may be harmful to patients with coeliac disease. Hogberg L, Laurin P, Falth-Magnusson K et al. Oats to children with newly diagnosed coeliac disease: a randomised double blind study. Kemppainen TA, Heikkinen MT, Ristikankare MK et al. Unkilned and large amounts of oats in the coeliac disease diet: a randomized, controlled study. Sey MS, Parfitt J, Gregor J. Prospective study of clinical and histological safety of pure and uncontaminated Canadian oats in the management of celiac disease. Mora S, Barera G, Beccio S et al. A prospective, longitudinal study of the long-term effect of treatment on bone density in children with celiac disease. McFarlane XA, Bhalla AK, Robertson DA. Effect of a gluten free diet on osteopenia in adults with newly diagnosed coeliac disease. Mustalahti K, Collin P, Sievanen H et al. Osteopenia in patients with clinically silent coeliac disease warrants screening. West J, Logan RF, Card TR et al. Fracture risk in people with celiac disease: a population-based cohort study. Vasquez H, Mazure R, Gonzalez D et al. Risk of fractures in celiac disease patients: a cross-sectional, case-control study.

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