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By: G. Derek, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.
Program Director, East Tennessee State University James H. Quillen College of Medicine
For example treatment esophageal cancer order haldol 10mg otc, residual product may dry and become Temperature control is also important where microbial more difficult to clean medications on carry on luggage cheap 10 mg haldol with amex. As part of the validation of the cleaning method medicine website discount haldol 10mg with amex, the However, elevated temperatures may also promote incu- cleaned surface is sampled for the presence of residues. Sampling should be made by an appropriate method, Temperature uniformity within a mixer should be selected on the basis of factors such as equipment and controlled. For example, representative swab- should consider the complex interaction among vat size, bing of surfaces is often used, especially in areas that are mixer speed, blade design, viscosity of contents, and rate hard to clean or where the residue is relatively insoluble. Where temperature control is critical, use Analysis of rinse solutions for residues has also been of recording thermometers to continuously monitor and shown to be of value where the residue is soluble or document temperature measurements is preferred to fre- difficult to access for direct swabbing. Where temperature control is not useful when there is a direct measurement of the residual critical, it may be adequate to manually monitor and substance. However, it is unacceptable to test rinse solu- document temperatures periodically by use of handheld tions (such as purified water) for conformance to the purity thermometers. This is especially critical where contamination establish appropriate limits on levels of post–equipment- may present direct safety concerns, as with a potent drug cleaning residues. The rationale for residue limits should some equipment, such as mixing vessels, pipes, and plastic be established. Often piping and transfer lines form, it should be recognized that a detected residue level are inaccessible to direct physical cleaning. Some firms may not represent the maximum amount that may be address this problem by dedicating lines and hoses to present. This is particularly true when surface sampling specific products or product classes. The extent of microbiological controls needed for a given Other methods of controlling deionizing systems topical product will depend on the nature of the product, include establishment of water-quality specifications and the use of the product, and the potential hazard to users corresponding action levels, remedial action when micro- posed by microbial contamination. Microbiological Specifications that manufacturers assess the health hazard of all organ- and Test Methods isms isolated from the product. Deionizers tions should cover the total number of organisms permitted, are usually excellent breeding areas for microorganisms. The microbial population tends to increase as the length These specifications must be based on use of specified of time between deionizer service periods increases. Where appropriate, factors that influence microbial growth include flow rates, the specifications should describe action levels where addi- temperature, surface area of resin beds, and, of course, the tional sampling or speciation of organisms is necessary. These factors should Manufacturers must demonstrate that the test methods be considered in assessing the suitability of deionizing and specifications are appropriate for their intended pur- systems where microbial integrity of the product incorpo- pose. Where possible, firms should use methods that iso- rating the purified water is significant. There should be a late and identify organisms that may present a hazard to suitable routine water monitoring program and a program the user under the intended use. Specifically, product quality persement of a cream or ointment on microbial test plates. Unfortunately, resulting in inhibited growth as a result of concentrated such indicators are not triggered by microbial population preservative in the nondispersed inoculate. The spread but, rather, are typically triggered by measures of electrical technique is critical, and the firm should document that the conductivity or resistance. If a unit is infrequently used, personnel performing the technique have been adequately sufficient time could elapse between recharging and san- trained and are capable of performing the task. Validation itizing to allow the microbial population to increase sig- of the spread-plate technique is particularly important nificantly. Preuse validation of deionizing systems used to pro- In assessing the significance of microbial contamina- duce purified water should include consideration of such tion of a topical product, both the identification of the factors as microbial quality of feed water (and residual isolated organisms and the number of organisms found chlorine levels of feed water where applicable), surface are significant. For example, the presence of a high num- area of ion-exchange resin beds, temperature range of ber of organisms may indicate that the manufacturing water during processing, operational range of flow rates, process, component quality, or container integrity may be recirculation systems to minimize intermittent use and low deficient. Although high numbers of nonpathogenic organ- flow, frequency of use, quality of regenerant chemicals, isms may not pose a health hazard, they may affect product and frequency and method of sanitization. Inconsistent A monitoring program used to control deionizing sys- batch-to-batch microbial levels may indicate some process tems should include established water quality and conduc- or control failure in the batch. The batch release evaluation tivity monitoring intervals, measurement of conditions and should extend to both organism identification and numbers quality at significant stages through the deionizer (influent, and, if limits are exceeded, there should be an investiga- postcation, postanion, post–mixed bed, etc. For example, for those products that separate considered in the manufacture and control of a transdermal on standing, there should be data available that show the dosage form, scale-up may be considerably more difficult continued effectiveness of the preservative throughout the than for many other dosage forms.
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The value of unit-based clinical pharmacists has been demonstrated to reduce both potential and actual medi- cation errors symptoms 8dpiui buy haldol american express. Although pediatrics makes up the remaining 5% of healthcare symptoms mold exposure order 5mg haldol overnight delivery, only 1% (75) of the 7000 hospitals in the United States are children’s hospitals treatment 3rd degree burns buy haldol 1.5mg otc. Frequent interruptions, working long or double shifts, excessive noise, and inadequate lighting are but a few of the common hospital environmental factors that can contribute to medication errors. Awareness and continued efforts to minimize the impact of these factors is critical to the prevention of medication errors. Prevention of medication errors should focus on the following basic concepts: 1) enforce standards for prescribing: complete orders; generic names only; no abbreviations for drug names, list of “do not use” abbreviations; 2) standardi- zation where possible: doses; time of administration; storage, packaging, and labeling; dosing of insulin and potassium; use of protocols and storage of poten- tially lethal injectable drugs; 3) unit dose system of drug distribution; 4) simplifi- cation: limit the number of infusion pump types; 5) pharmacy-based admixture of all intravenous (I. Recognize that medication errors are usually system failures and not human errors. Understand which processes are error prone and focus improvement projects in these areas. Know which medications are high alert and put patients at a higher risk, and develop procedures that require extra care to ensure safety. Additional references regarding medication errors in pediatrics and adverse drug event reporting are available in the literature. The complete list of medications is also provided to the patient on discharge from the facility Goal 13 Encourage patients’ active involvement in their own care as a patient safety strategy 13A Define and communicate the means for patients and their families to report concerns regarding safety and encourage them to do so Goal 15 The organization identifies safety risks inherent in it`s patient population 338 R. You administer the right drug, for the right indication, in the right dose, at the right time, and a bad out- come still occurs. Information obtained from research in adults cannot be directly applied to infants and children that may have immature organ systems or different metabolic path- ways. Information regarding a drug’s use in pediatrics is usually not included in the drug’s package insert. Instead, statements similar to the following appear: “not approved for use in children younger than 12 years of age” or “safety and efficacy in children has not been established. Reporting systems must be improved and reporting needs to be mandatory instead of voluntary. With this knowledge, it is hoped that testing can be performed before therapy to avoid treatment tragedies. Medication errors in children: a descriptive summary of medication error reports submitted to the United States Pharmacopeia. The impact of hospital wide com- puterized physician order entry on medical errors in a pediatric hospital. Survey of adverse drug reactions on a pediatric ward: a strategy for early and detailed defection. Topical creams and ointments were limited to topical rather than systemic effects. Dosage forms became more advanced during the 1950s and 1960s; however, drug delivery technology was mainly limited to sustained-release delivery via the oral route. An example of an oral sustained-release formulation from this period is the Spansule capsule technology developed by Smith Kline and French Laboratories. As the pellets travel down the gastrointestinal tract, the coating material dissolves to release the drug. By using a capsule containing pellets incorporating a spectrum of different thickness coatings (and thus dissolution rates), sustained drug release of a given pattern is possible. It was not until the 1970s, with the advent of dedicated drug delivery research companies, that significant advances in drug delivery technology were made. The recognition that specific research had to be undertaken in order to overcome the problems of conventional drug delivery led to the evolution of modern- day pharmaceutical science and technology. The phenomenal advances in the fields of biotechnology and molecular biology gave an additional impetus to drug delivery research in the 1980s and early 1990s. These advances provided large quantities of new biopharmaceuticals, such as peptides, proteins and antisense oligonucleotides, which generally possess inherent disadvantages for drug delivery. Disadvantages include such properties as large molecular size, hydrophilicity and instability, making these “new biotherapeutics” unsuitable for oral delivery. Generally such drugs must be given by the parenteral route, which has many associated disadvantages, as mentioned above. Recent research has been directed towards the use of alternatives to the parenteral route, for drugs (including the “new biotherapeutics”) that cannot be delivered orally.
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However treatment quotes and sayings order haldol 1.5mg fast delivery, it also shows that for drugs like phenytoin in treatment 1 purchase haldol online now, with saturable elimination medicine xl3 purchase genuine haldol on-line, when plasma concentrations are above Km, small dose increases can result in large increases in the steady- state plasma concentration. When clearance changes with plasma concentration, there is no true half-life as with first-order elimination. As clearance changes, the elimination rate changes, as does the time to reach steady state. With high doses and high plasma concentrations (and resulting lower clearance), the time to reach steady state is much longer than with low doses and low plasma concentrations (Figure 10-7). Theoretically, if the dose is greater than Vmax, steady state will never be reached. The Michaelis-Menten equation can be rearranged to provide an equation that estimates the time required (in days) for 90% of the steady-state concentration to be reached (t90%), as shown below (where the dose equals the daily dose): 10-4 From the previous example, when dose = 300 mg/day, Vmax = 700 mg/day, Km = 12 mg/L, and the volume of distribution (V) is estimated to be 50 L: When the dose is increased to 400 mg/day: We can see that as the dose is increased, it takes a longer time to reach steady state, drug continues to accumulate, and the plasma drug concentration continues to rise. Clinical Correlate The t90% equation will only provide a rough estimate of when 90% of steady state has been reached, and its accuracy is dependent on the Km value used. Other ways to check to see if a patient is at steady state are to examine two levels drawn approximately a week apart. Additionally, it is safe to wait at least 2 weeks (and preferably 4 weeks) after beginning or changing a dose before obtaining new steady-state levels. Linear pharmacokinetics means that the plot of plasma drug concentration versus time after a dose is a straight line. When hepatic metabolism becomes saturated, any increase in drug dose will lead to a proportionate increase in the plasma concentration achieved. When the rate of drug elimination proceeds at half the maximum rate, the drug concentration is known as: A. Which of the equations below describes the form of the Michaelis-Menten equation that relates daily drug dose to Vmax, Km, and the steady-state plasma drug concentration? The phenytoin dose is then changed to 400 mg/ day, and 2 months after the dose change the plasma concentration determined just before a dose is 18 mg/L. After the dose of 400 mg/day is begun, how long will it take to reach 90% of the steady-state plasma concentration? Drugs with linear pharmacokinetics may exhibit plasma concentrations versus time plots that are not straight lines, as with multiple-compartment drugs. There will be a disproportionate increase in the plasma concentration achieved because the amount of drug that can be eliminated over time cannot increase. At very low concentrations, drugs are more likely to exhibit first-order kinetics because hepatic enzymes are usually not yet saturated, whereas at higher concentrations, enzymes saturate, making zero-order kinetics more likely. Use dose pairs of 300 and 400 and concentration pairs of 10 and 18 to calculate Km. The steady-state plasma concentration resulting from a daily dose of 500 mg would be estimated from the line equation as follows: Rearranging gives: C, D. When using the t90% equation, examine what happens to t90% when dose greatly exceeds Vmax. Discuss several practical methods to determine when a nonlinear drug has reached steady state. Examine the "time to 90% equation" and note the value of Km that is used in this equation. Substitute several different phenytoin Km values based on a range of population values (i. Based on this observation, what value of Km would you use when trying to approximate the t90% for a newly begun dose of phenytoin? Discuss the patient variables that can affect the pharmacokinetic calculation of a nonlinear drug when using two plasma drug concentrations obtained from two different doses. Write a pharmacy protocol describing an appropriate phenytoin dosing and monitoring service. Explain how the various sources of pharmacokinetic variation affect pharmacokinetic parameters. Describe ways to avoid or minimize errors in the collection and assay of drug samples.